Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Sound of Silence - No More

I strongly condemn the events in Charlottesville, VA this weekend. Not my values. Not my friends.

If you are one of those people - and I am sure there are many - who voted for Mr. Trump but wouldn't run over people or bash in someone's face because they disagree with you, what are you going to do about it?

President Trump did not condemn these actions. His words were weak and pathetic. They were not the words of a leader. They were not words that bring a nation together. They were not even kind words. And then he went on to brag about himself and how good things are under his so-called administration. Basically we have no government at the moment. This man can call everybody else names, but he certainly can't name his supremacist friends what they are - domestic terrorists. This was a planned racist event.

Expect more of them.

"Some members of Trump’s own party called on the President to specifically cite the Charlottesville tragedy as a terror attack, or to call out white nationalists. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said that it was “very important” for the country to hear the president “describe events in Charlottesville for what they are, a terror attack by white supremacists. . . . Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) wrote that “we must call evil by its name.” Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) echoed that “we should call evil by its name. My brother didn’t give his life fighting Hitler for Nazi ideas to go unchallenged here at home.”' - Variety

"In the naked light I saw 10,000 people, maybe more. People talking without speaking. People hearing without listening. . . . No one dare disturb the sound of silence. . . . Silence like a cancer grows."

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Saturday 9: Start Me Up

Saturday 9: Start Me Up (1981)

. . . because Kwizgiver recommended The Rolling Stones

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here. (My husband's favorite band!)

1) That's a goat wearing a high heel (in the picture on the album in which this song appears). What's on your feet as you answer these questions?

A. My Apex sneakers, which are white and fairly new. They are considered a shoe for diabetics, though I am not diabetic. I do, however, have problems with my feet and these work better than anything else I have found.

2) More fashion: In the video for this song, Mick is wearing white pants with an elastic waistband. Are you wearing a belt as you answer these questions?

A. Nope.

3) In this song, Mick pleads, "Don't make a grown man cry." When is the last time you shed a tear?

A. A few weeks ago.

4) Keith Richard has said this is a song he could play "forever and ever." What in your life doesn't get old, no matter how often you do it?

A. Writing. Talking/listening to people.

5) While The Rolling Stones enjoy performing songs, like this one, from Tattoo You, Mick Jagger has dismissed the songs from their 1967 album Their Satanic Majesties Request as "rubbish." Do you have a favorite Rolling Stones song?

A. I think it's a tie between Miss You and Beast of Burden.

6) This recording of "Start Me Up" features a cowbell. Do you remember which Saturday Night Live host made, "More cowbell!" a catchphrase?

A. No clue, sorry.

7) Bassist Bill Wyman once said he thought he should have been a archivist because he loved to make lists. Do you have a to-do list?

A. I have three to-do list programs on my computer. They all monitor different activities and go off at different times. On top of that, Alexa on my Kindle Fire tells me when I've been sitting for an hour and should stand up and walk around. My whole life revolves around bells and whistles.

8) Mick finds it hard to stand still when he sings, not only on stage but also in the studio. The engineer for this song reports that Mick would have to run across the room to get back to the microphone for his vocal. Are you more fidgety, or still?

A. Still. That's why I'm overweight and need a Fitbit.

9) Random question: Do you believe men are inherently more sensible than women?

A. Oh, hell no. I'll even say that again: hell no! I know many more men then women who make bags of hammers look like they have more sense.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Friday, August 11, 2017

Not a Riddle

Last evening, my brother called me. "What does your Thursday 13 mean?" he wanted to know.

For me, it was a very odd Thursday 13. Just words, really.

"I don't know what it means," I told him.

"I have spent an hour trying to figure out what you did!" he exclaimed. "I was sure you had some hidden message in there."

There was a hidden message, I suppose, but not one that anyone picked up on. The message would have been, "I have a bad headache and a lot going on, I have not missed a Thursday 13 in 511 weeks, and I need to stick something up on my blog."

So I put up the first words that came to mind, taking maybe all of a single minute to drop a few lines. I did put a disclaimer at the bottom that said I didn't know what any of it meant. I'm pretty sure that in the 9.8 years I have been doing Thursday 13, yesterday's entry was the worst one I've ever done.

I went for quantity, not quality, and it showed.

Quality always wins over quantity. If you are a rich man but your money came to you in ways that were not quality, then your money ultimately turns you into boorish brazen-faced baggage, and (generally speaking) not a person of quality. A person of quality is of course not quantifiable, since "quality" in and of itself is subjective, but I think there are enough examples of spoiled rich brats roaming around to make the point. They didn't earn it. They are not nice people. They have the quantity, but not the quality.

Monies earned through work, whether that's sweat under the armpits or sweat of the brow from thinking too much, become quality funds. When I was in college, many of my professors enjoyed teaching older students such as myself because we weren't there on somebody else's dime - we were paying for our education. We knew the quality of the education and the value it would bring to our lives.

On Game of Thrones the other week, Greyworm, an eunuch, took off his clothes and made love with the person he called "his weakness," Missandei. Lots of talk on Facebook pooh-poohed that scene, saying an eunuch could not make love. They seemed to think there were no pleasure to be found in touches of another kind. Quality, not quantity, mattered in that particular TV scene, and it showed quality. Love is not quantifiable. Love is about quality.

Facebook pursues quantity over quality. Among the younger generation, especially, the more "friends" you have, the more "likes" your post receives, the better it is. But friendship is not a number and quantity has nothing to do with it. You can know 1,000 people but if none will come to your aid when you need them, you really have nothing. If one person comes to sit with you when you are sick, or bring you chicken soup, then you have quality. You have a friend who matters.

Quantity is absolute. It's math, empirical, and undebatable.

Twelve apples rest on the table. That's quantity.

Ten apples have worms in them. That's quality. Which ones do you want to eat?

I always hated assignments that were word-number oriented. "Write 1,000 word essay on The Grapes of Wrath" ultimately means a teacher ends up with a lot of looping logic or indigestible sentences that say next to nothing. I'd rather read a 300-word quality essay on the book than 1,000-word essay that says nothing. But quality is not quantifiable, and if a grade is the ultimate goal, then you ask for 1,000 words.

As a writer and blogger, I try to offer up posts of quality. Sometimes those posts are simply interesting photos. Occasionally they are posts that maybe shouldn't have been posted - too personal, perhaps - but my writing, in general, is good, readable, occasionally funny, and almost always thoughtful. Hopefully, it has relevance to the human experience. Sometimes, I hope, it makes people think.

Yesterday, I failed in the quality area. For that I am sorry, and I apologize to you, my readers. I know better and generally do better.

I especially apologize to my brother, because I think I let him down the most.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Thursday Thirteen

1. singular or plural

2. me you I us

3. trust

4. 7 kingdoms

5. 1,000 enemies

6. showmanship showdown

7. nursing in the open versus open carry

8. three little Indians

9. nirvana in sunshine

10. beer, mead, wine, whisky

11. soul sickness soured soaring sunk

12. pain in the buttocks or pain in the neck

13. simplicity sometimes or never at all

If you figure out what any of that means, tell me, because I'm not sure myself. But there are 13 things there.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 512th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Tuesday, August 08, 2017

Aprons, Mops and . . . What?

I do not consider myself a prude, although I suppose others might. I mean, I'm 54 years old and married. I don't go into the closet and undress. However, I don't subject myself to movies or books that are rated R, generally, as I do not care for violence. I did not read 50 Shades of Grey and have no desire to. Maybe I am a prude. So what.

Last night I was flipping through a catalog I received in the mail, one of those that has a bit of everything. This one had some old-timey type stuff, like mops, aprons, flowery things. Stuff you don't really need but which may or may not work to make life a little easier. I marked a page because it had a holder for a handicap placard on it and I'd been looking for those. This was the first time I'd seen one. I thought I might end up ordering something if I could find something else I wanted.

I flipped to the middle spread in the catalog and lo, there were two pages full of women's sexual aids plastered there. I did a double take. I went from aprons to "massage toys" in one turn of a page.

The next page went back to mops. I was amused, bemused, and befuddled. Intrigued, I checked out the website, too, to see what was online. Both male and female sexual aids were available under "health and beauty."

I have never bought from this company and I don't know why I received the catalog. It is the kind of thing I would have expected to see in my grandmother's house, actually. Except for that middle page part. I'm pretty sure Grandma's catalogs did not have those kinds of items in their middle pages.

Then I started wondering. What if they did? What if it was all in some secret code, back in the 1950s, when the catalogs came? Maybe dirty things were in plain sight, hidden on page 56 of the old Sears & Robuck, if you knew where to look.

I envision my grandmothers fainting at the sight of the middle page of the catalog I have now tossed into the recycling bin (sans my name, of course), but hey, they probably had their own thing, too. Things we never knew about. Things we still don't know about, information that has died with a generation. I doubt they were prudes. I'm here, aren't I?

Was there a reason besides toilet paper economy that led to big fat catalogs being carried out to the johnny houses of the day? Hmm.

We may never know.

Monday, August 07, 2017

Baby Deer

Sunday, August 06, 2017

Sunday Stealing: Freckles

Sunday Stealing: Freckles and Other Oddities

Do you have freckles? No.

Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed? Open.

Can you whistle? Yes.

Did you wake up cranky today? Yes.
What is your Zodiac sign? Gemini.

What is your eye color? Hazel.

Do you take a vitamin daily? Yes.

Do you sing in the shower? Yes.

What did you have for lunch? Yesterday I had a chicken salad sandwich.

Do you watch the Olympics? Yes.

Do you prefer to swim in a pool or in the ocean? Pool. Actually, I'd just like a shower.

Do you prefer bottled water or tap water? I drink both.

Do you work better with or without music?  It depends on what I am doing.

Can you curl your tongue? Yes.

Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? The cover of a book.

Have you ever caught a butterfly? Yes.

Are you easily influenced by other people? No.

Do you have strange dreams? Yes.

Do you like going on airplanes? I haven't been on one since 1993.

Name one movie that made you cry. Wonder Woman.

Do you like peanuts or sunflower seeds? Yes to both.

If I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want the performer to be? Fleetwood Mac.

Are you a picky eater? I have food allergies, so yes.

Are you a heavy sleeper? No.

Do you fear thunder / lightning? No.

Do you like your music loud? It depends on the song.

Would you rather carve pumpkins or wrap presents? Wrap presents.

What’s the next movie you want to see in the theaters? The Justice League.

Have you ever been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Yes.

Do you like meeting new people? Yes.

What are three things you did today? It's early, but I have charged my Fitbit, drank a cup of tea, and kissed my husband.

What do you wear to bed? A nightgown.

Do you wear jeans or sweats more? Jeans.

Name something that relaxes you. Coloring.

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Saturday 9: Wouldn't It Be Nice?

Saturday 9: Wouldn't It Be Nice? (1966)

. . . because Nonnie recommended the Beach Boys

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In the video for this song, the Beach Boys dive into the pool with all their clothes on. Have you ever ended up in the water while fully clothed? If yes, were you pushed?

A. I don't recall that ever happening.

2) In this song, Mike Love sings he wishes "every kiss could be neverending." Where did you receive your first kiss? Was it wonderful, or awkward?

A. First kiss. Hmm. I think my first kiss was in second grade but I'm not 100% sure of that. I don't remember it, anyway. I'm not overly romantic. I remember my first kiss with my husband but not with anyone else. My first kiss with him was at the ballroom of the Ramada Inn, where we had gone dancing after the Friday night football game.

3) Brian Wilson was the creative force behind the Beach Boys. It's possible that the group's legendary and unique sound came from a incident of bad parenting. Brian's father hit him so hard with a wooden plank that he is deaf in his right ear. Which of your senses is sharpest -- sight, hearing, smell or taste?

A. I have very good smell. I can smell things that other people cannot, like snakes. And mice. I can smell if a mouse is in the house. I can also smell molds and mildew. But I also have unique hearing in that I can hear very low sounds that others cannot and very high pitched sounds that others cannot. For example, my in-laws once had a TV that had a high-pitched screech to it that made me cringe in pain every time I went up there. No one else could hear it, but I could. Fortunately the TV died a fairly quick death (for a TV) and I was very glad.

4) Brian's brother Dennis was the cutest member of the group, and also the only one who could surf. Have you been to the beach yet this summer?

A. No, and I do not expect to go. We've gotten a little old and cumbersome for the beach. Nobody wants to see my white fat legs.

5) Dennis was also the Beach Boys' most colorful member. In 1968, he struck up an unfortunate and dangerous friendship with Charles Manson. Is there anyone in your life that you worry has bad taste in friends/lovers?

A. Nobody that I will mention.

6) Lead singer Mike Love is the grumpiest Beach Boy. He refuses to perform if the concert promotional materials refer to the group or their songs as "oldies." Does it bother you to hear the songs, TV shows and movies of your youth described as "classics" or "oldies?"

A. It doesn't bother me. It amuses me, mostly. I know I am moving on up in age; it's part of the process.

7) This song has appeared on soundtracks for movies as diverse as Shampoo (1975), The Big Chill (1983), 50 First Dates (2004) and It's Complicated (2009). Do you own any movie soundtracks?

A. I have The Lord of the Rings (all three films) soundtrack. (I bet that is a surprise - not.) I also have the soundtrack to Xena: Warrior Princess but that was a TV show, not a movie. I may also have the first Harry Potter movie soundtrack here somewhere but I don't listen to it if I do.

8) In 1966, the year this song was popular, the Miranda Warning became law. Without looking it up, can you recite any of the Miranda Warning?

A. You have the right to remain silent. You have the right to an attorney. If you give up that right, anything you say can and may be used against you.  How'd I do? (Looked it up: close enough.)

9) Random question: The local college is pleading for models of all ages and sizes to pose for the life drawing class. Would you help the kids by volunteering to pose in the nude?

A. I'd pose in shorts but I wouldn't pose nude. Maybe topless but it would depend on the make-up of the class. All boys? No. All girls? Maybe. Mixed? Maybe.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Thursday, August 03, 2017

Thursday Thirteen

The Keystone Antique Tractor Museum in Petersburg, VA, which we visited a few weeks ago, had more than just tractors. They also had a collection of tobacco signs and related paraphernalia, old soda bottles, and tools.

I don't smoke or condone smoking, but the old signs are interesting.

These are old cigarette cartons.

These are old snuff/chewing tobacco cans.

Soda bottle holders.

Old cans of food items.

Old soda bottles.

Old tools.
Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 511th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Wednesday, August 02, 2017

When the Cows Come Home

We have had a couple of young cows finding their way out of the fence of late. This morning, one came knocking on the door seeking a glass of milk.

Knock knock. Guess who!

Hey, how about a nice glass of milk?

Yes, I am a good-looking cow, thanks to all of that milk!

Won't I fetch a handsome price at auction?

They don't find their way to the front porch very often. Generally speaking, they get out an average of once a year. Half the time we can never find the hole in the fence to fix it. They perform some kind of cow magic with the fences, I guess.

Monday, July 31, 2017

From the Days of Old

Do you know what this is?

Think about it before you look at the answer. Hmm. What could it be?
Give up?

It is a well pump.

This was one of the items on display at the Keystone Antique Tractor Museum.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Sunday Stealing: Music, Music

Sunday Stealing: Music

1: A song you like with a color in the title

A. Blue Bayou as sung by Linda Ronstadt

2: A song you like with a number in the title

A. 99 Luft Ballons (or 99 Red Balloons)

3: A song that reminds you of summertime

A. In the Summertime by Mungo Jerry

4: A song that needs to be played LOUD

A. Hair of the Dog by Nazareth

5: A song that makes you want to dance

A. Dancing Queen by Abba (this is the Mamma Mia version and it is fun)

6: A song to drive to

A. Radar Love by Golden Earring

7: A song about drugs or alcohol

A. Last Dance With Mary Jane by Tom Petty

8: A song that makes you happy

A. Don't Worry Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin

9: A song that makes you sad

A. The Last Goodbye (end of The Hobbit), by Billy Boyd

10: A song that you never get tired of

A. Band on the Run by Paul McCartney & Wings (this links to the original video if you've never seen it)

11: A song from your preteen years

A. Bad Bad Leroy Brown by Jim Croce

12: One of your favorite 80’s songs

A. Total Eclipse of the Heart by Bonnie Tyler

13: One of your favorite classical songs

A. The soundtrack from Lord of the Rings.

14: A song that you would sing a duet with someone on karaoke

A. Jackson by Johnny Cash & June Carter Cash

15: A song from the year that you were born

A. Rhythm of the Rain by the Cascades

16: A song that makes you think about life

A. Stairway to Heaven by Led Zepplin

17: A song that you think everybody should listen to

A. Sound of Silence by Disturbed

18: A song by a band you wish were still together

A. Long Train Runnin' by The Dobbie Brothers

19: A song by an artist no longer living

A. Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen (Freddie Mercury)

20: A song that breaks your heart

A. Vincent (Starry Starry Night) by Don McLean

21: A song by an artist with a voice that you love

A. Weather Channel by Sheryl Crow


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.