Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Stealing

Welcome to Sunday Stealing. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

These journal prompts were stolen from CountryDew, (hey, that's me!) who originally posted them in February 2021. She undoubtedly stole them from another blogger, but we're not busting her. Here at Sunday Stealing we encourage theft. 

Prompts and More Prompts

1) How do you show others love? What makes you feel loved?

A. The book, The Five Love Languages, by Gary Chapman, says there are 5 ways to show love. They are physical contact, words of affirmation, acts of service, quality time, and receiving gifts. I show love to others in all of these ways, as I think most people do, but mostly through time, offering words of affirmation, and giving gifts. In order for me to feel loved, I would need someone's time, words of affirmation, and an occasional box of Tic Tacs.

2) Who is someone you admire? Why?

A. I admire my friend Teresa. She has it all together. She is a terrific artist and does all sorts of crafty cool things and is a great cook. She is smart, funny, and thoughtful.

3) Do you have the qualities you value in a friend?

A. I would like to think I have the same qualities that I value in a friend, and I probably do, but not necessarily to the same degree as other people. Some I may have more of, others less. Here's what AI says makes a good friend: 

Trustworthiness: A good friend keeps your secrets and is reliable.
  • Empathy: They listen and understand your feelings without judgment.

  • Loyalty: They stand by you through thick and thin.

  • Honesty: They give you the truth, even when it's not easy to hear.

  • Supportiveness: A true friend cheers on your successes and provides comfort during challenges.

  • Respect: They value your boundaries, opinions, and individuality.

  • Humor: A shared sense of fun can make even tough times more bearable.

  • Do you agree or disagree with Miss AI?

  • 4) What is something you enjoyed doing when you were younger but don't do anymore? Why did you stop doing it?

    A. I used to enjoy bicycle riding when I was young, but I do not do that anymore. I stopped because I grew up and married and didn't have time for it.

    5) What is something other people think is fun but you don't?

    A. Parties. I do not like parties much. An occasional one is fine, but I don't like them very often.


    I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


    1. Your answer to #1 is spot on for me, too! And I agree with Miss AI. Wow, bicycle riding and parties are two things I didn't even think of that would be perfect answers for me, too.

    2. The AI is nopr wrong, although I've learned a LONG time ago that one person's sense of humor is toxic to another person. The Chapman book sounds interesting!

    3. I like what AI had to say about friends!! I've actually been using AI for several tasks I've had to do recently. I said Chat GPT has become my new friend!!

    4. I don't really like parties, either. I'd rather go out in small groups, more conducive to conversation. BTW, how did 2025 CountryDew compare to 2021 CountryDew?

      1. Similar answers. A change in the "who you admire" answer in particular. The friendship answer is longer because I used AI.


    Thank you for dropping by! I appreciate comments and love to hear from others. I appreciate your time and responses.