Friday, March 16, 2007

A turkey of a day

While it's become pretty normal around here to see a tom turkey strutting across the field, this morning I looked up and saw an entire flock:

I grabbed the camera and a coat. It was pouring rain and so I stood with the coat hunched over my head, sheilding the camera from the rain, while I tried to take pictures.

A solitary tom bringing up the rear:

The entire flock sashaying up the hillside:

There they go, sneaking past the fence:

The big tom decided to strut his stuff for the ladies:

These guys knew they were no match for the puffed up dude at the front of the flock!


  1. Now I know where the big flock went that my border collie chased last week. They flew all the way to your place!

  2. I've never had the pleasure of seeing a live, wild turkey. Thank you.


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