Showing posts with label Crafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Crafts. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Knitted Another Scarf

Friday, October 21, 2016

My Latest Hobby

A friend of mine has decided I should take up knitting.

It'll be calming, she says.

My first knitting effort.

I took a picture of this before I ripped it up to start over. Obviously I wasn't doing something right.

So far, I can't say I find it very relaxing. More like stressful, as I try to get the needles in the right places and keep the yarn from splitting and slipping and having a mind of its own.

Knitting is rather like trying to put a hat on a hare, at least for me. I know I'm never going to catch the rabbit, and I'll certainly never get close enough to make a stew of him.

Much less knit Peter Rabbit a new stocking cap.

I have not given it up yet. I am hoping the "relaxation" will kick in, rather like the overdrive does on the car when I floor it, gas pedal to the ground, my foot elongated and the engine revving. Things will go full speed then, I hope, with the needles clicking and the yarn flowing and everything will look even and smooth, and my blood pressure will go down.

My only concern is that my patience will wear thin before that meditative overdrive finds a loophole in my brain.