Saturday, March 08, 2025

Saturday 9: I Can Love Like That

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) This week's song is about a girl who grew up on the fairy tale Cinderella. The online teaching platform says Cinderella has been remained popular for centuries because the moral is that kindness is a virtue that will be rewarded. As an adult, do you still believe that's true?

A. I would like to think it is true, but experience tells me otherwise. The mean, the greedy, the corrupt - their karma never comes around.

2) This girl also likes romantic movies. Think of your favorite screen couple. Did they live happily ever after?

A. I'm having trouble coming up with a favorite screen couple. The Von Trapps ended up happily ever after, I guess, from The Sound of Music.

3) While "I Can Love You Like That" was a Top Ten hit here, it reached #1 in the Canada and Zimbabwe. Could you find Zimbabwe on a globe?

A. Probably not without a lot of looking around.

4) The members of this week's group, All-4-One, hail from Mojave, California. July and August are the hottest months in Mojave, when the afternoon temperature hovers between 87º and 97º and often climbs to 100º+. Do you thrive or melt in hot weather?

A. I dislike weather extremes. I like it about 68 or 70 degrees with little wind.

5) After having several hits in the 1990s, All-4-One saw their popularity wane in the new millennium. While they never disbanded – and will be touring throughout 2025 – the members have pursued separate interests. For example, co-founder Delious Kennedy started a YouTube channel featuring interviews with celebrities from the 80s and 90s. Do you spend a lot of time on YouTube? If yes, what do you watch?

A. At the moment, I watch Jackie & Shadow, the eagles in California, feed their young (which is a little bloody and gory, so beware. They are predator birds, after all.). Sometimes I watch the Liberal Redneck, sometimes I watch music videos, sometimes guitar playing videos.

6) In 1995, when this week's song was popular, Michael Jordan "unretired" and returned to the Chicago Bulls. Tell us about a decision you wish you could undo.

A. I wish I had never quit my job in 1984. I was working as a legal secretary, and I left for stupid reasons, and I shouldn't have done that. If I'd stayed with it, we'd have been better off financially. I'd probably never have been a writer and never finished college, but I think it would have been the better route, in hindsight.

7) 1995 saw Pierce Brosnan as James Bond in GoldenEye. 007 was also played by Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, and Daniel Craig. Do you have a favorite Bond?

A. Sean Connery is my favorite Bond. The others are all imposters.

8) One of McDonald's best-selling 1995 Happy Meals featured The Power Rangers. 30 years later, those Happy Meal action figures are still available on eBay. Have you recently purchased anything on eBay?

A. I last purchased something on eBay just after Christmas.

9) Random question – Which compliment would please you the most: to be smart, great looking, or likeable?

A. I would like to be complimented on all three, but if I must choose one, then I will be smart.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. Even though I try to be nice to everyone there are days when I would like to volunteer to drive the karma bus.

  2. I think most of us are choosing intelligence

  3. Your #4 is ideal! Especially if there is low humidity.

  4. I really like your header! There are a lot of things I wish I would have done differently or not at all. I have been watching the progress of the eagles. I live about 90 minutes from Big Bear. We used to go up every year for many years. I would love to go while snow is there. We have been watching a show on regular tv narrated by Tom Hanks. It has been interesting. One show was on the animals of the Amazon and the rain forest. Natures beauty when not touched by man. Enjoy your Sunday!


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