Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Farewell, Old Friend

Last night I decided it was time to toss my paperback Random House Dictionary.

My maiden name was written on the inside of it, so this had been my go-to dictionary for about 34 years. The book was copyrighted 1978 so I imagine that was when I purchased it.

As you can see, this book was well-worn and used.

Duct tape held the back together.

Scotch tape held the front cover on.

The copyright date page, just for memory's sake.

It had yellowed considerably and developed that book-moldy smell that sets off my asthma. I'm doing a clean-out and had pre-determined that anything that made me wheeze would have to leave the house.

Including, I'm afraid, beloved dictionaries.

I have this new American Heritage dictionary that I picked up when Books-A-Million closed. It will be my new go-to paperback dictionary. I also have the Shorter Oxford Dictionary on my desk so I am not lacking for words.

But I really hate saying goodbye to that Random House. Sometimes it is hard to know when to let go.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Update on Hubby

Here's a quick update on my husband's condition after his incident with a hay baler on July 5. He is doing physical therapy and has mobility in his hand and arm. He can't make a fist yet and still has swelling. He has new skin and scars, as most of the hide on the top side was taken off by the hay baler belts. He has one long scar down the inside of his arm where the surgeons had to cut him open to release pressure and repair and remove damaged blood vessels and nerves. He looked a bit like Frankenstein there for the first few weeks, but now, not so much.
He still can't drive, which is frustrating for him, but in time he will be released for that. The doctor said he had to be able to make a fist before he would release him to drive and he still has too much swelling for that.
His prognosis is good. By this time next year, hopefully this will all be but a memory.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Sunday Stealing: 13 Things

From Sunday Stealing

Seems only fitting that since I missed Thursday Thirteen for the first time in years, that the Sunday Stealing should be 13 things.

1. Outside my window . . .

A. sits an old, decaying log, the remains of a massive oak.

2. I am thankful . . .

A. that the rains came, because the fields were dry and we were worrying about the hay crop.

3. In the kitchen . . .

A. a couple of pork chops and zucchini bread await my attention.

4. I am wearing . . . 

A. blue jeans, a South Carolina T-shirt, and an old blue jacket-thing that is threadbare from use. (My nephew went to SC, not me. Go Gamecocks.)

5. I am creating . . .

A. an entirely new life based on where I am now.

6. I am going . . .

A. crazy.

7. I am reading . . .

A. Chronicles of Avonlea, by L. M. Montgomery

8. I am learning . . .

A. to live with a disability.

9. I am pondering . . .

A. what changes I will need to make to have that new life.

10. A favorite quote . . .

A. Life isn't easy, love never lasts, you just carry on and keep moving fast.

11. One of my favorite things . . .

A. blogging.

12. A few plans for the rest of the week . . .

A. physical therapy, a haircut, lunch with a friend.

13. A peek into my day . . .

A. I tried to get a video game to work with STEAM and wasn't as successful as I'd hoped to be, I took a nap, and I took a lot of painkillers.

Saturday, August 09, 2014

Saturday 9: Super Duper Love

Saturday 9: Super Duper Love
(recommended by Bankerchick)

If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.

1) The lyrics say, "I'm as proud as a girl can be." Tell us about something you're proud of.

A. I am very proud of my degrees from Hollins University. Both took me far longer to complete than they should have, but I did it, and my education was completely paid for when I was done.

2) This song is from her first CD, The Soul Sessions. She's told interviewers that the first CD she ever owned was by Aretha Franklin: Greatest Hits. So while we're talking firsts, do you remember your first CD (or tape or record)?

A. The first record I remember owning was The Captain and Tennille's Love Will Keep Us Together. I also owned The Archies album. I don't know which came first. There were probably a number of 45s in that collection, too, but I don't recall the names.

3) Last year, two men were convicted of plotting to kill Joss Stone. Even though she had (fortunately!) never even met the men, she still had to testify during their trial. Have you ever had to speak to a judge?

A. I used to be a news reporter and the court beat was mine at one time. So I spoke to the judge all the time. I also appeared before a judge when I had a vehicle accident. I did not receive a ticket or a conviction but I did have to take a safe driving class.

4) Joss is frequently in the British press because of her friendship with Princes William and Harry. Who among your friends leads the most exciting life?

A. I have no idea.

5) Because of dyslexia, Joss had trouble in school and dropped out when she was 16. What's the last grade you completed?

A. I finished up my master's degree in 2012 at the aforesaid Hollins University.

6) She provided the voice of the villainness for the James Bond video game, Blood Stone. Do you have a Playstation or Xbox?
A. I have the very first Xbox. I'd like to get rid of it. Anyone local want to buy it?  I also have a Wii.

 7) Sam is especially crazy this morning because she can't find her phone. What's the last thing you misplaced?

A. My mind.

8) After composing this Saturday 9, Sam is off to Lowe's to pick up some heavy duty indoor/outdoor trash bags. Will you be in any stores this weekend?

A. No. It is pouring rain, and I had a tough week. I plan to hunker down with a newly purchased RPG video game.

9) Do you consider yourself more book smart, or street smart?
A. Book smart. My mother told me all the time that I had no common sense.

Friday, August 08, 2014

I Believe In Yesterdays

Yesterday was Thursday, and for the first time in over 350 weeks, I missed writing a Thursday Thirteen.

I even managed a Thursday Thirteen the week my husband was hurt. So why did I miss something that I've done for so long?

1. I was out of town.

2. I neglected to pre-write a Thursday Thirteen.

3. By the time I remembered, I was in North Carolina and I didn't have my password to my blog with me.

4. The reason I was out of town was to see a specialist about my health issues.

5. I was very nervous and upset prior to our leaving, mostly because I don't do well in strange places and I was afraid of what would happen when I saw the doctor. That's why I forgot to write a Thursday Thirteen.

6. UNC Chapel Hill has a huge medical facility. I had no idea it was so large.

7. They have specific hospitals set aside for various illnesses and types of people. There is a cancer center, a children's hospital, and a women's hospital. I went to the women's hospital.

8. The doctor was nice and I felt like I received better attention and care there than I have here in Roanoke.

9. I also came away with an actual diagnosis, something I had not been able to obtain in Virginia.

10. My new diagnosis is pelvic muscle tension myalgia.

11. To the credit of the physicians in Roanoke, they were on the right track with treatment.

12. This is a long-term issue with only a small chance of a good outcome. I will probably be in pain for the rest of my life. Physical therapy may ease the pain, but there is no real cure. Sometimes it magically goes away, though, so let's hope for some magic.

13. That's why I didn't write a Thursday Thirteen for the first time in about six years.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Changing Perspectives

The doe and two fawns danced through the backyard early Monday morning. I looked around for my camera and to my dismay it was in the other part of the house. By the time I limped back after it and returned, I could not see the deer.

I ventured into the garage and peered out the door. They had vanished as if sunlight had hit fog. Or so I thought.

The back door opened soundlessly and I stepped out. I moved three feet, and there they were. The mother deer and the two fawns I've seen her with several times.

All I had to do was move three feet to see something breathtaking, to watch the deer watch me, to see them glide silently beneath the fence and into the neighboring pasture field. I watched through the camera lens, finger clicking away, as the elder deer gave a loving kiss on the forehead of one of the children before they meandered on into the woods and out of my sight.

Three feet. I had to move because my husband's pickup truck was blocking my line of sight. I could have easily given up and thought that the deer had bounded on into the meadow and over the hill. But I moved a few feet.

I gave way. I did not stand firm, I was not entrenched in my belief or thoughts. I was curious and I moved in a different direction in order to see a bewitching and beautiful sight.

Afterwards I wondered at what I would have missed had I not made that move. I'd have missed seeing the mother deer kiss her young one. I'd not have smiled at the antics of the littlest deer as it scrambled under the fence. I'd not have seen the sun shining on spider webs wet with dew, creating a field of diamonds.

I'd have missed all of that if I'd not taken three steps.

Just a little change in perspective is usually all it takes to make or break a photo. A slight adjustment of angle, a drop of the body, raising or lowering the camera - all of these changes in perspective can ultimately make for a better or worse photo capture. Following the rules, breaking the rules, or using different lenses - these things make the reality of a photo different depending on use.

I can't help but ask myself what would happen if in, say politics, the folks who are so entrenched on whatever side of the aisle took a sidestep in one direction or the other. Maybe not even left or right - how about north or south? Or up or down? Is everyone afraid of what they will see if they look behind the pick up truck? Would using a wide-angle lens so change their perspective that their minds might also widen? Couldn't we do away with these narrow points of view and stand out in wide open fields so that we can see all around us, all 360 degrees? Sure there are mountains beyond, but my goodness, if we can't even move the three feet it takes to look beyond the backside of the pick up truck, how will we even reach those hills, much less climb mountains?

Three feet. Three feet made a huge difference in that morning, in what I saw, and in what I took photos of. They are small, tiny steps.

Why are those steps so hard?

Monday, August 04, 2014

Petunia and Roses

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Fun Fifteen

From Sunday Stealing

1. You have been awarded the time off from work and an all-expenses paid week anywhere in the United States. The catch is that it must be somewhere you have not been before. Where do you choose to visit?
A. Either Savannah, Georgia or Chicago, IL, depending on the time of year. I'd go to Chicago in the summer, and Savannah in the winter.

2. Name your guilty pleasures.

A. Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.

3. The best kind of milkshake is:

A. Chocolate.

4. What do you value most in other people?

A. Honesty.

5. Be honest. Do you sneak some raw cookie dough when you’re baking cookies?

A. Who doesn't?

6. Have you ever looked back at your life and realized that something you thought was a bad thing was actually a blessing in disguise?

A. Yes.

7. What is the most beautiful place you have ever visited?

A. Actually, where I live is pretty beautiful. However, for visiting, I would have to give kudos to the Grand Canyon.

8. Are you more of a thinker or a feeler?

A. According to Myers-Briggs, I'm a thinker.

9. Name three things you are thankful for right now.

A. (1) My husband is regaining more use of his hand every day, though it will be a slow recovery. (2) We received some much-needed rain. (3) I am not dead.
10. Have you ever participated in a three-legged race?

A. No.

11. When you are at an event that plays the National Anthem, do you place your hand over your heart?

A. Yes.

12. Have you ever been on the wrong side of the law?

A. Yes.

13. When was the last time you unintentionally surprised someone else?

A. I can't think of a time.

14. When was the last time you deliberately surprised someone else?

A. I roused my book club to throw a little surprise party for one of our members a few years ago. That's the only recent time I can think of.

15. What was the last really funny movie you watched?

A. The Replacements, with Keanu Reeves. My husband had it on; it is one of his favorites.

Saturday, August 02, 2014

No Time For Boat Rides

Saturday 9: My Life
(recommended by A Day in the Life on the Farm)

 If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.

1) This song begins with the story of a man who moved to Los Angeles to pursue a career as a comic. What comedian always makes you laugh?

A. I like Bill Maher, Bill Cosby, Billy Crystal, George Carlin, Ellen DeGeneres and I'm sure there are others but those are the first that come to mind. If you haven't seen Billy Crystal's latest thing on HBO, 700 Sundays, I highly recommend it.

2) The lyrics say, "You don't need to worry about me 'cause I'm alright." Tell us about a time when you had to reassure your family or friends.

A. Unfortunately, that would be most of the month of July. I have told them I am "all right" but I'm really very tired.

3) This song was the original theme of the Tom Hanks sitcom Bosom Buddies. Tom Hanks is a direct descendant of Nancy Hanks, Abraham Lincoln's mother. Is there anyone noteworthy, celebrated or infamous in your family tree?

A. I have some Revolutionary War heroes in my family tree. My mother once told me we were distantly related to Richard Nixon but that is not one I'd want to claim. And my husband and I are fifth cousins. We didn't know that until after we were married, even though his great-aunt told us we were related. We didn't believe her at the time but after I did the research I realized she knew what she was talking about.

4) Before going solo, Billy Joel was in bands called The Echoes, The Emeralds, The Hassles and Attila. What do you think would be a good name for a band?

A. Susan Pumpernickel and the Communicators

5) Billy Joel wrote one of his most famous songs, "Just the Way You Are," for his first wife, Elizabeth. Even though they divorced more than 30 years ago, fans still demand he perform the song in concert. Do you go out of your way to listen to songs that remind you of a long-ago lost love? Or do you avoid them?

A. I've been married for almost 31 years. Whatever happened before then is long forgotten, and I never really loved anyone else anyway.

6) In 2008 Billy Joel had to return a $3,000,000 advance for his memoirs because he didn't finish them. Have you ever read a celebrity tell-all?

A. I read Find Me by Rosie O'Donnell, which was published in 2002. I reviewed it for the local newspaper. It was a stunning story, obviously, since I remember it 12 years later. I did a couple of other reviews of celebrity stories around that time but this is the only one that I remember. Celebrity books are not reading materials I generally seek out.
7) Billy Joel was in a motorcycle accident and did irreparable damage to his left thumb. Are you comfortable on a motorcycle?

A. No. My husband owns what he calls a "crotch rocket" but I think I have ridden on it once. He doesn't ride it enough to warrant owning it, in my opinion, but what do you do. Men must have their toys.

8) In addition to riding cycles, Billy enjoys sailing in Oyster Bay. Do your summer plans include time on a boat?

A. No. Unfortunately, our summer plans include lots of physical therapy for both my husband and me. No time for boat rides.

9) Billy Joel is a popular college commencement speaker. If you were asked advice from the Class of 2014, what would you say?

A. Find your passion and follow it, and forget about the money. If you are passionate about something, the money will take care of itself. You may not be rich but you will be happy, and that's more important.

Friday, August 01, 2014

The Deer Family

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Thursday Thirteen

In October of last year, I went to my acupuncturist about the issues I continue to have with my belly. I have had pain since June of last year, when I had a gallbladder attack, and then subsequently surgical removal of that organ. That surgery seems to have triggered a lot of problems in my abdominal area. One of the issues appears to be scar tissue or adhesions that have grown around other organs.

My acupuncturist suggested a castor oil pack on my stomach. Castor oil packs are very popular with follows of Edgar Cayce, a fellow who is considered by some to be the father of holistic medicine. The castor oil packs his followers advocate are made certain ways and reused.

Cold-pressed castor oil is relatively inexpensive and the castor oil packs as shown on this site seemed rather difficult. I tried it and found it too messy for my prissy little self, because it advocated reusing and dripping castor oil, etc., and generally being icky. Since I couldn't stomach that (ha), I put castor oil on some padding, placed it on my stomach, covered it all with an old plastic bag, put the heating pad on it for an hour or so, and then tossed it all out every time.

While I still have stomach pain so can't vouch for my method as a cure, I have discovered that castor oil has some interesting uses.

1. It softens the skin. In the area where I have used castor oil for any length of time, my skin is very soft.

2. It makes keratosis (old people's barnacles) and/or moles vanish or grow smaller. I discovered this by accident. I had a keratosis on my stomach in the area of my pain, and after using the castor oil for a while, I realized it was gone. So I put castor oil in a few other places where I had what I called moles or other skin irritations, and was amazed to see them clear up.

Those are the two benefits I have specifically derived from castor oil. However, this stuff is apparently good for many things. I do not vouch for any of them and urge you to use castor oil at your own risk if you so desire. Research it well. I would not advise ingesting it although the health food sites that sell it say it can be ingested internally. I am not that brave.

Anywhere, here are other things castor oil may or may not help:

3. Athlete's foot

4. Ringworm

5. Sunburn

6. Acne

7. Skin abrasions

8. Wrinkles

9. Styes

10. Constipation

11. Arthritis

12. Migraines

13. Yeast infections.

Always check with your doctor or health care specialist before using any new product. This is not an endorsement, just something to keep in mind if you're interested in alternative health care.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 355th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Losing the Blue Spruce?

I don't know if you can see it well in the picture, but our blue spruce, which we planted about 25 years ago, have acquired a disease or fungus.

The trees are about 30 feet tall and have been beautiful additions to our yard. I have enjoyed them tremendously.

We noticed they were looking puny in late winter and at first thought it was the bitter cold, but after searching the internet we determined it was probably a fungus. We bought some stuff to spray on the trees and that seemed to help, but they are looking very scraggily. I'm afraid I'm going to lose these trees. We have four of them. Two look very bad; a third appears to be infected but not as badly as the other two, and one so far, fingers crossed, seems to be okay.

I love these trees and hate to think about cutting them down, but if they die we will of course have to. And then we will want to plant something else back. I like the evergreens because they give constant shade, but I would be afraid the fungus would still be there. So I don't know. We will have to wait and see.

As with the oak tree root fungus in the previous post, this appears to be caused by last year's overly wet weather. One of the insidious results of climate change, I fear, will be the changes in the forests. Whether we take note or not, Mother Nature certainly will.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Oak Tree Root Fungus

The weather patterns we've been experiencing in the last decade are causing problems for our trees. I've mostly lost my boxwoods, and the other day I went out and found this fungus at the root of one of our oaks.

This is, I think, Armillaria root fungus of some kind(*edited to add: a friend thinks it might be this kind of fungus: http://www.first-nature.com/fungi/trametes-gibbosa.php*); there are apparently lots of varieties. The fungus is a symptom of a stressed tree. It develops under warm, moist conditions. Last year we had too much rain and now we're having too little. Obviously the trees are stressed.

There doesn't seem to be a cure for this fungus that I can find. It was huge - that's my husband's size 13 foot beside it in the first picture. He took a hoe and with his one good hand he hacked away the fungus, but I don't know if that will help anything.

It says it can take years for the fungus to kill a tree, but sometimes it happens quickly.

We are having issues with our blue spruces, too. I will write about that on Wednesday.

Monday, July 28, 2014

More Fox Photos

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Give Me Something Chocolate

Me A to Z
From Sunday Stealing 

If you were an ANIMAL, what would you be?
A. I'd be a deer. The deer is my animal totem, and it is linked to the arts, specifically music and poetry. Deer are curious and tentative creatures, inquisitive yet shy. They blend in with the background and are unobtrusive. The link will take you to some animal symbolism about deer.

BOOKS: What's on your reading list?
A. Mrs. Darcy. The Book Thief. Too many others to list. Those are my upcoming book club selections so they are near the top of the pile.

COMPULSIVE about anything?
A. I bite my fingernails.

DREAMS - Do you dream in color? Remember your dreams? Keep a dream journal?
A. I do dream in color. I frequently remember my dreams, and I write about them in my regular journal. I don't keep a journal specifically for dreams.

EATING - what's your usual snack?
A. Give me something chocolate and I'm good to go.

A few of your FAVORITE Things:
A. Pilot G-2 05 pens. My Nikon Coolpix P500. My Kindle Fire. My binoculars. My computer.

GIGGLES! What (or who) makes you laugh? Do you have a good sense of humor?
A. My husband and I laugh together. I have a sharp, sarcastic and sardonic sense of humor. Most of my friends seem to find me amusing.

Major HOT Button:
A. Being told I can't do something because I am a woman.

I am ...
A. bad to the bone.

Also KNOWN As... Aliases? Screen names? A non de plume perhaps?
A. I go by CountryDew online. I have a family nickname that I refuse to use any longer, though it is hard to break family of the habit of calling me by that particular name.

I LOVE ...
A. My husband and my friends.

How do you feel about MEETING people? Do it all the time? Rarely? Parties or 1-on-1?
A. I have met many people over the course of my life, many of them dignitaries or other semi-famous folk through my work. I don't do it as much any more. I have never been a big fan of parties.

What's the story of your NAME? Were you named after anyone? Do you go by a nickname? Any aliases?
A. Isn't this like the "K" question? My first name, Anita, means "grace" in Spanish. My mother chose it though I don't know why. My middle name is Jeanne. My paternal grandfather always thought I was named after him (his name was Joseph Eugene) but my mother told me that wasn't so. So I don't know where the name came from other than my mother's head.

OBSERVANT - What's around you right now? What do you see?
A. I see an office that badly needs to be straightened and cleaned. Outside the window the grass is freshly mown, the sky is blue with puffy clouds, and a slight breeze is fluffing up the leaves on the trees.

Who are the special PEOPLE in your life?
A. My husband, my brother, other family members, my friends. I have several special online friends, too.

Any little QUIRKs about yourself:
A. I like to have something in my mouth all the time, like a Tic Tac or gum.

What do you like to do for RECREATION?
A. Read, play the guitar, and garden.

Do you SING in the shower? In the car? For your friends?
A. I sing in the shower and in the car, and sometimes with my friends but not often. I would like to do more of that.

What's at the top of your TO DO list?:
A. Clean up the aforesaid messy office.

Any UNUSUAL experiences:
A. I've seen ghosts.

VEGAS, Vienna, Venice, Vladivostok... How far have you traveled? What's your favorite City?
I have been to Vegas. I went to Paris, France to the east and to San Diego, CA to the west. To the south I've been to Florida and Texas and to the north I've been to Wyoming and New York.

WINTER, Spring, Summer, Fall... What's your favorite season? What makes it special?
A. I prefer Autumn, because it is cooler. The leaves bring about lots of color. It also reminds me of the start of school.

eXes - Things you don't do anymore (but did, once (would you, again?))
A. I used to work for lawyers. I don't anymore and never would again.

Any secret/deep YEARNINGS?
A. They are secret, and that is how they will stay.

ZERO to ZENITH - Where are you in your life? Still growing? On an upward (or downward) curve? Just skating along?
A. I seem to be on a downward spiral at the moment. I can't get some health issues under control.


Saturday, July 26, 2014

Saturday 9: Summerfling

Saturday 9: Summerfling
(recommended by Kwizgiver)

If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.

1) This song refers to the summer breezes and winds of mid-July. Now that July is almost over, how would you describe this month's weather where you are?

A. We had a cooler-than-normal July, though most of the month is a blur to me. It was also too dry; the hay crop is suffering and we need rain.

2) The lyrics mention the "perfect plans." Do you have plans for today? Or will you just let this summer Saturday unfold?

A. I will change the bed linens and wash them, as I do every Saturday, and beyond that I have no plans. I would like to clean up my office, but we will see how I feel and how my husband feels.

3) This week's artist, k. d. lang, attended Red Deer Community College in Alberta. Red Deer's school colors are green, black and silver. What were your school colors?

My high school colors were red and gray; my college colors were green and gold.

4) She had a bit part in the 2006 murder mystery The Black Dahlia. Do you enjoy murder mysteries?

A. I like them okay. I prefer reading them to watching them. I tend to eschew gore on the screen, and sometimes murder mysteries can be awfully bloody.

5) Ms. lang is a vegetarian. What's the last beef, chicken, pork or fish you ate?

A. A friend made my husband and me a wonderful chicken pot pie. People have been bringing food by since my husband was hurt. The neighbors have been very kind.

6) In 2000, when this song was released, California suffered a series of blackouts. Has your power gone out this summer?
A. We've had a few blinks during storms but no extended power outages so far this year. 
7) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire also came out in 2000. Did you read it?

A. I did. But I don't recall if I read it in 2000. I think I did; I think I started with that one, in fact, and then went back and picked up the others. But that was a long time ago and I am getting old and have a fuzzy brain.

8) Which would you rather have on your hot dog: sauerkraut, ketchup/mustard/relish or chili?

A. I eat my hot dogs with ketchup and relish only, no chili. Sometimes I put a little dab of mustard but only when I'm feeling frisky.

9) If you had your choice, which would you prefer: new shoes or a new wallet?

A. Shoes, I suppose. I've been carrying the same wallet around for about 25 years. Every time I think about replacing it, I can't find anything I like so I just keep using the same one. But I have to replace my expensive $130 podiatrist-recommended stiff-bottomed New Balance sneakers about every 8-9 months, so there you go.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Thursday Thirteen - Prejudice

I am greatly troubled by prejudice. Prejudice is a baseless and negative attitude toward any specific group. Baseless means there is no reason for the person to hold these negative thoughts toward whatever group they are targeting.

Unfortunately, our media today enforces prejudices on many levels. Prejudices also enforce stereotypes. While some stereotypes can be good (women are warm and loving, for example), most are not (teenagers are lazy and never do anything but play video games, for example).

I experience prejudice every day, and I know you do, as well. The problem is we don't often realize it is happening, because we're so used to it that we see it as normal. Some prejudices are easily acknowledged, and as a society we have attempted to eradicate them. Racism is a good example. While the U.S. Supreme Court may think racism is not relevant today, I think most of us know that it is indeed a terrible fact of day-to-day life.

My experiences have led me to try to be as non-judgmental as I possibly can and to try not to label groups. Still, I do it. When the media constantly beats things into your head it is hard to shake it off sometimes. We categorize unknowingly.

So here are a list of 13 common prejudices. There are many, many more, which is really quite sad. 

1. Gender/sex. In particular, I find many men are quite prejudiced against women. I experience this in the medical field more than anywhere else. Doctors automatically assume women have issues that are "all in your head." I can't tell you how many times a male doctor has dismissed my concerns.

2. People who are obese or too thin. I am overweight and I have found that most people underestimate my abilities greatly because of this. Most think I am not as smart as I am. I am not sure how being overweight equals less intelligence but that seems to be the case.

3. People who dress differently. I dress fairly normal but I have seen people shy away from those who prefer less conservative garb. I live in a conservative area and so people who have eccentric tastes tend to stand out significantly. I am always amazed at the reactions of people.

4. People who think differently (the media is really pushing the differences here between liberal/conservative thought, but generally speaking, when I sit down with someone who thinks differently than I, on many issues we are in agreement. But the media doesn't want to look at those; they are into divisiveness.)

5. People from different countries.

6. People who are handicapped or mentally ill. Lately I have been using a cane. For some people, it makes me more visible and they are polite and open doors. For others, it is as if I have vanished completely and there isn't a person standing there anymore. The cane symbolizes that something is wrong, and that means I am no longer acceptable.

7. People who are richer or poorer. Again, this is media-driven. The recent quotes from politicians who blame the poor for their own poverty are maddening. I firmly believe our system is set up to create a set of people who are poor, and economic forces are against them and are put in place to keep them on the lower rungs of economic stability.

8. People who have had a stroke of bad luck, such as losing a job or an injury. When I lost much of my freelance writing work in 2009, thanks to the recession, I felt like people started avoiding me. Obviously there was something wrong with me or I would still have my byline in the newspaper.

9. People who practice a different religion. Around here, it is common to ask people where they go to church. It's an ice-breaker question, and one I fail at because I do not attend a church at the moment. I was baptized as a Brethren, by the way. Sometimes I feel obligated to throw that in, even though it really is no one's business.

10. People who are elderly. Since I have gray hair now, and am aging, I am experiencing this more and more. Old people are invisible in our society. When I was young, I was taught to respect and honor the seniors among us. Apparently that is no longer the case (though of course I am generalizing, which is what I am preaching against in this blog entry).

11. People who are younger. I am probably guilty of this one. When did eight-year-olds start checking people out at the supermarket?

12. People who are a different race or color.

13. People who are smarter or less intelligent.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 354th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Hubby Update

After a three-hour visit to the doctor's office today, I am happy to report that my husband is doing well.

You may remember he mashed his arm in a hay baler on July 5. He had two surgeries and spent five days in the hospital.

The stitches came out today and sterile strips put in their place. They also removed the hard cast and replaced it with bandages and a sock-like thing. I will have to change the dressings on the top part of his arm where the baler belt rubbed all the skin off every couple of days. I am no nurse, so that should be fun.

He will begin his physical therapy on Monday.

He has feeling in his hand and fingers but things are very tender. He has swelling, too, so will have to continue with elevation. The doctor said that the tingling and pain should begin to subside in the next few weeks.

Activity remains limited.

All in all, a good report.

Thanks again for the good wishes, prayers, calls, emails, cards, food, and love. We are blessed even if we are calling each other Crip 1 and Crip 2 at the moment (after Thing 1 and Thing 2 in Dr. Suess, don't you know).

Cow Daze