Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Newborn Calf

The other day my husband came racing in the house moments after he'd gone out the back door.

"Coyote!" he called out.

"New calf in the front!" I yelled back.

He went in search of the coyote; I went outside and stood in the front yard, standing as close as I could without bothering mama cow while she recovered, and baby found its feet. I had to protect the little one in case the coyote came around. 

Husband could not find the coyote again, so he went on about his business. I stayed in the yard and watched the cow and calf until the baby was up and had had a snack, and mom wandered off with the little one to hide it for a day or two.

Just another day on the farm.

That first feeding is important.

If you look closely, you can see that the cow is still discharging afterbirth.
 Normally, after calving, each cow begins to have blood lochia, which helps the uterus to clear and contract. It's normal, but the odor can draw predators.

Little one is still a bit damp, but mom is leading him/her off to the bushes.
I suspect my presence - and maybe that scent of coyote - had her a little nervous.

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