Saturday, April 11, 2020

Saturday 9: Easter Bunny Bop

Saturday 9: The Easter Bunny Bop (2015)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This song encourages little ones to celebrate Easter by doing a little dance. Do you feel like dancing this morning?

A. Not really, no.

2) Everyone in this video is wearing bunny ears. Target, Amazon and other retailers sell bunny ear headbands sized for adults and priced at about $5. Will you be wearing bunny ears, or perhaps a more conventional chapeau, this weekend? Or, because of the corona virus, will your Easter attire be the same as any other day?

A. It will be the same as any other day.

3) This week's featured artists, The Bounce Patrol Kids, are a children's entertainment juggernaut: CDs, DVDs, downloads, and t-shirts. Additionally, they often update their YouTube channel because they want children the world over to have access to their upbeat, energetic songs for free. Besides the Bounce Patrol, what's the last YouTube video you watched?

A. I think it was a video on how to do stretches for plantar fasciitis.

4) According to Forbes magazine, the average American household spends $20.66 on candy each Easter. Will you be consuming candy this weekend?

A. Probably not Easter candy. No one will be out to purchase any.

5) The biggest chocolate Easter egg was made in Italy, measured 34 feet tall and weighed a staggering 15,000 lbs. Do you thinks it's possible to have too much chocolate?

A. I'm sure it is, but I have not yet hit my limit.

6) After chocolate, the top-selling Easter candy is Peeps Marshmallow Chicks. They're so popular that, in 2018, they were the subject of a Jeopardy clue. Do you often watch Jeopardy?

A. We watch it frequently, and play it on Alexa almost every night.

7) Jelly beans are also popular this time of year. In a 2019 poll, jelly bean fans responded that Jelly Belly Buttered Popcorn is their favorite flavor. Sam is crazy about cherry. Do you have a favorite?

A. I don't like jelly beans at all.

8) We've been talking a lot about sweets this morning. The only holiday that generates more candy sales is Halloween. When do you eat more candy: Easter or Halloween?

A. Probably Halloween. I used to really like Cadbury Eggs but they aren't as good as they used to be.

9) Easter is considered the season of rebirth. What makes you feel refreshed or rejuvenated?

A. A nap, a laugh with a friend, or a change of pace.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Thursday, April 09, 2020

Thursday Thirteen

Pictures from past Aprils - and one from today.

This tom turkey was out front this morning. The wind kept ruffling his feathers (2020)

A redbud from 2019

A dogwood from 2019. They are not yet in full bloom.

A cardinal from 2018.

A newborn calf in 2017.

A bucolic setting in 2016. The tree to the left is no longer standing; it's an ash that the emerald ash borer killed. We had to cut it down.

A white squirrel from 2015.

A pileated woodpecker from 2014.

Forsythia from 2014. It's already bloomed out and gone this year.

The hayfield full of mustard grass, 2014.


Canadian Geese on the pond, 2014.


We had a little snow on April 4, 2013. The blue spruce in the foreground is another tree that died last year.


A large area of trillium, 2012. The landowner cut trees later that year and the trillium has died out.
Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 651st time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, April 08, 2020

The Orange Lamp

I've been watching Melissa Etheridge play live on Facebook (6 p.m. EST) for about 10 days now. She gives a four-song concert every evening. She talks about how she wrote the song, plays hot guitar licks, throws in a day on the piano, and talks about taking care of ourselves during this time of weirdness. She advises us to drink water, take walks, be kind and fill the universe with love.

Hey, that's a message that I can get into. It's like stepping into her secret room and learning a lot about her. How very kind of her to do this for her fans during these difficult days.

Her concerts are taped in what looks like a little shrine room, where she has a chair, her Grammy statue, things she's been given or whatever that has to do with her career.

Beside the chair, is a lamp. Its shade is orange and fringed.

Melissa's orange lamp.

From the first concert, I have stared at this lamp when I wasn't watching Melissa play on the guitar. I swear my mother bought a lamp just like this one when we went to California in 1976.

We were on a family adventure, complete with extended family that included my grandmother and two young uncles plus the four of us, taking a cross-country tour to California. We were in a big van of some kind; my mother said it drove like a bus.

Anyway, in San Jose, I think it was, there was a huge flea market. Stuff everywhere. My mother decided she had to have this lamp.

We had to sit with the lamp and nurse it all the way back to Virginia, trying desperately hard not to break it.

Having succeeded in getting it back home safely, my mother put the lamp in the formal living room.

I hadn't thought of it in years, but seeing it in Melissa's room has had me wondering what became of this lamp.

My brother told me in a text that it was destroyed in a house fire that occurred in my parents' home in 1989. I was married and out of the house by then, and my mother insisted that only she and the ServPro people could clean her stuff, so I have no real notion as to what was and wasn't destroyed when the roof of the house burned off following a lightning strike.

But I guess that is what happened to the orange lamp.

(I never did like it; orange is not my color.)

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

The Pink Moon

The moonset was about 6:45 a.m. this morning, give or take a few minutes. I was still in bed when I glanced out and saw it heading down toward the mountain. I jumped up, grabbed my camera and tripod, and out the front door I went. Most of my shots were blurry (no food in my system yet), but these two turned out well.

This is another so-called super moon. It certainly has been bright the last few nights.

Monday, April 06, 2020

Pandemic Monday - Day 23

No reason to write a daily update of our lives as we live at home, doing  . . . whatever it is we're doing. Things are happening and changes are occurring, but at the moment I'm not free to write of them.

Stay tuned.

What I can write about is a little weekly diary of how I am feeling about this pandemic, and how we're managing. As a long-time married couple with no children, we mostly have only ourselves to rely upon. Fortunately, we do have family close by - I have a brother who has called frequently, bless his heart, and my father and I have talked some, and my husband has checked on neighbors and his mother. We're not exactly sequestered in silence up here on our little knoll.

That doesn't mean I don't want to get out of the house. My outings previously were limited mostly to trips to the grocery store, the chiropractor, and Walmart, but at least I got out. Now, I go nowhere except on short drives "around the block" which here is an hour's ride because we don't have blocks but eventually you loop back to where you started.

My husband insists on doing the grocery shopping. Because I tend to catch everything, he doesn't want me out of the house.

When things come in the house, they either sit in the sun or are sprayed with Lysol or wiped down with a Clorox wipe. He takes a shower every time he leaves our property and comes back. I stay six feet away from him until he's clean. I wear gloves to handle food until it's all been washed and put away.

I freeze grapes. I used to not do that, they'd go bad faster than I could eat them, but now I am immediately taking half of them and putting them in the freezer. I also froze a half-gallon of milk so I would have milk here if I needed it for recipes. I put two cups each into smaller containers and froze those. I mean, you never know when you may need two cups of milk.

Spring is bursting out all over the place. The grass is green and the cows no longer need to be fed - they ignore the hay in favor of the new grass. The blackberry brambles have leaves. The oak trees have growths of green. The redbuds have been beautiful this year. The dogwoods are starting to bloom.

The deer and turkey have been roaming around the house, unfazed by our continued presence. Sometimes it seems like we're the ones in the zoo and they're the ones looking in.

Around 4 a.m. this morning I woke to a bright shining Strawberry moon, not quite full, as it sent moonbeams sliding into my window. A cloud soon covered it and I went back to sleep.

I tire easily these days. I don't know if it is the atmosphere, the constant drumbeat of "something is wrong," or simply my age, but I feel worn out by the time afternoon reaches its zenith. I don't nap, though, because I don't sleep at night if I sleep in the day.

That constant hum of "all is not well" has become a monotonous drone in the background, rather like the chatter of locust in summer when they come out, or maybe it's like tinnitus, which I have and which frequently sounds like a high-pitched squeal. But now there's a low frequency background,  one not of my own making, resounding in my heart. Drums beating out an unspeakable message: stay home, stay home, stay home.

As an introvert, staying home is not awful. I like to be at home. What's got me bumfuzzled is my changing routine. I had a routine and then my husband had his ankle surgery. That changed my routine significantly. Now he is up and about, and my routine is not yet back into something recognizable. Because now I have to spend much time wiping down doorknobs and wiping off the groceries and worrying over him if I know he is out beyond the boundaries of our farm. I do more laundry. That constant hum of "all is not well" overlays everything, and I can't think clearly, and my focus is that of a butterfly, flitting from flower to flower and never quite landing safely.

So this is the Pandemic Monday notation. It's a partly cloudy day, though we've had a sprinkle of rain. And my routine will once again be interrupted today, because I'm off to watch my governor update us on the latest number of deaths and positive cases, and see what else the officials advise.

Be well, be safe, stay healthy, stay inside, dear reader. Take care of yourselves as best you can.

Sunday, April 05, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. Name a highlight of your day.

A. So far today, it has been a ride around the block in the car. Of course, a "block" here is miles and miles.

2. What made you smile today?

A. Nothing much so far.

3. What made you laugh today?

A. A running joke I have with my husband about nasal spray. You'd have to live here to understand it.

4. Recall a time when you needed encouragement.

A. Way back in 1985, as I was trying to figure out what to do with my life (a task I have yet to complete, apparently), I was encouraged to apply for and attend Hollins College (now Hollins University) in order to obtain my bachelors and focus on writing. The encouragers were my professors at the community college and a couple of friends.

5. What is a luxury you are thankful for?

A. At the moment, being able to go to the grocery store feels like a luxury.

6. Favorite childhood memory.

A. I don't have a favorite one. I remember though that there was an abandoned house up the street from my grandmother's house, and my brother and my two young uncles (one a year younger than I, the other four years older than I), along with myself, would ride our bikes there and then dare one another to go look in the windows.

7. Favorite song–and why?

A. I don't have a favorite song, but I like most songs by the Eagles. They have nice melodies, are fairly easy to play on the guitar, and I like their harmonies.

8. Where is your favorite place?  Why?

A. My favorite place is my home, because it is where I belong and where I seek shelter from the storms of every day life.

9. What is your favorite scent?

A. The smell of Nestle's Original Toll House Cookies baking.

10. What is your favorite topic to talk about?

A. Everyone's favorite topic is themselves. However, I also like to talk about writing, music, books, video games, nature, politics, and many other topics. I'm widely read and I know a lot of stuff.

11. What do you like doing so much that you lose track of time?

A. Write or read.

12. If you had 5 minutes and the whole world was forced to listen, what would you say?

A. Get over yourselves and think about other people. Go read the New Testament and forget about the Old Testament if you want to live a Christian life. Otherwise, just be a good, decent person. That doesn't take five minutes but it sums up everything wrong with the world.

13. Whose life do you envy the most, and why?

A. I don't envy anyone's life. I admire some folks who have more talent than I, but I don't actually envy anyone.

14. What would you do differently with your education if you got a chance to start over?

A. I'd go for the bachelors at 18 instead of 24.

15. What would you do with your life if you had no fear?
A. I have a hard time imagining that, no fear. Actually I don't think I can.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, April 04, 2020

Saturday 9: Could've Been

Saturday 9: Could've Been (1987)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This wistful song is about a love affair that ended. What song reminds you of a long-ago love?

A. I can't think of one. "Longer Than," by Dan Folgerberg, is the song I share with my husband.

2) It was written by Lois Blaisch, a singer-songwriter who performs at clubs around Los Angeles and has sung outdoors at Disneyland. Would you prefer to attend a concert indoors, or outside under the stars?

A. Indoors, but only because of my allergies, and even indoors is bad because everyone wears perform or Axe deodorant.

3) This week's featured artist, Tiffany, appeared on the TV talent show Star Search when she was just 14. She came in second. Though she was disappointed, she admits she learned from it. She studied the singer who won and says it made her a better performer. Can you recall a time when you weathered a tough time and came through stronger?

A. When my husband I were attempting to have children, I went through many surgeries and a lot of agony and tears. It took years but in the end I think I am stronger for having suffered through all of that. However, it is not something I would wish on anyone.

4) Early in her career, she toured Alaska, opening for country legend George Jones. Have you ever visited our 50th state?

A. I have not.

5) Tiffany provided the voice of Judy Jetson in 1990's Jetsons: The Movie. Which cartoon did you enjoy more: the space-age Jetsons or the pre-historic Flintstones?

A. I like them both.

6) In 2007, she appeared on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club and lost 28 lbs. Are you making an effort to stay fit during this stay-at-home period?

A. Not exactly.

7) In 1987, when this song was popular, Aretha Franklin became the first woman inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. What's your favorite Aretha song?


8) Also in 1987, third-generation race car driver Marco Andretti was born. Are you a race fan?

A. My husband is a racing fan, which makes me one by default. He is more into NASCAR, though.

9) Random question: Do you find it easy to sit still, or are you fidgety?

A. It depends on what I'm doing. If I am reading a book, I can be very still. If I am trying to work on the bookkeeping for the farm or my writing business, I am fidgety because I don't like doing it.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Friday, April 03, 2020

For the Record

I took this from a Facebook post on The Atlantic page. I want to remember this, so I am posting it here.
Facts. For the record:
Dec 18th - House Impeaches Trump
Jan 8th - First CDC warning

Jan 9th - Trump campaign rally
Jan 14th - Trump campaign rally
Jan 16th - House sends impeachment articles to Senate
Jan 18th - Trump golfs
Jan 19th - Trump golfs
Jan 20th - first case of corona virus in the US, Washington State.
Jan 22nd - “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.”
Jan 28th - Trump campaign rally
Jan 30th - Trump campaign rally
Feb 1st - Trump golfs
Feb 2nd - “We pretty much shut it down coming in from China."
Feb 5th - Senate votes to acquit. Then takes a five-day weekend.
Feb 10th - Trump campaign rally
Feb 12th - Dow Jones closes at an all time high of 29,551.42
Feb 15h - Trump golfs
Feb 19th - Trump campaign rally
Feb 20th - Trump campaign rally
Feb 21st - Trump campaign rally
Feb 24th - “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA… Stock Market starting to look very good to me!”
Feb 25h - “CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus.”
Feb 25th - “I think that's a problem that’s going to go away… They have studied it. They know very much. In fact, we’re very close to a vaccine.”
Feb 26th - “The 15 (cases in the US) within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero.”
Feb 26th - “We're going very substantially down, not up.” Also "This is a flu. This is like a flu"; "Now, you treat this like a flu"; "It's a little like the regular flu that we have flu shots for. And we'll essentially have a flu shot for this in a fairly quick manner."
February 27th: “One day it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”
Feb 28th - “We're ordering a lot of supplies. We're ordering a lot of, uh, elements that frankly we wouldn't be ordering unless it was something like this. But we're ordering a lot of different elements of medical.”
Feb 28th - Trump campaign rally
March 2nd - “You take a solid flu vaccine, you don't think that could have an impact, or much of an impact, on corona?”
March 2nd - “A lot of things are happening, a lot of very exciting things are happening and they’re happening very rapidly.”
March 4th: “If we have thousands or hundreds of thousands of people that get better just by, you know, sitting around and even going to work — some of them go to work, but they get better.”
March 5th - “I NEVER said people that are feeling sick should go to work.”
March 5th - “The United States… has, as of now, only 129 cases… and 11 deaths. We are working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”
March 6th - “I think we’re doing a really good job in this country at keeping it down… a tremendous job at keeping it down.”
March 6th - “Anybody right now, and yesterday, anybody that needs a test gets a test. They’re there. And the tests are beautiful…. the tests are all perfect like the letter was perfect. The transcription was perfect. Right? This was not as perfect as that but pretty good.”
March 6th - “I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it… Every one of these doctors said, ‘How do you know so much about this?’ Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president.”
March 6th - “I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault.”
March 7th - Trump golfs
March 8th - Trump golfs
March 8th - “We have a perfectly coordinated and fine tuned plan at the White House for our attack on CoronaVirus.”
March 9th - “This blindsided the world.”
March 13th - [Declared state of emergency]
March 17th - “This is a pandemic,” Mr. Trump told reporters. “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
March 18th - "It’s not racist at all. No. Not at all. It comes from China. That’s why. It comes from China. I want to be accurate."
March 23th- Dow Jones closes at 18,591.93
March 25th - 3.3 million Americans file for unemployment.
March 30th - Dow Jones closes at 21,917.16
April 2nd - 6.6 million Americans file for unemployment.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

Thursday Thirteen

This is my 650th Thursday Thirteen in a row. That means I've been doing this every week for 12.5 years. I don't think I've missed a single week.

Such milestones should be marked with special notations, but all I can think about is how things have changed since the middle of March. This is because of a new virus called Covid-19. The virus has never before been seen in humans, and so we have no immunity to it. It has the capability to kill at least 3% or more of the population while sickening another 70%. In my county, that means about 1,000 people would die and another 23,100 people would be ill. Normally, about 325 people in Botetourt County die each year. So the death toll would triple.

These are things I want to remember about this time:

1. The children are not in school, and parents are home trying to teach when they have no clue how to parent, much less teach.

2. Restaurants are shuttered or are offering "curbside pickup" or delivery for take out. That's every single restaurant in the state, and many throughout the nation.

3. Many other businesses considered "non-essential" are closed or shuttered.

4. People have been told to stay home and not go to work, not to shop, not to be around anyone else.

5. "Social distancing" is the new buzzword. (I personally prefer "physical distancing" because I think "social distancing" has implications that are mentally unhealthy.)

6. Gasoline is down to about $1.60 a gallon, the lowest price it has been in years, but there are few cars on the road because people are not traveling.

7. Gatherings of less than 10 people are ok: more than that, and you're committing a Class 1 misdemeanor in my state.

8. Parks, hiking trails, etc., have closed because people apparently can't keep figure out what "stay six feet away from other people" means.

9. A shortage of critical and necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) is creating issues in large cities due to the Covid-19 crisis.

10. We are watching daily press rallies from #45, and near-daily press conferences from the Virginia governor.

11. People who are cautious are shopping in masks and gloves. Others, who are idiots, are going along as if this is nothing, bumping up against people and some really, really stupid people have been licking toilet seats to prove how stupid they are. Part of me hopes the idiots are right and this does turn out to be "nothing," but they are not right, as the body bag counts in larger communities indicate.

12. Panic buying means no toilet paper or cleaning products, even now, though it has been several weeks since this became a crisis here in the United States.

13. If anything, this proves to me the need for a cohesive, strong unified nation, and a federal government with strength and oversight that regulates well and thoughtfully. Unfortunately, we do not have that at the moment.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 650th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Spring Photos 2020

Monday, March 30, 2020

Pandemic 2020 - Day 18

It was a Friday the 13th when the United States stood still - and the toilet paper disappeared.

That day in March of 2020, the public realized that we aren't immune to things that affect the rest of the world, and the race to the grocery stores left everyone stunned and frightened.

Essential supplies vanished overnight.

Here at the ol' farm, I'd been stocking up a little bit at a time for about two months, picking up an extra can of soup and such here and there. We have always had plenty of toilet paper, a habit I apparently inherited from my grandmother. It's a staple we have always purchased in bulk and in multiples of that.

What I miss the most is the fresh food - and getting out of the house once a week or so for a tour around the grocery aisles. I have not been in a store since the 13th, as I have asthma and my husband believes that he has a stronger immune system than I do, even though he is older.

I've had a few Sunday drives with him, but mostly I've stayed home. It rained most of March, so the weather was dour and glum. This did nothing to help the situation. On warmer days I tried to get outside a little, wearing a dust mask because I am allergic to everything and the pollen has been high. I also was sick for two weeks with something - not Covid-19 - I had a little sore throat and laryngitis but ran no fever. It is another reason for my husband's insistence I stay home, though.

My hair is growing by leaps and bounds, and a week ago I took the scissors to my bangs. Unfortunately, I wear progressive lenses, and I can't see a thing without them, but I can't cut my hair with my specs on. The cut was too high and crooked, but the hair is out of my eyes for the time being. I discovered one needs a very sharp pair of scissors for hair cutting. Mine were incredibly dull. I thought about ordering a pair but apparently so has everyone else, as all but the very expensive hair cutting scissors were out of stock.

Oh well.

I still talk to my friends on the phone, and we text and email. Aside from my trips to the chiropractor and the grocery store, little has changed except for this general uneasiness that has gripped me. I've had vivid dreams and nightmares, and I've noticed it is difficult to concentrate. As much as I'd like to start a new project, I'm not sure now is the time to do it.

We did have one issue come up this weekend - the mattress on the bed has developed a failure on one side. The mattress is still under warranty but it will be some time before we can attend to this matter. For one thing, I don't want strange people in my home right now and for another I don't think any of the mattress stores are open.

Today, Governor Ralph Northam initiated executive order no. 55, which tells us to shelter-in-place. We are only to leave our homes for food, medicine, and fresh air/exercise.

That's a rather clinical assessment of the last 18 days, I think. Perhaps I will get more into the emotional toll at another time.

For now, I simply wanted to make a note of this strange and unprecedented time in my blog.

Be well, dear reader, and may the universe look after you.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Stealing

Sunday Stealing

1. If there's a personal god, what quality would you most like that person to have (and why)?

A. Empathy. If a god has no empathy, how can she have compassion, love, understanding, and comprehension  of the human condition?

2. What's your death-row meal?

A. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing, chocolate milk, a chocolate candy bar, and a banana.

3. Assuming we make it through this outbreak with minimal loss of life, what do you think our big takeaway should be?

A. That we are all one world and that there is no "us" versus "them" except in our own minds. Being prepared for eventualities is not a waste of time or money. Human lives are worth more than economic prosperity.

4. Whom do you find yourself missing more than you would've predicted?

A. No one, really. I stay alone except for my husband most of the time anyway, and the people I do interact with are generally still available to me via the usual methods - Facebook, the telephone, and text.

5. What brings you the most joy? Not happiness, not contentment -- JOY.

A. Being completely immersed in something to the point of forgetting about everything else.

6. Do you find yourself regretting anything you've said or done on social media?

A. No. I am particular about what I put on social media.

7. What are your favorite and least favorite things about your body and face?

A. Isn't my face part of my body? Odd phrasing. My least favorite thing about my body is my fat, and my least favorite thing about my face is my right eye, which sometimes droops. My favorite thing about my body is my hands, without which I would not get much done, and my favorite thing about my face is my eyes, without which I could not see. Plus they're a nice hazel and they change colors depending on my clothes.

8. What are your favorite and least favorite things about your life?

A. My favorite thing about my life is my creativity, and my least favorite thing about my life would be that I am alone too much.

9. How's the self-isolation affecting your libido?

A. That's just too personal a question to answer.

10. Which three places in the physical universe would you most like to visit?

A.  (1) An M class planet in a galaxy far, far away (2) the sun, and (3) New Zealand.

11. On whom did you have a crush years ago? Have you ever told them?

A. I can't recall having a crush on anyone long ago. I'm 56 years old and any crush I would have had would have occurred when I was a teenager and long before I met my husband of 37 years.

12. How have your religious views changed since you were in high school?

A. I wasn't religious, then I was, now I'm not. Now I'm spiritual, not religious.

13. If you could change one law, what would it be?

A. I would put term limits on federal House and Senate seat holders.

14. If you could add one commandment to the original ten, what would it be?

A. All people are created equal and women are people.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday 9: Somebody's Fool

Saturday 9: Everybody's Somebody's Fool (1960)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

None of this week's questions mention the corona virus. However, if you want to share how you're feeling about Covid-19 at this extraordinary time, please feel free to do so. You can share in the comments if you are so inclined. We need to support each other as best we can.

1) Next Wednesday is April Fool's Day. Do you have any pranks planned? Do you expect to fall victim to any April Fool's Day mischief?

A. No. I seldom do and this year things are so crazy we don't need any April Fool's mischief.

2) When she was a kid, Crazy Sam would fool her mom by putting bubble wrap under the bath mat so there would be a POP! when her mother stepped on it. When you encounter bubble wrap, do you always indulge in a pop or two?

A. Yes. It is rather hard to resist. That was pretty clever, putting it under the bath mat.

3) While we're using this song to celebrate April Fool's Day, it was written about another subject entirely: heartbreak. The lyrics tell us that at some point, we each get our hearts broken by someone who doesn't love us as much as we love them. Do you think that's true?

A. Yes. It doesn't have to be a lover, either. It can be a friend, parent, sibling, grandparent - pretty much anyone. Emotions wax and wane and I think most relationships have periods where one person is more loving or lovable than the other.

4) In 1962, this week's featured Connie Francis published a book aimed at teens called For Every Young Heart. It addressed topics like going steady and schoolwork vs. social life. Do you ever read advice columns or self-help books?

A. Yes. I read Dear Annie in the paper and I have read many self-help books over the years.

5) Connie Francis can play the accordion. Sam hasnever met anyone adept at this complicated instrument -- not even in her high school band. What about you? Do you play the accordion, or do you know anyone who can?

A. I have played the accordion though it was a long time ago. Apparently one of my friends has picked it back up and is sitting on her front porch relearning it during our physical distancing time.

6) In 1960, when this record was popular, Harper Lee's classic To Kill a Mockingbird was published. Have you read it?

A. Yes.

7) Also in 1960, one of Life magazine's best-selling issues had Sophia Loren on the cover. At that time, she was an international film star and considered one of the world's most beautiful women. Who do you consider one of 2020's most beautiful women?

A. I have absolutely no idea. I'll go with Gal Gadot because she plays Wonder Woman and the second movie is supposed to come out in June. I suppose that will depend upon whether or not the theaters are open by then.

8) A 1960 issue of Vogue acknowledged how expensive it had become to maintain a fashionable wardrobe and asked, "If you were to buy only one thing, what would it be?" If it's good enough for Vogue, it's good enough for Saturday 9: If you could purchase only one new article of clothing for spring 2020, what would you buy?

A. A really good pair of sneakers.

9) Random question: When someone makes you really angry, are you more likely to respond with stony silence or a big noise?

A. I tend initially to be silent but then have a long build up and explode, leaving the subject of my ire wondering what the heck happened because he or she is clueless.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.  (#330)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Thursday Thirteen

In these days and hours of fury, when we're all trying hard to get along, I thought I might offer up some things I learned from having my husband home for months while he recuperated from surgery.

It was a huge change to our schedule - my schedule - so it took some adapting.

1. Find your own space. If you are a homemaker, for example, find a room or corner or couch or whatever to call your own.

2. If you had a home routine, try to stick to it. If you normally rose at 6 a.m., continue to do that. It helps to keep the rhythm the same if you can.

3. If you are married, learn to be friends again. I am amazed at how many of my married friends are not actually friends with one another.

4. Board games can be very helpful in passing the time.

5. Learn to shut the doors. If one person keeps the TV on all the time, shut the door and drown it out with music. Headphones are also useful.

6. Try to do some things together, like gardening or walks in the woods. While you're out and about, revisit old goals if you've been together a long time. What haven't you done that you can work toward together?

7. Create a key word that means all conversation and everything else must stop if one of you say it. This is a safety word that means, "I'm uncomfortable, things are getting out of hand." Make it a funny word and not something you would normally use. Our key word is "Hassenpfeffer" which reminds us both of a Bugs Bunny skit. Your key word could be anything, even a made-up word. The important thing is that you both honor the "total stop" when one of you says it.

8. If you clean and you're particular about it, do it yourself and don't ask for help. If the other spouse offers to help, give him or her some other chore than the one you're performing. Housework is never-ending and there are always drawers to clean out and straighten, trash to pick up or carry out, cabinets to wipe down. Don't turn down help, just turn it into something else other than what you're doing, unless what you're doing is a two-person job. (And don't complain about how the person does the other assignment, either.)

9. You don't have to spend every minute together simply because you're stuck at home with one another. Give each other space. Let the other person go read a book or watch TV. We all need our personal time.

10. Try not to argue over money. That might become difficult in the days ahead, but remember your relationship is ultimately the most important thing. Try to compromise on priority spending.

11. Let the other person take over a few chores he or she doesn't normally do. Maybe switch off so that one cooks while the other one mows for a change. Shake it up a little bit.

12. Try not to be critical of the way the other person does things. So what if the spouse folds towels differently than you do? They're still folded and put away.

13. Remember to breathe and try not to be too hard on yourself or your partner during this time of change. Despite the efforts to "return to our lives" things will be different from now on. There will be no going back. You may return to your job but you may not have the same people there. Stresses will change, and come and go, but hopefully you have a partner for life. That's the relationship to nurture.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 649th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.