Last night I again had chest pains, and I was up most of the night. This time I did not go to the E.R., as I didn't see much point in it.
I won't say I am not worried because I am. I have some risk factors for this chest pain to be heart-related.
My acupuncturist, whom I saw today, said not to worry, though my heart meridian was definitely out of sorts. In Chinese Medicine, the heart is not the heart organ, but the heart energy, and mine has always been out of whack.
I won't say I am not worried because I am. I have some risk factors for this chest pain to be heart-related.
My acupuncturist, whom I saw today, said not to worry, though my heart meridian was definitely out of sorts. In Chinese Medicine, the heart is not the heart organ, but the heart energy, and mine has always been out of whack.
Acupuncture Today talks here about the heart in Chinese medicine.
My heart energy never received what it needed to be strong when I was young, and I still struggle to give it what it requires to be healthy to this day.
During the two years I have been seeing a Chinese Medicine practitioner, I have been touched by the language and the emotional quality of the care. My two practitioners have at times astounded me with great insights; the caregiver I am seeing now read my life back to me over the phone one night after only seeing me one time.
My heart stays lonely even though I am today well-loved. But my heart stays hidden so safely inside me, no wonder the darned thing is ill.
I hope all is well now. If you go to my sidebar "wellness management" and scroll down a little, you'll see I have a long history with using a Chinese Medicine Practioner too. We have a great one here in Floyd.