Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

1. Whatever happened to hickeys? You know, those dark spots that used to appear on the necks of young men and women. It was all the rage when I was in high school for the kids to have a hickey to prove they were doing a lot of necking and stuff in the back seat of cars. But no one ever talks about them anymore.

2. Whatever happened to ring around the collar? Did it just disappear? Did men stop sweating around their neck in their shirts? Or is it because we have a more casual dress code now?

3. Whatever happened to the important question of "Where's the beef?" Shouldn't we be asking this now, especially since a thing of beef on a fast-food hamburger is about as thick as a potato chip?

4. Where did the pet rocks go? Did they all run away?

5. Whatever happened to clogs? They were big clunky shoes that girls wore in the 1970s. I had a pair and nearly broke my neck on those things.

6. And why did the clothes makers do away with bell bottom jeans?

7. What happened to acid rain?

8. Why do they no longer show cartoons on Saturday mornings? Is it because we have cartoon networks that show cartoons all the time? But today's cartoons are kind of blech. :-)

9. Do they still make tube socks?

10. Do people still hitchhike? Or ride on trains as hobos?

11. What happened to the smallpox vaccine scars that we all had when we were younger?

12. Why did they do away with Schoolhouse Rock?

13. Lastly, how does Superman change his clothes now that all of the telephone booths are gone?


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 868th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. Great last line especially. I think we got hickeys for shock and to advertise a coupling. I don't think they happened naturally, unless you were dating a vampire!

  2. 5. Have you seen Crocs? Or some of the shoes the kiddos wear nowadays? Similar vibe.

    9. Yes.

    10. I think people stopped hitchhiking when we heard about all the awful stuff some people did to the hitchhikers they picked up. We're way too scared of people nowadays.

    11. By the time I was old enough for the vaccine, they had changed how they administered it, so it no longer required that scar.

  3. I believe what you consider clogs are making a comeback among young women with strong ankles and good balance. They're called "platform clogs" now. I know Fruit of the Loom still makes old-school men's tube socks for work. I never cared for bell bottoms because they got caught in the spokes of my bike (<<< and indicator of how old I was when they were popular).

  4. i have a post like this in my drafts for so long.. unanswered questions :) maybe superman hunts for the few booths on display before changing which is bound to cause issues and delays in doing his super-job!!
    <a href="“>My post is here</a>


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