Showing posts with label MemeQuestions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MemeQuestions. Show all posts

Sunday, August 04, 2013

A Self-fulfilling Prophecy: Meme Questions

From Sunday Stealing

Massive Alphabet Meme, part two

The Letter N
1. Do you have a nickname?
   I have lots of nicknames, depending upon who is addressing me.

2. What is your favorite number?
   I don't know that I have a favorite.

3. Do you prefer night or day?
   Prevening. (Big Bang Theory fans will recognize that. It's the time between afternoon and evening. Prevening.)

The Letter O
1. What is your one wish?
   To be satisfied and content.

2. Are you an only child?
   No. I have a brother.

3. Do you wish this year was over?
   No. I am too old to wish my life away.

The Letter P
1. What is one fear that you are most paranoid about?
   Having to live in a box under a bridge.

2. What personality trait would you look for in someone you wanted to date?
   Intelligence. And loyalty.

The Letter Q
1. Are you quick to judge people?
   More so than I used to be.

The Letter R
1. Do you think you are always right?
   I don't always think I am right, but I usually am.

2. Do you watch reality T.V.?
   I have watched Survivor from its inception. I also watch Deadliest Catch. My husband watches Swamp People. We also watch Pawn Stars and American Pickers sometimes. We don't watch anything else that I would classify as reality T.V. and I'm not sure if all of those qualify.

3. What is a good reason to cry?
   The state of the nation. Stubbing your toe. Breaking your heart, which covers everything from losing your career to losing your loved ones. Pure joy. I think if you want or need to cry, you should cry, regardless of reason.

The Letter S
1. Do you prefer sun or rain?
   Sun. My preference is 70 degrees with a slight breeze.

2. Do you like snow?
   Yes, but the kind that falls, covers the ground, and leaves in a day.

3. What is your favorite season?
   Autumn, Spring, Summer, Winter, in that order.

The Letter T
1. What time is it?

2. What time did you wake up?
   6:19 a.m.

3. When was the last time you slept in a tent?
   Probably when I was about 8 years old.

The Letter U
1. Are you wearing underwear?
   Of course.

2. Do you open your eyes when under water?
   Depends on the water.

The Letter V
1. What is the worst veggie?
   I am not overly fond of root vegetables, but there is no vegetable that I refuse to eat.

2. Where do you want to go on vacation?
   I would like to visit the Grand Canyon again. I last saw it when I was 12. I would also like to go to Niagra Falls, New York, Chicago,

3. What was your last family vacation together?
   My husband and I went to Myrtle Beach last year. About 20 years ago we were at Myrtle Beach as the same time as my parents.

The Letter W
1. What is your worst habit?
   Chewing my fingernails.

2. Where do you live?
   On a farm.

The Letter X
1. Have you ever had an X-ray?
   Many, many times.

2. Have you ever seen the X-Games?
   I don't even know what that is.

3. Do you own or have you ever played a xylophone?
   I had a toy one as a child, does that count?

The Letter Y
1. Do you like the color yellow?
   Yes. In Feng Shui it is supposed to help bring about change and enlightenment and stuff like that.

2. What year were you born in?
   One in the last century.

3. What do you yearn for most?
   The sister I never had.

The Letter Z
1. What is your Zodiac Sign?
   Third sign of the Zodiac.

2. Do you believe in the Zodiac?
   It is fun to read but I don't "believe" in it. I think it can be a self-fulfilling prophecy if you take it seriously.

3. What is your favorite zoo animal?
   I haven't been to a zoo in about 35 years, but I would have to say a panda bear.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Beyond My Grasp: Meme Questions

From Sunday Stealing

Massive Alphabet Meme, part one

The Letter A
1. Are you agnostic?
   Truths are unknowable, life is good.

2. What is your age?
   Old enough to know better, young enough to care.

3. What annoys you?
   People with brains who don't use them.

The Letter B
1. Do you like bacon?
   Bacon bacon bacon! Yum!

2. When is your birthday?
   It is now in the past but still in my future. It is not in July.

3. Who is your best friend?
   The man asleep in the living room.

The Letter C
1. What is your favorite candy?

2. Who is your crush?
   That same guy in the living room.

3. When was the last time you cried?
   When I learned I would have to have surgery.

The Letter D
1. Do you daydream?
   To be awake and stare out the window and think of things beyond my grasp is one of the finer ways to spend an hour.

2. What is your favorite kind of dog?

3. What day of the week is it?
   Saturday as I write this.

The Letter E
1. How do you like your eggs?
   Scrambled or hard boiled.

2. Have you ever been in the emergency room?
   Unfortunately, many times.

3. What’s the easiest thing to ever do?
   Open your eyes.

The Letter F
1. Have you ever flown in a plane?

2. Do you use fly swatters?
   Yes. I've also had fly swatters used on me.

3. Have you ever used a foghorn?

The Letter G
1. Do you chew gum?
   Yes. And I'm a snapper and a bubble blower.

2. Ever tried gazpacho?

3. Are you a giver or taker?
   Both, I hope.

The Letter H
1. How are you?
   Can't complain, no one listens anyway.

2. What’s your height?
   Five feet two, eyes of blue, and she's only ... not 22.

3. What color is your hair?
   Brown with soft white highlights.

The Letter I
1. What is your favorite ice-cream?
   I don't eat ice cream. But if I did my favorite would be a hot fudge sundae.

2. Have you ever ice-skated?
   Yes, a very long time ago.

3. Do you play an instrument?
   At various times in my life I have played the piano, the flute, the guitar, the saxophone, the accordion, the harmonica, the banjo, the mandolin, the ukulele, the tambourine, the organ, and the piccolo.

The Letter J
1. What is your favorite jelly bean?
   Yuck. I really dislike jelly beans.

2. Do you wear jewelry?
   Yes. A wedding band, a watch, earrings, and sometimes a necklace.

3. Have you heard a really hilarious joke?
   White horse fell in a mudhole. Oh wait, that's a dirty joke.

The Letter K
1. Whom do you want to kill?

2. Do you want kids?
   I did but they were not in the cards.

3. Where did you go to kindergarten?
   In a classroom.

The Letter L
1. Are you laid-back?
   No, I'm tighter than Nat's hat band.

2. Do you lie?
   I try not to, but when someone looks like crap in those clothes, who am I to burst their bubble?

3. Do you love anyone?
   I love lots of people.

The Letter M
1. What is your favorite movie?
   The Lord of the Rings, all three parts and all 9+ hours of it

2. Do you still watch Disney movies?
   Sometimes. Secretariat was a good movie.

3. Do you like mangoes?
   I don't know that I've ever had one.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Pretty Sharp Cookie

From Sunday Stealing

Q. Have you ever clicked on an ad on the side of your screen by accident?

A. I imagine so. It's easy enough to do. Generally I don't click on ads, though.

Q. When was the last time you were disappointed?

A.  I was pretty disappointed when I found out I would have to have my gallbladder removed at the end of June. I was hoping to keep it around longer, you know, like the rest of my life.

Q. Do you like the smell of rain?

A. Yes.

Q. What was the last thing you took a picture of?

A. My husband's dirty laundry hanging on the back deck.

Q. When you go to McDonald's, what drink do you usually get?

A. I don't eat at McDonald's.

Q. What were you doing today at 2:15 in the afternoon?

A. I am answering this at 8 a.m., that time hasn't happened yet. But yesterday at that time I was working on my lesson plan for the college course in creative writing that I am currently teaching.

Q. What's the nickname of your home state?

A. Virginia is for lovers. But we're the Old Dominion.

Q. What's the worst type of weather in your opinion?

A. Zero degrees and bitter wind.

Q. Do you have a Kindle, Nook, iPad or none?

A. I have a Nook.

Q. Would you rather read or write?

A. I would rather do both. Such things should never be either/or.

Q. When was the last time someone took a picture of you?

A. I guess about two years ago, if you don't count the self-portraits I've attempted in hopes of getting something decent for Facebook.

Q. Do you own a pair of slippers?

A. Yes 

Q. Name something negative that you hate about yourself.

A. I'm fat.

Q. Is your house currently hot, cold or just right?

A. Just right. I'm like Goldie Locks, I always have to have everything just right.

Q. Is there a Dead End road near where you live?

A. Yes

Q. Do you roll your eyes often?

A. I'm afraid so. There is a lot going to on that is eye-roll worthy.

Q. Growing up, did you see your cousins often?

A. No, but I spent a lot of time with other relatives.

Q. Where was your first job at?

A. My father's farm, then babysitting, then I worked summers at my father's business.

Q. When's your birthday?

A. June. I just hit the big 5-0.

Q. Is life a party to you?

A. No.

Q. Who are you tired of seeing in the news a lot?

A. Pretty much any celebrity who is doing nothing.

Q. When was the last time you flew a kite?

A. Probably 20 years ago.

Q. How long have you had a blog?

A. This blog has been in existence for seven years. But I have been blogging since 2003.

Q.  Have you ever had to call and complain about a product you bought?

A. Yes.

Q. Name something positive you love about yourself.

A. I'm a pretty sharp cookie.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The Wackadoo Meme, Part 2

The Wackadoo Meme, Part 2 (Part 1 is here.)

From Sunday Stealing

30. What brand of batteries do you usually get?

A. Duracell or Energizers

31. Are any of your friends pregnant or have kids?

A. You're kidding, right? My friends all have adult children, if they have children at all.
32. What is in your medicine cabinet?

A. Deodorant, aspirin, toothpaste, shaving cream, a razor. Usual stuff.

33. What's your favorite aspect of the natural world?

A. As opposed to what, the unnatural world? I like nature, forests, trees, animals - in all of its glory.
34. What's your favorite man made thing?

A. Probably this stupid computer I'm typing on, I can't seem to get away from it. Although I like my house, too.
35. Can you whistle properly?

A. Yes. Tweet tweet tweet.
36. What song do you think is the most widely heard in the world?

A. Since we have armed forces bases in 38 nations, or something like that, I expect it is The Star Spangled Banner. Although Happy Birthday might actually take first place.
37. Where's the strangest place a fast food restaurant was located?

A. Um. You mean one I've eaten at, or where I might imagine it being? I could imagine one being at the North Pole; I suppose it would serve Santa and the elves.

38. What states surround your state? Or are you not land locked?

A. My state is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, Maryland, West Virginia, Delaware, Tennessee, Kentucky, Washington DC, and North Carolina.

39. Do you own binoculars or monoculars? What do you use them for?

A. I own binoculars and I use them to watch deer and other animals.
40. Do you ever wish you had a telescope on the roof or attic to stargaze?

A. Sure, why not?
41. What's your favorite chocolate bar?

A. I like them all, except those "air chocolate" ones.
42. Do you fall asleep easy in cars? How about planes, trains and boats?

A. These days I fall asleep pretty much any time I am quiet.
43. Would you rather live a year of your life in every major country or stay in the same place you live forever without vacations?

A. That depends. If it's a year in every country then maybe I would live a very long time, because there are about 195 countries. That would mean I could live to be 195! But then of course I would be *really* old.

44. What will you not tolerate in a person?

A. I have a hard time with stupidity.
45. Do you forgive others easier or yourself? Why is this?

A. Yes, because I know myself. I do not know them; I'm not in their skin.
46. How was God made, if he exists?

A. Two parts vinegar, one part water, a little splash of bleach.

47. Have you ever done aqua aerobics or polo?

A. No.
48. What age were you when you learned how to swim?

A. I think I was about 8.

49. What shows or characters scared you as a child?

A. The Living Dead

50. Do you stay up all night on New Years Eve/Day or go to bed after 12am?

A. Ha. I am in bed by 10 p.m.
51. What's something unusual currently in your fridge?

A. A three-year-old bottle of blackberry wine.
52. How about your freezer?

A. Deer meat.

53. What could you be doing now that is more productive?

A. Balancing the checkbook.
54. Give me some lyrics from the song that's stuck in your head?

A. I see your picture, your name is on the locket, done up in blueprint blue, it sure looks good on you, and if you smile for the camera, you'll know I love you better.  (I can't remember the name of the song, and I'm not sure I have the words right.)

55. What's your favorite type of firework?

A. The kind that go boom.

Sunday, July 07, 2013

Mountains and Sky: Q&A

1.  What age is your youngest aunt?

A. Hmm. My youngest aunt by blood is 62. My youngest aunt by marriage is 48 or 49. But you must understand that I have an uncle who is younger than I am.
2. Do you miss someone right now?

A. Yes.

3. What can you see North West to you?

A. Mountains and sky. That is the view of my blog header at the moment, actually.

4. Do you like bowling?

A. Not particularly.

5. Can you pronounce Italian words?

A. Not without study.

6. Do you prefer black or beige coloured jackets?

A. Black.

7. Do you own a hoodie?

A. I don't think so, but who knows what is buried in my closet.

8. Do you like roasting marshmallows on a bonfire?

A. Actually, no. Bonfires are messy and dirty, what with all that ash and stuff. But I do like to eat roasted marshmallows.

9. Do you like cheesy puffs?

A. No.

10. What's your name without vowels?


11. How many layers of clothing are you wearing?

A. Two.

12. When was the last time you got a take away? What did you have?

A. What the heck is a take away? I'm from the American south where we don't talk like other folks. I am assuming you mean take out food. I generally don't do take out; the last time would have been on my birthday, a month ago, when we had leftovers from my surprise party at the pizza place.

13. If you could climb any mountain or range which would you choose?

A. I have a desire to go to McAfee's Knob, which is on the Appalachian Trail and not all that far from my home. It is a six-mile hike, which is not far, but I am not an outdoors girl at all. 

14. Do you alphabetically arrange anything in your room? What?

A. No. Not even my books are in any kind of order.

15. Have you ever visited fat-pie [dot] [com]?

A. No.

16. Do you prefer sweet or sour fruits?

A. Sweet.

17. Do you like Flo Rida? Which song of his?

A. Never heard of him/it/her.

18. How are your dancing skills?

A. Pathetic.

19. What is your favorite number?

A. Whatever age I am in that particular year.

20. Describe your best friend to me?

A. Loyal, proud, exceedingly busy, happy in his work, caring, loving, and wonderful.

21. What is your favorite alcoholic drink?

A. I don't drink alcohol.

22. Do you do any sports or have you done any sport professionally?

A. No.

23. What is your ringtone?

A. Some lilting music thing on a Nokia.

24. Do you like chilli flavoured chips/crisps?

A. No.

25. Do you curl or straighten your hair?

A. No.

26. What's the nicest smell of shampoo?

A. Clean.

27. What smell turns you on? How about turns you off?

A. Chocolate = turn on. Garbage = turn off.

28. Who's your favorite comedian?

A. Bill Maher at the moment.

29. RnB or Reggae?

A. Neither. I'm a Top 40 kind of gal.

These questions are from Sunday Stealing.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Sunday Stealing: It Would Be Nice To Give It A Try


(Isn't it sad that you have to win not a million dollars, but 100 million dollars? Money doesn't go as far as it used to.) 

What kind of car would you buy?

Probably the same thing I have: a Toyota Camry. I might get the 6-cylinder engine, though. And my husband would get a new Ford F-250 pick up truck of some kind, I'm sure. Although you never know. Maybe I'd go check out the Cadillacs or a Jaguar or something.

Where in the country would you move to?

I imagine we'd stay right where we are.

What kind of house would you buy?

We might build a new one after purchasing some of the property around us. It would have a nice front porch.

Would you give your family any money?


What charity would you donate to?

Probably the same ones I donate to now, and I'd set up some kind of endowment at my alma mater.

Would you give your friends any money?


Where would you go on vacation?

Europe. I have always wanted to go to Scotland, England, and Ireland. 

What luxury item would you buy first?

I would hire a cleaning person.

Would it change your life?

That much money probably would, yes.

Would you save any of it?


Would it change your current relationship?

No. At least not the one with my husband. I am not sure how it might affect my friends.

Would you quit your job?


Would you ever work again?

I would continue to write. But I might be the newspaper owner instead of the freelance writer.

What one task would you never do again?

Clean the toilet.

What dream of yours would you be able to do?

More travel.

Would you change the way you dress?


Would you change anything about your body?

Yes. I would go spend time at a fat farm if I could find one.

Would you miss anything about not being rich?

Who would be the first person you tell?

My husband.

Would it bring you happiness?

I doubt it. But it would be nice to give it a try.

These questions are from Sunday Stealing.

Monday, June 17, 2013

A Day Late and a Dollar Short - Meme Questions

The Weird Question Meme, Part Two

Q. What is your ring size?

A. I don't know.

Q. How often do you wear jewelry? 

A. Every day. I always wear a watch and a wedding band. Usually I also have on earrings and a necklace.

Raisins in gin
Q. When was the last time you consumed alcohol? 

A. If you count gin-soaked raisins, yesterday. If not, then I had a little wine in 2011. Generally I don't drink alcohol.

Q. Any big plans for the summer?

A. Nope. I am teaching a class this summer at the community college. 

Q. What is your favorite comfort food? 

A. Chocolate. Followed by potato chips.

Q. Do you prefer broccoli or asparagus?

A. Broccoli. 

Q. What color are your bedroom walls?

A. Eggshell. Or maybe the bedroom is moonlight and the living room eggshell. It is one or the other. 

One of my "children"

Q. With whom do you live?

A. My husband, a herd of cows, crickets, stink bugs, deer, coyotes, foxes, and bears. We live on a farm.

Q. Which Star Wars movie is your favorite?

A. The last one. Return of the Jedi.

Q. How about Harry Potter?

A. How about him. He's an all around good guy but Hermione is the real wizard. If you are asking which movie I liked the best, I'd go with the first one. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Q. What was the last movie you saw in theaters?

A. The Hobbit. 

Q. Did you get the popcorn or candy?

My husband bought a bag of popcorn and a soft drink. I bought a bottle of water. 

Q. What is the most romantic text in your inbox?

A. I don't text. Besides, I don't even have anything romantic in my email. 

Q. Have you ever played miniature golf on a date? 

A. My husband and I play miniature golf on dates when we are at the beach.

Q. What’s a phrase you overuse?

A. "That's interesting." It's my polite way of saying, "What the hell are you talking about?" 

Q. Do you always use good grammar?

A. Usually I do in my writing. I speak southern, though. Ain't much good grammar in saying, "Y'all come, we're goin' over yonder, uhwanto?

Q. Do you have an accent or a speech impediment? 

A. See above. I have an Appalachian accent.

Q. What did you eat today?

A. So far I have had a glass of tea and a little chocolate. 

Q. What do you do at work?

A. I write. I make phone calls. I stare out the window. I research things. I create power points. I make websites. I read.

Q. Do you know the rules to any sports?

A. Yes. I know a little about football, NASCAR, tennis, golf, basketball, etc. How could you not know a little bit about that sort of thing? It is all over the TV.

Q. Do you prefer to watch or play sports?

A. Neither. 

Q. What is your favorite kind of hat to wear?

A. I used to wear a big floppy leather hat. Nowadays I seldom wear a hat. 

Q. Do you pray?

A. Getting personal, aren't you? But yes. 

Q. To whom do you pray?

A. Nobody's business but my own. 

Q. What is the closest mountain to your house? 

A. Tinker Mountain.

Q. What size engine is in your vehicle?

A. It's a four cylinder. 

Q. What do you need to do tomorrow?

A. I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow, and I need to make sure I have everything for class on Wednesday.

These questions are from Sunday Stealing.

Sunday, June 09, 2013

Sunday Questions

This is from Sunday Stealing

The Weird Question Meme, Part One

Q. Do you wear slippers?

A. Yes. Well, I call them slippers but they are actually moccasins.
Q. How many pictures are in your living room?

A. You know, I have to go look. Hang on a minute . . . this is what is on my walls in that room: two pictures (one of Hollins University done by P Buckley Moss and another of a rustic scene), a duo of dulcimers, and a shadow box of firefighter memorabilia which also hangs with the iconic photo of the firefighters raising the US flag in New York after the attack on the World Trade Center.

Q. Do you ever watch Brady Bunch reruns?

A. Not very often, no. I can't recall the last time I did.
Q. Are you allergic to anything?

A. Shellfish, citrus fruit (oranges and grapefruit in particular), grasses, trees (oak, pine, etc), flowers (all of them that bloom), animal dander, black pepper, etc.
Q. When was the last time you called in sick?

A. I'm self-employed. I never call in anything, I just do what I want.

Q. Have you ever been in a car accident?

A. Yes. One year I was in three of them, none of them my fault. The scariest was when I was rear-ended on the interstate, simply because of the location.  I was on an overpass and there was nowhere to go. The worst was when I nearly totalled my Taurus in the mid-1990s. That one was sort of my fault, but the judge did not convict me for it because there were extenuating circumstances.
Q. What is your favorite snack food?

A. I like chocolate. And potato chips.

Q. Have you ever seen a tornado?

A. When I was in high school, I was with the band and we were in Bristol, TN for a competition. While we were eating in a diner, a tornado came through. We couldn't actually see it but the winds were so bad that we all got up and moved away from the windows. Afterward, we took the bus to the competition site and could see the tornado's path down the side of a small mountain. It tore an outdoor movie theater right in half.

Q. If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?

A. A new car. I plan to replace my Camry with a Camry, but if I had more funds I might go for an Avalon or a Cadillac. I'd have to drive the cars first to see how I liked them, though.
Q. What time is it right now?

A.  It is the right time to make time for all time.
Q. Do you think it's cool for men to wear flip-flops?

A. I can't say that I've ever really thought about it.

Q. How many pairs of shoes do you own?

A. More than 10 and less than 50. I am not going to go count them.
Q. Do you think you are a hypochondriac?

A. Probably. Most people worry about having something at some time or another.
Q. Do you own a dictionary?

A. I own several dictionaries, and a couple of thesauruses.
Q. Where was the last place you went on vacation?

A. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.
Q. Do you talk about your friends behind their back?

A. I try not to.
Q. Are you actually fat but in complete denial about it?

A. No. I am fat and fully aware of it.
Q. What color is your mouse pad?

A. Yellow.
Q. Does your kitchen have a theme?

A. Does stainless steel count as a theme? If not, then no.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday Stealing - Meme Questions

From Sunday Stealing: the fairy tale meme

Snow White: Do you consider yourself pretty? Name the part of your body you think is the most beautiful!

A. I do not consider myself pretty, nope. I have nice skin, though. As I have aged it is not as nice as it used to be but it is still fairly decent.

Cinderella: What is your shoe size?

A. It's the appropriate one for my feet.

Sleeping Beauty: How many hours do you sleep each night?

A. Generally 7 to 8. I usually get up at least once during the night.

Little Red Riding Hood: What is your favorite food? 

A. Chocolate, apparently. That seems to be what I have the most trouble giving up. My favorite veggie is green beans. My favorite fruit is watermelon. My favorite meat is chicken (it used to be fish until I started having weird reactions to seafood). My favorite grain is rice.

The Frog Prince: What do you find disgusting?

A. Vomit or the act thereof, poop jokes, things that boys do, and politics.

Jack and the Beanstalk: What plants are in your room?

A. I have an artificial flower arrangement of yellow flowers in my office. Because of my allergies I long ago rid the house of real plants - mold in the dirt was causing problems.

Puss in Boots: Do you have a pet? Do you want one?

A. I have a herd of cows. They are not pets but they are my animals. I do not want another pet of any kind.

Rumpelstiltskin: What is the meaning of your url? 

It means "this blog at blogspot." The blog title, which I think is what this question is really asking, means "Blue Ridge Mountains, Living in the Country, and the World is Magic to Me."

The Little Mermaid: Can you sing?

A. La la la la la. Yes. I also play guitar. I don't do either as much or as well as I used to.

Pinocchio: What is your greatest wish?

A. This is a hard one. But I think my greatest wish is to be acknowledged and to feel like I matter. Or maybe that is my greatest need, and my greatest wish is something else.

Peter Pan: What is your (mental) age? 

A. I think I'm about 22. If you're interested in some personality testing and would like to know your emotional age, check out this link. Be aware the tests can be long, and I'm not responsible if you click on a link that says "pay up." I'm not being paid to promote this, I just like personality tests.

The Star Money: What is your most prized possession?
A. This is tough, too. I don't value things all that much and most of them are replaceable. But I would have to say my computer, or my backup hard drive, because it has so much of my writing and photography on it, and that would be difficult if not impossible to replicate if I lost it all. After that, I would say my diploma, which is representative of my education.

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Sunday Stealing Questions

More Q&A on Sunday from Sunday Stealing:

The Wish List Meme, part two

26.) If you had to order from a kid's menu, what would you get?'

A hot dog with catsup and relish only. 

27.) Do you speak any other languages?

A little Spanish but nothing to brag about.

28.) Do you use Twitter?

I have an account.

29.) Do you go onto YouTube?

Sometimes I like to watch music videos.

30.) Do you play Angry Birds?


31.) Do you like theme parties?

No. I don't party. I lead a very boring and incredibly ordinary life.

32.) Do you like current cartoons?

I didn't know they still made cartoons.

33.) Have you ever cried because you were so happy?

No. I have never been that happy.

34.) Who would you like to see in concert?

Melissa Etheridge or Sheryl Crow.

35.) Can you swim well?

I would not drown. Soon, anyway.

36.) Ever won a contest?

I've won some writing awards, some of which were contests.

37.) Ever won a giveaway?

Not that I recall.

38.) Do you get a full 8 hours of sleep every night?

I get an interrupted 8 hours of sleep, usually getting out of bed at least once if not twice.

39.) What tea do you like?

Lipton orange pecoe or black tea (decaf) but I am also partial to ginger teas and herbal concoctions.

40.) What mixed drink do you like?

I don't drink alcohol. It doesn't go well with some of my prescription medication.

41.) Do you shop at Walmart?

Unfortunately, yes.

42.) Do you shop at Target?

Unfortunately, yes.

43.) What do you order at your local coffee shop?


44.) Do you drink bottled or tap water?

Both. But the tap water is filtered.

45.) Do you like homemade meals?

I must since I fix supper at least 6 nights a week.

46.) Do you like homemade baked goods?

Depends on the cook. Some of the stuff from a mix or a store tastes a lot better than homemade things if it is not made properly.

47.) Do you shop online?


48.) Name 3 stores online stores you would like to shop at:

Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and I can't think of a third one. Best Buy, maybe, or an Apple store. 

49.) What holiday don't you like?

Mother's Day 

50.) What do you eat more when you're sick?

Crackers or potato chips along with ginger ale

Monday, April 29, 2013

More Questions

I thought I would answer some more questions. Some days it is tough to come up with something to say.

1. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?

I suspect I remember what people say much longer than I should. I have a mind like an elephant - I seldom forget. It's helpful in my work as a news reporter, maybe not so much in my life.

2. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?

Trust, Respect, Empathy, and Laughter

3. Is there a cause you believe in more than any other cause?

I believe in efforts to bring equality to women, so yes. Women's rights.
4. What does each decade make you think of:

The 19..

20's:  - Flappers
30's:  - Great Depression
40's:  - World War II
50's:  - Downtrodden Women
60's:  - Freedom
70's:  - Me Generation
80's:  - Free-for-all
90's:  - Growth and prosperity
2000s: - Fear and timidity
2010's: - Unrest and discord

5. Which decade do you feel the most special connection to and why?

The 1970s. That is when I was coming of age, finding myself, and freeing myself from the grip of my parents.
6. What is your favorite oldie/classic rock song?

American Pie by Don McLean. You can watch it here.

7. What country do you live in and who is the leader of that country?

The USA under President Barrack Obama.

If you could say any sentence to the current leader of your country what would it be?

Mr. President, what do you think you are doing?

8. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?

CBS, but I am seldom up late.

9. What Disney villain are you the most like and why?

Jafar. I am trapped by my own self.
10. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?

11. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?


12. Why is the sky blue during the day and black at night?

The sky is blue during the day because we are really living in the eye of a huge giant; we are but the atoms on a tiny little speck of dust. When the eye is open, we see the blue of the giant's eye. When the eye closes, we see darkness. The stars are really the dust specks on the giant's eye lid.
13. What does your name mean?

Grace or gracious

14. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?

Space. The Final Frontier. These are the voyages . . .

15. Word association

What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:

Air: Water

Meat: Cleaver

Different: Odd

Pink: Flesh

Deserve: Earn

White: Black

Elvis: Dead

Magic: Witch

Heart: Barracuda

Clash: Flash

Pulp: Orange

16. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be?

Mary Queen of Scots
17. What if you could meet anyone who is alive?

Diane Sawyer

18. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?

Any of the three movies in the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

19. You are going to be stuck alone in an elevator for a week. What do you bring to do?

Books to read. Note that, unless there is electricty, an e-book reader simply would not do; it would run out of juice (as would anything else - cell phone, computer). I'd also want a notebook to write in.

20. Have you ever saved someone's life or had your life saved?

Yes. If you want details, you should phrase the question better.

These questions are part of a series of questions called 5,000 questions, which you can access here. These were questions in the 30s and 40s.