Saturday, December 28, 2024
Saturday 9: Goodbye
Friday, December 27, 2024
The Button Box
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Thursday Thirteen - Boxing Day Edition
Lots of food. |
Even something healthy. |
All set up for guests. |
Yum! She brought cookies! |
My mother-in-law. |
My stepmother. |
My father. |
The old folks gathering. I'm taking the picture. |
Dad opening a present. |
My tree |
The fireplace with its stocking. |
My brother and husband with the food. |
My brother with Santa Mouse. There's a story there, which I will tell another day. |
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Christmas Eve
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Getting Ready
My mom & dad, mid 1990s, maybe? |
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Saturday 9: Happy Holidays
Friday, December 20, 2024
Oh Vertigo!
On Saturday, I woke up with vertigo. It eased up after I sat up. I have had worse.
I had been having pain in my left ear and assumed an ear infection. Since it was the weekend, I couldn't call my doctor, so I tried some home remedies. It seemed to be better Monday and then Tuesday it wasn't. The vertigo was back when I woke up. Fortunately, it eased.
Wednesday, I called for an appointment with my wonderful primary care physician. I was told if I could be there in 30 minutes, the doctor could see me. I had just showered and was in the process of dressing when I made the call, so I threw on the rest of my clothes and drove as quickly as I dared to get to the office. I made it with a little time to spare.
The doctor confirmed an ear infection in my left ear. Otis media, I think they call it.
She prescribed an antibiotic and sent me off with a Merry Christmas hug.
The antibiotic is not one I have taken often and not a favorite. It makes me grouchy. It is also not kind to my stomach.
Since I am sick, I did not feel like I should do the cooking/baking I had planned to do even though I don't think I am contagious and have no fever. Instead, I coached my husband through it, and he made a couple batches of fudge for me.
He did alright, too.
I think he even enjoyed it.
We are mostly ready for Christmas. I have one more thing to wrap and then I am done. I wish I had come up with better gifts for my husband, but it is hard to buy for people when they simply go get what they want.
I have tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday to ready myself for Christmas Eve, which is usually when my family visits. I think everything will be just fine, including my ear.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Thursday Thirteen
Things I say that I suspect other folks, especially those who live in cities, do not, because I have a rather different sort of lifestyle:
1. There's a cow in the front yard.
2. Nice kill on your deer, dear. Now let's be sure we take meat to neighbor so-and-so (and ramble off a long list because I don't particularly like deer meat). (Yes, we fed a lot of the neighbors.)
3. I saw a coyote try to take down a deer!
4. That's a fairy circle (a round circle of mushrooms).
5. There's a bear looking in the back door.
6. The backyard is full of turkeys.
7. I saw a fox with her kit running down in the holler.
8. The creek is running dry because of the drought.
9. The racoons got into the trash again. (People in the city may have this problem sometimes. Maybe. I'm not sure.)
10. It's raining, so the Internet and the landline phone isn't working properly.
11. I am going to play my guitar until my fingers hurt, because my callouses have vanished and I need to build them back up.
12. My deadline is tomorrow morning, so I will be up past midnight writing this article.
13. I can see the Milky Way tonight because the sky is clear.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
More Than a Feeling
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Saturday 9: I Wouldn't Trade Christmas
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Thursday 13
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Childhood Christmas Memories
Monday, December 09, 2024
Gratitude, Connection, Money, Change
Sunday, December 08, 2024
Not a Kitty Cat
Saturday, December 07, 2024
Saturday 9: Hurt So Bad
Thursday, December 05, 2024
Thursday Thirteen
1. This is the week to ponder about the death of my friend who died in 2021. There was no closure. No funeral, no anything except my own personal visit to see her headstone. She was cremated. She died of a terminal illness, but things still feel unfinished. I wonder if it will always feel like this.
2. This was also the week to celebrate the life of my mother-in-law, who had a birthday. We bought her flowers and took her out to eat for dinner. She gets around very well to be an older person.
3. Winter finally decided to put in an appearance with colder temperatures and wind. I don't mind the cold temperatures, but I do mind the wind. It was howling like a coyote with its tail on fire around 5 a.m. this morning.
4. I wasn't expecting any packages today but found one at the back door just a while ago. I wasn't expecting it until Saturday. I do a lot of online shopping this time of year. Maybe one day I will visit the mall. That would be different.
5. My office is messy, and I feel overwhelmed when I think about trying to clean it up. I know I need to do it in steps . . . today just do this section . . . and it will eventually get done, but inertia is easier.
6. My walking on the treadmill is going well. I have moved the speed up a little and am now up to 21 minutes. I know that doesn't sound like much but when you have health issues, trust me, it's good.
7. I have a lot of books that I need to donate or give away, but no one wants books anymore. The library holds a book sale a few times a year and I have donated books to that in the past (and then once or twice bought my own book back without realizing it). But the last few times I've tried to donate books there, they told me they were full.
8. I also need to rid myself of a few guitars. They take up a lot of space.
9. And while I'm ridding myself of things, I have lots of paper records that one day need to find their way to a shredder. I still have checks from 1983 up in the attic. Not that I can get into the attic, but I know they are there. The banks used to mail you your checks back, long time ago.
10. I have a lottery ticket here on my desk that I'm trying to keep at the top of the piles of paper. That thing might be lucky come Friday. Whadda ya think?
11. We have not filled the bird feeder this year. It swings there, empty. When the wind stops blowing, I should probably bring the feeder inside if we're not going to use it.
12. I am listening to a Fern Michaels book that came across the library app when I was looking for something new. I hadn't read a Fern Michaels book in many years. I didn't even know anyone was still writing under that name.
13. Back in the day, not only did I like Fern Michaels, but I also liked Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney. I wonder how many of my blog readers know who those authors are?
There. Thirteen things. Whew. I thought I might not make it today.