We have weathered house construction, infertility, illnesses, job issues, family problems, and deaths. We have celebrated many good times, loved passionately, and been best friends. He is a blessing to me and a wonderful life partner. He has flaws like anyone, but I am thankful that I can overlook them and see what a unique and wonderful human being he is. He is my life, and I can say that without equivocation.
So without further ado, here are 23 reasons why I love my husband:
1) He loves me unconditionally. He shows me this every day, from the time he kisses me good morning until the time we kiss goodnight.
2) He is a good bed warmer and I love snuggling against him when it is cold.
3) He has large hands that cover mine completely. His hands hold me up without every faltering.
4) He says "I love you" with amazing regularity.
5) He picks up his socks.
6) When I am sick, he tells me to go to bed and rest.
7) He never forgets a birthday or anniversary.
8) He notices when I get a haircut.
9) His lips are warm and moist.
10) He likes to do manly things, like hunt, but he also doesn't mind using a vacuum.
11) He fixes very good cole slaw.
12) When we go out in the car, he will let me drive.
13) He never says anything to me about my weight.
14) When I am sad, he holds me until I feel better.
15) When I am happy, he laughs with me.
16) He laughs at me when I am being silly.
17) He is good with our nephews.
18) He is a good provider.
19) He loves the earth.
20) He is not only my hero, but he is A hero. He is a firefighter. And he looks darned fine in his uniform.
21) He built our house with his two bare hands.
22) He leaves me alone if I need to be alone, and he acknowledges my need for friends. He gives me my space.
23) He has this many great things I can say about him, and I'm nowhere near done.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate your serenity comments...
ReplyDeleteYou're a lucky woman. He's a lucky man.
ReplyDeletePerhaps, the next time around, I'll get lucky too.