Monday, September 16, 2024

Contentment - Day 16

I confess I'm having trouble with the contentment thing. I seem to be a bundle of nerves, having mild panic attacks every time I leave the house. A fellow made a dog toy squeak in the grocery aisle this morning and I nearly jumped out of my skin.

But, it's supposed to rain. We need it to rain. The dust is thick, the trees are already turning colors, or the leaves are simply dropping off. I think it's too late to save the foliage for a lovely Autumn.

The idea of rain makes me content. If I wake to rain in the morning, I will be very content.

Plus, the young woman who helps me with the house cleaning comes tomorrow, so there's that.

1 comment:

  1. I'm afraid our foliage will be early this year because we haven't had enough rain. Which is sad because fall foliage is my favorite time of year!


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