Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Today I had an interview (for an article I am writing) with an alternative healthcare provider. I did the interview and then asked the provider if she would perform Reiki on me for just a moment so I could see how she did it.

Reiki is energy healing with your hands, for those who don't know, although it is a little more involved than that. I've had a couple of hours of instruction in how to do it and can do it a little but I am not proficient at it. I have found it beneficial in the past when I've allowed someone to do it to me, though.

I wanted to see the difference in her healing and mine and the person I used to see, since that is my only experience with Reiki.

This person told me that I could use my pen as a healing tool. I found this interesting because an online friend said the same thing to me just a couple of days ago. She told me in an instant message that I am kind to people and do more good than I could ever know. It was a nice thing to hear.

The alternative healer also said I have managed to be hidden from the world while in full view and she wondered how I managed to do that and write for the newspaper. That is easily answered - no one is more invisible - and so highly visible - than the news reporter who stands behind a notebook and/or camera and watches and records. If you don't speak people pretty soon forget you're there. People remember the history, they don't remember who writes it, but they wouldn't have it to remember without the writer.

Another curious thing was she stopped at my stomach, puzzling over the energy she felt there. The other Reiki professional whom I saw over a year ago now also found issues with that particular area of my body. I have always attributed it to my hysterectomy but I am not entirely sure that is the answer. This person said it felt like my energy just stopped at my pelvis and went no further. She said it felt empty. Not too different from what I've been told in the past, actually.

After the Reiki, I felt a little dizzy and for a couple of hours afterward I felt not quite right. Not bad, but there was an obvious shifting of my energy. I usually feel a little weird for 24 hours after acupuncture or Reiki or anything else that causes an energy shift. I cannot attribute that to the person I saw today, knowing as I do that I always experience weird things from these alternative healing efforts.

I may make an appointment to work with this person. But I have to write the article first.

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