Friday, December 29, 2006

The shape of 2007

Sunset, December 28, 2006
So, here is how 2007 is shaping up:
1) We have to complete renovations on the old house my mother left me and find a new tenant. Most of this is falling on my husband. The stress of it reverbrates off our relationship, however.
2) One of my old clients, an elderly man writing a WWII book, has contacted me about assistance. I will see what he wants early in the year. I don't expect it to be a lengthy assignment but whatever it is, he generally pays well.
3) My fiction writing is suffering terribly. I would really like to finish writing a book of some kind before the end of the year. Or a short story. Anything would be welcome at this point.
4) I so far have no plans to return to Hollins University to continue working on my Master's Degree. I need four classes and a thesis to finish. I also need thousands of dollars. Perhaps by summer. Or maybe the fall. What's another year in a lot of years, anyway?
5) Aside from not biting my nails, my other resolutions include weight loss (who does not have that as a resolution?), eating healthy, and building on my exercise program. The eating healthy includes not eating wheat, oats or milk products, all of which contribute to my allergy issues, and adding more root-type vegetables to my diet. The exercise includes the 20-40 minutes I do every morning and adding another 15-20 minutes (or more) in the evening. Of course, all of this hopefully will contribute to the weight loss.
6) I have so far not set goals for my career this year. I need to do this so I will have something to aim for. It could be writing more articles, adding markets, or focusing on something else, like the novel. But whatever it is, I need to take it seriously and not let it slide by me. So I am giving this one a lot of thought. Maybe I should take an online writer's course with a goal of having a completed something or another when I'm done.
7) The bathroom needs to be painted in our house. Also, in the kitchen, wallpaper needs to be removed and then some painting done on two walls. If I can get that accomplished, our house should not need much attention for a few years, as far as such things go, unless another Dr. Pepper bottle explodes in the kitchen.
8) I would like to plant a bigger garden. I'm not sure I want to can or put up pickles, but it would be nice to have the option because of an abundance of vegetables.
9) I also want to plant fruit trees and start an orchard. I think that has to wait until next fall, now, though. This is something I need to look into.
10) I am building a website for my husband, called Septic Tank Advisor. He installs septic tanks as his third job. I need to finish this as quickly as I can. It is very much a work in progress.
11) If I do okay with the septic website, I want to see about building a website for myself.
12) I would like to find a way to ease some of my husband's burdens. Aside from magically making more money to help out with the bills, I don't know of any thing else to do. Of course, most of what I see as a burden, in particular the farm work, are the things he loves to do so he doesn't seem them in the same light. I just wish he wouldn't work so hard.


  1. What wonderful pics you've been posting! I think you ought to look farther into photo journalism. The sunset is so beautiful, and reminds me of the winter sunsets right here in my own mountain aerie. You sure measure up to some of the photogs at our paper, and most of them are pretty good!

  2. Thanks for the compliment. That is very kind of you.


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