Saturday, December 14, 2024
Saturday 9: I Wouldn't Trade Christmas
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Thursday 13
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Childhood Christmas Memories
Monday, December 09, 2024
Gratitude, Connection, Money, Change
Sunday, December 08, 2024
Not a Kitty Cat
Saturday, December 07, 2024
Saturday 9: Hurt So Bad
Thursday, December 05, 2024
Thursday Thirteen
1. This is the week to ponder about the death of my friend who died in 2021. There was no closure. No funeral, no anything except my own personal visit to see her headstone. She was cremated. She died of a terminal illness, but things still feel unfinished. I wonder if it will always feel like this.
2. This was also the week to celebrate the life of my mother-in-law, who had a birthday. We bought her flowers and took her out to eat for dinner. She gets around very well to be an older person.
3. Winter finally decided to put in an appearance with colder temperatures and wind. I don't mind the cold temperatures, but I do mind the wind. It was howling like a coyote with its tail on fire around 5 a.m. this morning.
4. I wasn't expecting any packages today but found one at the back door just a while ago. I wasn't expecting it until Saturday. I do a lot of online shopping this time of year. Maybe one day I will visit the mall. That would be different.
5. My office is messy, and I feel overwhelmed when I think about trying to clean it up. I know I need to do it in steps . . . today just do this section . . . and it will eventually get done, but inertia is easier.
6. My walking on the treadmill is going well. I have moved the speed up a little and am now up to 21 minutes. I know that doesn't sound like much but when you have health issues, trust me, it's good.
7. I have a lot of books that I need to donate or give away, but no one wants books anymore. The library holds a book sale a few times a year and I have donated books to that in the past (and then once or twice bought my own book back without realizing it). But the last few times I've tried to donate books there, they told me they were full.
8. I also need to rid myself of a few guitars. They take up a lot of space.
9. And while I'm ridding myself of things, I have lots of paper records that one day need to find their way to a shredder. I still have checks from 1983 up in the attic. Not that I can get into the attic, but I know they are there. The banks used to mail you your checks back, long time ago.
10. I have a lottery ticket here on my desk that I'm trying to keep at the top of the piles of paper. That thing might be lucky come Friday. Whadda ya think?
11. We have not filled the bird feeder this year. It swings there, empty. When the wind stops blowing, I should probably bring the feeder inside if we're not going to use it.
12. I am listening to a Fern Michaels book that came across the library app when I was looking for something new. I hadn't read a Fern Michaels book in many years. I didn't even know anyone was still writing under that name.
13. Back in the day, not only did I like Fern Michaels, but I also liked Victoria Holt and Phyllis Whitney. I wonder how many of my blog readers know who those authors are?
There. Thirteen things. Whew. I thought I might not make it today.
Wednesday, December 04, 2024
My Busy Wednesday
Most days, I sit at home and do home stuff. But once or twice a week, I remember I have a car.
So my busy days go like this:
- Wake up about 6:15 a.m.
- Drink a cup of hot water.
- Reset my video game.
- Read news in The New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, the local paper, or whatever I see that may be interesting.
- Check my email and look at Facebook.
- Mix up my Cheerios (half plain Cheerios and half something like Honey Nut Cheerios) and eat them.
- Take my medication.
- Shower and dress.
- Put the recycling into the backseat of the car.
- Make out a grocery list.
- Check the grocery store online for coupons to add to my digital card.
- Talk to a friend who calls.
- Get in the car and leave.
- Stop in the middle of the driveway because someone is coming up the driveway.
- Talk to the men from the fiber company who are "checking" to be sure some things necessary for you to one day have something besides DSL internet access have been done. No, they don't know when you will be hooked up. Have a nice day.
- Take my leave of the men and head out.
- Drop off the recycling at the recycling bins. Today it took two different tries, as the paper bin was overflowing at my first stop. They'd been emptied at the second one.
- Put gasoline in the car.
- Get lucky at the crossover and manage to get across 4 lanes without stopping.
- Drive to the grocery store.
- Once inside, purchase a lottery ticket for my husband.
- Travel the aisles looking for the items on the list. Speak to my neighbor who's using the electric cart, call out to someone else I know and wish them a happy holiday season.
- Back track because I forgot to pick up some sausage for my husband. They are out of sausage.
- Check out and speak enthusiastically to the checkout clerk and tell him what a great job he does.
- Haul the groceries to the car and load them in the trunk.
- Put the grocery cart in the rack.
- Return to the car, start it, and head back home. Take the long route because I want to stop at the mailbox withotu getting out of the car because it's cold outside, and if I come from the west I can do that.
- The mail hasn't run.
- Go up the driveway and park the car.
- Change my shoes and wash my hands.
- Empty the truck of its groceries. Put everything away.
- Wash my hands again.
- Throw a load of towels in the wash.
- Check the destination arrival time for several packages expected today.
- Fix myself an egg sandwich and eat the crumbs of a bag of Baked Lays potato chips.
- Read a couple of articles in The Atlantic.
- Take my medication.
- Put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher.
- Turn on the humidifiers because the house is dry.
- Put the towels in the dryer.
- Reset my video game. (This should be done every 3 hours, but I only manage it three times a day, at the most).
- Drive down to the mailbox to see if the mail has run. No mail. Drive back home. Wonder if I should do a video of the drive up and down the driveway so people will understand it's a very long gravel driveway.
- Answer a few texts.
- Talk to another friend.
- Check on the packages I'm expecting. Note that the "latest arrival time" has changed. Again.
- Work on this blog post.
- Answer the door to find the USPS driver has dropped off one package. I'm expecting several. She waves at me. I scoop up the package and deposit it on the kitchen counter.
- Drive down to the mailbox again. It is stuffed full. I guess she couldn't get the one package in the box.
- Return home and puzzle over the packages. Not exactly what I thought I was buying. Hmm.
- Decide this is enough of this blog post - this day will finish out itself with a walk on the treadmill, fixing dinner, and watching TV with the husband.
Monday, December 02, 2024
When Newspapers Were Newspapers
Sunday, December 01, 2024
Sunday Stealing
I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.
Saturday, November 30, 2024
Saturday 9: Thank You
Thursday, November 28, 2024
Thursday Thirteen #885
Since is Thanksgiving here in the United States, it seems appropriate (and probably a little lazy) to make a list of 13 things for which I am grateful.
1. My husband of 41 years, who has put up with all sorts of craziness from me and continues to love me in spite of myself. He's a good man and I love him very much.
2. My personal creative process, which encompasses a wide range of things from writing to music to an occasional spurt of coloring in a coloring book. Sometimes I even do crafty things, but not very often. It is generally the writing and the music that attract me and keep me going.
3. I am very grateful for books. I would not be who I am today if I had not been a constant reader, always delving into this world or that. Books broaden my world and keep my brain thinking.
4. Education also tops my list of things for which I am grateful. I loved school, even elementary school, and only found it more to my liking as I aged and moved into high school and then college. I strongly suspect I missed a calling as a professor - I would have enjoyed that, I think.
5. The career I did have as a writer of local news was incredibly satisfying and while it didn't make me rich, it certainly made me well-known and, in some circles, highly thought of. I know not everyone liked what I wrote, but a good journalist makes enemies.
6. I am very thankful for my family, even the ones I seldom see. I have a wide range of cousins out there, too many to list by far, and I recently discovered a new one who lives just down the road from me. She was writing about her great aunt on Facebook in a history group, and that person was my great aunt, too, so we are either second cousins or first cousins once removed. I can't figure that out without a chart, but I think it is the "once removed" part.
7. My friends are also atop my list of people for whom I am grateful. I do not have many close friends, but the ones I have I treasure and love deeply. They help keep me sane.
8. I am especially grateful for my brother, who should be under the "family" heading, I suppose, but I shall single him out because he is the only person in the world who shares my past. My father is still alive but he does not share my past in the way my brother does, because he saw it as adult and child, while my brother and I were both children. We have a tight bond to be siblings, and I am grateful for that.
9. My computer makes me, well, not happy, but it does keep me "out there" and that is something. Occasionally I'd like to throw the thing out the window, but I still use it constantly.
10. I am grateful to be alive. I had a few times when that wasn't a certainty, especially when I had sepsis because of endometriosis and ovarian cysts, and again when I had e-coli, once when I had pneumonia, and a few other times that I won't go into. I honestly never expected to live this long, so each day is a gift.
11. I am thankful for my house, which we moved into about this time of year a very long time ago. In 1987, we built our home ourselves, hammering nails and all of that. My husband had loads of help from firefighters he worked with, many of whom had second jobs as carpenters, roofers, and painters. While not exactly a good old-fashioned barn raising, it certainly was a multi-friend and family effort.
12. I am grateful too for the technology that makes texting possible. It's a quick and easy way to catch up with folks. While I personally prefer an actual conversation to a text, a text is acceptable.
13. There really is no "last" in a list of things for which one might be grateful, is there? There's the beautiful sky, the lovely Blue Ridge Mountains, neighbors, the stars in the dark sky, the clouds that make beautiful sunsets - honestly, there is no end to the list of things I could be grateful for.
And I am especially grateful for you, dear reader, whoever you are and wherever you are. I hope that you have a very wonderful day.
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Alderian Psychology
Individual Psychology: Adler emphasized the uniqueness of each person and the importance of understanding individuals within their social context.Feelings of Inferiority: Adler believed that feelings of inferiority drive individuals to strive for superiority and success. These feelings often stem from early childhood experiences.Social Interest: A core concept in Adlerian psychology is the idea of social interest, which refers to an individual's sense of belonging and contribution to society.Lifestyle: Adlerian therapy involves assessing an individual's lifestyle, which includes their beliefs, values, and strategies for dealing with life's challenges.Encouragement: Adlerian therapists use encouragement to help clients see possibilities and believe in their abilities to overcome challenges.Goal-Oriented Behavior: Adlerian theory posits that human behavior is goal-oriented and motivated by striving for personal goals.
Monday, November 25, 2024
Shiny Antlers
Sunday, November 24, 2024
Sunday Stealing
2. What is your favorite thing about the place you live?
A. I like my house because my husband and I built it ourselves. It's cozy.
3. What is your earliest childhood memory?
A. When I very young, maybe about 4 or so, my brother, who is 3 years younger than I, climbed up on the kitchen cabinet and managed to get a hold of an entire bottle of aspirin, which he proceeded to eat. I found him and ran to my mother to tell her, and they took him to the hospital to get something to make him throw them up.
4. If you could be any animal, what would you be?
A. I would be a deer. They are inquisitive animals.
5. Who do you trust the most in your life?
A. I trust my husband more than anyone. After all this time, I should.
6. How many languages can you say "hello" in?
A. Three, I think.
7. What is your favorite kind of weather?
A. I like for it to be about 72 degrees, sunny, with a tiny gentle breeze tickling my nose.
8. How did you discover that Santa wasn't real and how old were you?
A. I learned that very early on. I had lost a tooth early, when I was 5, by falling on my grandmother's stoop. The tooth fairy came and brought a 50-cent piece. When I was helping my mother dust one day shortly after that, I discovered a bowl full of 50-cent pieces and quickly deduced that my parents were the tooth fairy, and from there made the leap to Santa Claus. My mother confirmed my suspicions but asked me not to tell my brother.
9. What is the best feeling in the world?
A. Knowing that you are loved is one of the best feelings in the world.
10. What is your favorite color?
A. Blue is my favorite color.
11. Is there a language you would love to learn?
A. I would like to relearn Spanish. I had it in high school, but I have forgotten most of it.
12. How do you feel about reality TV?
A. I don't think reality TV has helped the country much. I watch some of it, but I think it contributes to the dumbing down of the USA.
13. Did you ever skip school when you were a kid?
A. I did skip school when I was in high school. I used to slip out early and miss band class. I was warned if I missed another I would be reprimanded, didn't listen, and received an in-school suspension for it. I don't know if they still do that. Probably not.
14. What is your least favorite food?
A. I will not eat coconut.
15. Do you have a good luck charm?
A. I do not have a good luck charm.
I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.