Tuesday, November 10, 2015

What Do Old Princesses Do? Drink Bad Coffee.

I am, I admit, a bit of a princess. I do not tolerate discomfort well. I can feel the pea beneath the mattress and I might complain mightily about it the next morning. Or I might suffer in silence. It depends on my mood.

Hot, cold, aches, pains - while I have a fairly high pain tolerance, I don't like any of it. Things must be my way - my teeth brushed, my deodorant just so, my clothes washed in certain powders because of my allergies to the world.

My food must be what I like even if it isn't the healthiest stuff, and I don't like spiders and snakes. I want things clean but I don't necessarily want to be the one doing the cleaning.

No dogs allowed, no dirt on the carpet, no noise when I'm trying to write. Temperature just so.

Yeah, I'm a little prima donna. Or something.

This morning I was reading this weird thing going on about red cups at coffee shops and how this is part of that silly non-war on Christmas that crops up every year. It is so stupid that it makes my eyes roll of their own accord. Even people who post the "I will say Merry Christmas not Happy Holidays" things on Facebook thought this particular brouhaha was over the top.

Some of my more liberal Christian friends were wondering where the real Christians are. You know, the ones who buy a cup of coffee for the homeless guy outside, not worry about the color of the cup of their latte. Such a society we've become, where this kind of nothing becomes the topic of the day. We're so bone-headed and stuck that we don't even realize what fools we are.

Anyway, a picture of older woman digging through the trash crossed my page in regards to this - you know, what are the Christians doing about the homeless sort of thing. Which is a good question. But mostly it made me think about growing old.

I am so finicky I fear that my old age with be a total disaster. I will want my Burt's Bees Honey Lip Balm and the nursing home will tell me I can't have it. I will want my bath and my toe nails clipped back, and they will tell me it isn't time yet for either. I will want my hair cut and they will say not now.

My world will be uncomfortable and I will be so out of control of my life that I will wonder what I am still alive for.

And then I thought about all of those folks in nursing homes, who are living like that. Living but not. Feeling pain but unable to do anything about it, not even take a Tylenol. I can't help but wonder where the love is in that. What are we doing, when the breathe is more precious than what goes on in the heart and soul? How many of those folks would have preferred not to have survived that hip surgery or the heart attack or the stroke? Is it truly more moral to make people suffer until finally they give up the ghost?

People cry out because they can't get their coffee in the cup they want, while others cry out because they can't get their toiletry needs met. And who has the loudest voice? The idiot with the coffee cup, obviously.

I am so confused about how our society works. Nothing about it makes any sense to me any more. I used to think I understood it, or parts of it, anyway, but now it is like smoke. My values and morals reside within me, and they say screw the coffee cup, go help the homeless person. But I'm not sure these values are the those of the majority anymore. I think they were once, long ago. Maybe even before I was born.

Now people just say get your own coffee cup and step over bodies. Is it really that bad? Or does the media make it seem that way?

I fear old age. I fear being trapped in a shell of a body, my mind wandering because that is the only way I can deal with the pain that those around me ignore. The only way to deal with the loss of my chapstick or my favorite pillow or whatever it is I need for comfort, maybe, would be to lose my mind if my body didn't give out first.

My grandmother is 94 (?) and sitting in a wheelchair in a nursing home in California. She doesn't know anyone. I doubt she is happy, comfortable, or glad to be there. My other grandmother stayed in a nursing home for several years. I dutifully visited her every weekend, including the weekend before she passed away. I remember her main complaint was not physical discomfort but the food she was served. They gave her food that diabetics should not have been eating, loaded, apparently with the salt that someone with high blood pressure is supposed to avoid. I was pretty sure the place was trying to move folks along with the diet.

I don't expect any of this to change. I expect it to get worse. In older days, the young folks built a house hooked onto the parental house, and the old people peeled potatoes or did whatever they could to help, and then they died. They weren't warehoused and put out of the way when they became a burden. And their children didn't worry about the color of coffee cups. They drank out of chipped stoneware and were grateful for it.

This blog entry had no focus when I started it, and it still has none. I just needed to write, and I started writing. Sometimes I do this and I delete it, or I never publish the post. I think I have about 75 draft posts in my blog, things no one will ever see.

There's no reason not to hit the publish button on this, even if it lacks the cohesiveness I prefer in my work. Sometimes, I think, it is good to ramble. It is good to be lost and wandering. It puts hair on your chest, as my father might say. Not that I need any there. But I suppose you never know.

I do know I don't drink coffee, and I don't care what color my cups are. I know I give money to various charities several times throughout the year, the ones I think make a difference. I know I use my connections to put one person in touch with another, to meet a need or to make a change when I can. I try to influence folks around me to be their better selves. I try to be my best self but think I'm a miserable failure at that. Maybe we all are, I don't know. I know some people think they never fail at all.

Anyway, I will stop rambling. I know you'd rather see a picture of a pretty deer or a lovely landscape than read the wanderings of a tired aging brain. So here you go. One lovely picture, coming up.

Monday, November 09, 2015

The 9th Annual Founders' Day Dinner

Friday night, the Botetourt County Historical Society held its 9th Annual Founders' Day Dinner in Fincastle at the Methodist Church Family Life Center.

The Fincastle Herald, the newspaper for which I freelanced over the last 30 years, invited me to be there. The editor, Edwin McCoy, was the recipient of the Emily G. Honts Heritage Award because of his contributions for keeping history in front of Botetourt citizens through the newspaper.

Ed graciously asked that I come along because I have written a number of those historical pieces. He was kind enough to mention me in his acceptance speech when he received his award.

Many of the county's elite turned out for the event.

Fincastle District Supervisor Jack Leffel speaks with one of the citizens he represents.

Alice Crowder and Priscilla Richardson, two of the county's fine ladies, speak with an unknown person.

Dinner was prepared by members of the Methodist Church.

Ed's wife, Teri, and me.

Me and my friend, who was also my "date" for the evening, since my husband was working.

Ed doing what Ed does best.

This is an historic sampler that the Historical Society is trying to preserve.

Owner of The Fincastle Herald, Connie, in the middle of the table (brown jacket).

Food porn. This is what I had to eat.

Jack Rader, Historical Society President, offers words of welcome.

Angela Coon (Loretta Caldwell behind her in the red) presented Ed with his award.

Ed listening intently as Angela talks about all the things Ed has written about in the last 30 years.

Ed receiving his award.

Standing ovation.

My neighbor, Pat Honts, also received an award for her volunteer service.

Ray Baird gave an interesting talk on Patrick Henry and Botetourt County. He was dressed
in period clothing.

Sunday, November 08, 2015

Sunday Stealing: Big Bad

From Sunday Stealing

Big Bad Meme

1. Is there anyone else in the room with you atm? What are they doing?

A. I don't have an ATM in my house, but I certainly envy anyone who does. How great would that be, to have money available like that. Oh. Wait. You mean "at the moment." I'm alone.

2. Do you show your teeth when you smile, or do you prefer smiling with your lips closed?

A. I've never given this much thought, but my teeth show in my photo here.

3. Would you rather be told the truth, even if it isn’t what you want to hear?

A. I prefer the truth, yes. Unless it's Christmas and you've bought me a present. Then you don't have to tell me the truth.

4. What is something that you plan to buy, as soon as you’ve saved up the money for it?

A. I may purchase a MAC if Windows 10 continues to be the bane of my existence. But I have other things that need to be taken care of before I do that.

5. Do you play Sudoku?

A. No.

6.  Have you ever had a migraine?

A. Yes. I used to average about three a month, for three days each, and ultimately this led to my starting a freelance career. No employer wants to keep around an employee who is sick that often. They have diminished as I've aged. Also, for fellow migraine sufferers, I have found that a combination of magnesium malate (has to be that kind) and Vitamin B2 makes a big difference in the frequency and severity of the migraine.

7. What was the last book you read for pleasure?

A. Salvage the Bones, by Jesmyn Ward. I am currently listening to V is for Vengeance, by Sue Grafton. 

8. What was the last item of clothing you purchased for yourself?

A. Last night I bought myself a new pair of house slippers.

9. Your first serious relationship, do you still talk to him/her?

A. No.

10. Who is the last person you texted?

A. I don't text.

11. How close is your family?

A. My brother and father live about seven miles from me. My mother-in-law is within sight distance (about 1/2 mile away).

12. Is there anything too serious to be joked about?

A. Gun violence. Slavery. Rape. Murder. Etc. I know those things are joked about but they should not be. 

13. Do you like to understand and have good knowledge of things?

A. I do.

14. What is worse? Back pain or shoulder pain?

A. Pain is bad wherever one has it.

15. Have you ever almost fallen off of something high off the ground?

A. I don't recall.

16. What’s one fruit you love in drinks?

A. I only drink tea or water.

17. What is something simple that you’re afraid of?

A. I'm not a fan of rats or spiders, if that is what you mean.

18. Has this weekend been good?

A. It's been okay. My husband took me to dinner. Winner winner!

19. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning?

A. About 45 minutes, including shower and everything.

20. Last movie you watched in theaters and with whom?

A. The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies with my husband, which premiered last December. We don't go to the movies much.


I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, November 07, 2015

Saturday 9: Random

Saturday 9: All Random

This week's Saturday 9 is refreshingly theme free, featuring questions submitted by regular Saturday 9ers. Crazy Sam really appreciates all the help she received with this week's meme, and is jealously protecting all your unused questions. Expect to see them sprinkled throughout Saturday 9s in the future.
1) Do you prefer your pickle sliced thin, sliced thick, or in a spear?

A. I like Gherkins or small pickles which look like baby cucumbers, and they have to be bread and butter. I don't like dill pickles. I guess that a baby cucumber would be like a spear.

2) What kind of eggs do you like best for breakfast?

A. Scrambled.
3) If you got 2 pennies for change, would you pocket them or leave them on the counter for the next person?

A. If the counter has a "leave a penny, take a penny" cup, I leave them. If not, I put them in my pocket.

4) You’re now in charge of the manners for the planet. Tell us the new rules for cellphone etiquette.

A. OMG. Put that thing away! You are not allowed to use it when you are outside of your home unless you are an emergency services person or an expectant father whose wife is due to give birth within 24 hours. If you must take a call, then you (a) stop the car and pull over, if you are driving, and if elsewhere (b) go into the restroom (but please not into a stall, that's just, eww!) or outside away from other people (preferably sit in your car in the parking lot) if you are somewhere in public and (c) don't scream into it so that everyone can hear your end of the conversation no matter where you are. For heaven's sake, people. Look at one another when you're talking and stop playing Candy Crush. You only have one life. Live it! Feel the air, see the sunshine, hear the crush of grass beneath your feet, not the tweet of some damn machine.

5) You’re about to write a novel. What genre will it be (sci fi, chick lit, historical fiction, comic …)?

A. Magical realism.  (Magic in a realistic world.) I'm actually participating, poorly, in National Novel Writing Month right now (NaNoWriMo). See me writing blog meme answers instead of working on the novel?

6) Is it a bad thing to lie to save a friend’s feelings?

A. It depends on the situation. "Do I have spinach between my teeth?" rather demands a truthful answer. If she is wearing an orange dress that she obviously loves, but it makes her look like she has jaundice, then "it's a lovely dress" is fine. After all, the dress might be lovely (just not on her) so you're not exactly lying. Right?
7) Is your big toe your longest toe?

A. Nope. My second toe is my longest toe. I think this is supposed to mean something, but a quick search of the Internet, our great god of knowledge, reveals multiple suggestions as to what it might be.

8) Hot stone massage: yea or nay?

A. Any massage receives a yea.

9) Do you check the mirror before going out?

A. Depends on where I am going. Grocery store? No. Meeting with high ranking officials? Yes.

I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.

Friday, November 06, 2015

More Autumn Color

Tinker Mountain

Leaves at my physical therapist's office.

View from my cousin's house

Additional view from my cousin's house. That green field in the middle there at the foot of the mountain has a house backed
up against the woods; that is my father's home.

Again, from my cousin's driveway.

Lovely mountains.

More yellows this year, I think.

Recent rains really greened up the fields.

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Thursday Thirteen

Thirty years ago today, my area was inundated with 6.1 inches of rain, which caused what is known as the Flood of 1985. Ten people died.

So here is a list of 13 things you should have in an emergency preparedness kit.

Everyone should have a grab-and-go duffle bag full of things they may need for an overnight emergency, if nothing else. (Check its contents periodically to keep things updated.) But many things you should also keep in your home.

1. Water. You should have a least a gallon per person per day. This is not realistic for a grab-and-go bag, so place a few bottles of water in that.

2. Food. Canned food with tops that don't require a can opener or refrigeration are good ideas, such as crackers, etc. For the grab-and-go, place a few peanut butter crackers or other nabs in there.

3. Medication. If you take any medicine, you should always try to keep that refilled and on hand. Stick a few pills in your grab-and-go bag (you may need to tell your physician what you're doing in order to get a few extra pills in your prescription).

4. A change of clothes. These should be something hardy, like jeans, and maybe good walking shoes.

5. Rain gear and/or lightweight jacket.

6. A first aid kit (bandages, stuff for cuts and beestings, something for upset stomachs, aspirin, etc.)

7. An extra pair of glasses if you need them to see.

8. A blanket or sleeping bag.

9. Credit cards and cash. I suspect cash is the better way to go; without electricity the credit cards won't do you any good.

10. A full tank of gas in the car. I never let my car gas tank go below 1/2 full. If the power is out for days, the pumps won't work. You may also want to keep gas in a can somewhere, so long as you're safe about it.

11. Batteries and battery-powered flashlight.

12. Portable battery-powered radio. (They make a solar portable combination flashlight/radio/cellphone charger these days. Good to have.)

13. Any other personal items you may need, particularly for elderly folks, infants, or disabled people.

Another thing you may consider is a generator. They make whole-house generators today that will kick in and keep the refrigerator running. Even a small generator can be useful.

You never know when an emergency will happen. The grab-and-go bag could be useful if, say, you get a call in the night that a relative is sick. You could take the duffle with you and at least you'd have a change of clothes and your medication.

You can see a 1/2 hour documentary of the flood on youtube at this link.

The flood of 1985 is one of those things you don't forget. My husband of two years was a firefighter and on duty. He and his fellow firefighters saved many lives that day.

I spent hours trying to get home from Roanoke (going from one flooded road to another in a desperate attempt to get on the interstate) only to find I could not reach my house because of mudslides and flooding. After finally finding a way home, I found the basement had four feet of water in it even though there was no creek or anything nearby; it was all run-off from the rain water.

This was the era of no cell phones so I had no way of knowing if my husband was okay; nor did he know if I made it home from the city. The phones weren't working, though he finally got through to my in-laws later in the day. I remember his first words to me: Thank God you're okay! 

My father-in-law was the fire chief of the local fire department; they were running rescue calls as well. I spent the night with my in-laws, who were not experiencing the basement flooding that I was.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes - the weather is unpredictable. Try to be prepared!


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while and this is my 419th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Electing No One

Today is Election Day here in the U.S.A. It is not a presidential election year, so we are voting for local folks. The ones who really affect our day-to-day lives.

Except I had no choices on the ballot. Every single person, from the state House of Delegates to State Senator to local sheriff, was running unopposed. There really wasn't any point in voting.

Having never missed a vote, I voted anyway. I chose to write in names for folks I am not happy with, as did many other people I know. At least the incumbents won't get 100 percent of the vote, not that 100 percent of the registered voters will have voted. I bet the turn out is abysmal.

Locally there are a few races that matter, just not in my district. Not far from us we have a Crotch Brothers candidate trying to unseat a long-standing Democrat. Turning out to vote matters there.

When your vote makes no difference, I am not sure what you call it, but I do not call it democracy. In fact, I wore solid black to the voting both, to protest the death of democracy. Not that anybody asked.

Locally, the Republicans have a stranglehold on most of the seats. At the state level, this is in a large part due to gerrymandering. My state senator serves an area that has multiple interests and little in common from one end to the other. To be honest, I didn't even know the guy on the ballot was my state senator. I thought it was another fellow. I guess this happened in 2010 when the legislature created its new districts. That process is now being challenged in court because the districts were found to be less than honorable, to put it mildly.

My county has been red for a long time. Folks seeking lower taxes moved in in the 1990s and brought with them their desires for more government services somehow paid for out of thin air. We've had some real winners on the local governing board in the last 15 years. They represented somebody, but they did not represent me. I was a news reporter at the time and had to keep my opinions to myself.

Why aren't there people willing to run for office? For one thing, it's not a regular person's game anymore. Unless you're a millionaire plus, you may as well forget it. Even at the local level, you have to spend thousands to get what you're after. For another, the election process has become as vicious as vultures pecking out the eyes of a calf. If you have the least little crack in your life's history, the opposition will break it open until your guts are strewn all over the floor.

Who wants to deal with that?

Twenty years ago, the candidates for the local board ran as independents, every one. And then the political parties crept into it, and all was lost. Once that game started, there has been nothing to do but sit back and watch the dive into divisiveness and derision. No amount of sanity is going to save us now.

So go vote. I voted to honor the women who lived before me, who died so that I might exercise my right to write-in the name of a candidate, even if that person will only receive the single vote I cast. It is your civic duty, even if you're as jaded and as regretful as I am over the way the process is handled today.

Go vote because it is the right thing to do. And don't hesitate to write in Daffy Duck if you don't like the candidate.

Monday, November 02, 2015

The Leaves Changed

View from the front yard.

View from the Botetourt Sports Complex. That clear hill is part of the farm.

Another shot from the Sports Complex.

And another.

And another, this one uncropped with the phone poles and all.

Across the street from the Sports Complex.

I like silos.

Sunday, November 01, 2015

Sunday Stealing: All Hallow's Eve

From Sunday Stealing

Halloween Meme

1. Are you scared of bats?

A. I am scared of bat shit, which can be very deadly to people with lung issues. Also, our local bats frequently have rabies, so you aren't supposed to touch them. But I am not particularly scared of bats. I once traveled miles to visit a cave full of endangered bats for a news article.
2. When you were a kid, did you go out on Mischief Night? (Mischief Night is an informal holiday on which children and teens engage in pranks and minor vandalism. While its name and date vary from place to place, it is most commonly held near the end of October to coincide with the night before Halloween)

A. We didn't have Mischief Night. We did the pranks and things on Halloween night. Not that I did anything like that.

3. What is your favorite trick-or-treat candy?

A. Hey, if it's chocolate, I'm in. Except for chocolate with coconut. That stuff is gross.
4. Have you ever seen a ghost?

A. Many times.
5. The most memorable costume you ever wore?

A. I don't know. Maybe a tramp/hobo costume when I was young.
6. Do you dress up on Halloween?

A. No.
7. Any cooking or baking you do for Halloween?

A. No.
8. Have you ever been to The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland or Disneyworld?

A. I have been to the one in Orlando, whichever Disney park that is.
9. Any element of the season you don’t like?

A. No. Well, it starts getting colder, and I could do without that.
10. What is your favorite scary movie?

A. I don't really have one, truthfully. I don't watch them.
11. Do you cook the pumpkin seeds from your carved jack-o-lanterns?

A. I don't carve jack-o-lanterns.
12. Are you intrigued with vampires?

A. Not particularly. I liked Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but not the vampires. Well, Angel was okay when he was good.
13. What is your favorite written work of horror fiction?

A. I haven't read any in so long. But I think the Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allen Poe is a classic.
14. What is your favorite work of science fiction/fantasy?

A. The Lord of the Rings, which I do not find particularly scary, although apparently Cat does.
15. Who is your favorite monster?

A. Milton. "And now for a touch of tenderness, but I must add only a touch. For without a touch of tenderness, he might destroy me . . . oops! Too much. Better hold your breath, it's starting to tick! (Better hold my head, I'm feeling sick!). Hello Dad! What have I done? I'm Milton, your brand new son!" (And I did all that from memory.)
16. What is your favorite Horror movie?

A. Again, I don't watch them.
17. What horror movie gives you the most chills?

A. Not answering, sorry.
18. What character from any horror film would you most like to play?

A. None of them. I'm a nice person. So I guess I'd play the girl who gets killed in the first scene.


I encourage you to visit other participants in
Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Saturday 9: Thriller

Saturday 9: Thriller (1983)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this video, Michael Jackson is transformed into a "werecat," with fangs, claws, yellow eyes and whiskers. What  monster or ghoul frightened you the most?

A. The Wicked Witch of the West on The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

2) Michael sings that evil things that will be lurking "close to midnight." Where will you be at midnight tonight?

A. Flying across the face of the moon on my broomstick.

3) Horror movie icon Vincent Price does the voice over on "Thriller." What's your favorite scary movie?

A. I don't watch scary movies anymore, but when I was young I liked the movie SSSSS. I wasn't supposed to watch it, but when we visited my grandparents they would go to bed early and we would stay up late and watch horror shows. Now my favorite Halloween movie movie is Practical Magic, which says a lot about my change in taste of movie fare, I think.

4) Mr. Price's House of Wax, made in 1953, was one of the first 3D movies. What's the most recent 3D movie you saw?
A. I don't watch 3D movies. They make me sick to my stomach, literally.
5) Horror fans might be surprised to know that, despite his sinister image, Mr. Price enjoyed very genteel and relaxing hobbies, like cooking, gardening and painting. What would we be surprised to learn about you?
A. That I really am a witch in spite of my demur ways and shy smile. Just ask my brother.
6) A Halloween tradition is the jack-o-lantern. Did you carve a pumpkin this year?
A. Sure. I waved my magic wand, and Poof! there was pumpkin that looked like Donald Trump.

7) According to Yahoo!, the most popular costume of Halloween 2014 was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. Will you be in costume this Halloween? If not, who or what would you most like to dress up as?
A. If I had the figure for it (which I do not), I would dress up like Xena: Warrior Princess.
8) When you went trick or treating as a kid, did you usually wear a store-bought costume, or was it DIY?
A. Both. It depended on the year. Many times though I went as a hobo.

9) When trick-or-treaters show up at your door, what candy will they get?

A. I don't have trick-or-treaters. I live in the country and too far off the road.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Saturday 9 posts and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however.