Sunday, July 21, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. What would you put in a time capsule?

A. An MP3player with good music on it, a DVD of selected news stories (real news, not that entertainment junk), a couple of real newspapers, a copy of To Kill a Mockingbird, printed photos of many different things, from the personal to the public, and a personal letter addressed to "whomever has opened this time capsule."

2. What’s something you’re really good at?

A. Thinking. I tend to be an overthinker. I'm also a decent writer, And I make good fudge.

3. What part of society would you like to change?

A. I would like to see health care be better in the United States. It is too expensive, our mortality rate lags behind other nations with more socialized are, and people go bankrupt here simply trying to live because of the high costs associated with something like having a heart attack.

4. What have you eaten in the past 24 hours?

A. Honey Nut Cheerios, chicken & broccoli over rice, a Nature Valley Cashew bar, and an egg sandwich.

5. What is an unusual fact about you?

A. I was born with a huge mole in the shape of a bullet on my chest. Doctors removed it when I was 5 years old and left a massive scar on my chest.

6. Do you collect anything?

A. I have a very small collection of Department 56 houses (the Dickens Village), more cheap guitars than I need, and a lot of books. I also have a fair number of clocks, but not an extravagant collection. Just a few more clocks than a person needs to have.

7. Have you played sports?

A. No. I was in the marching band in high school, which was rather physical.

8. What is your favorite blog?

A. Besides my own? I don't know. I read most of the Saturday 9 and Sunday Stealing blogs, some during the week, some not. I don't really want to name a favorite and leave someone out.

9. Ketchup vs. mustard?

A. Ketchup.

10. Do you believe in ghosts or aliens?

A. I don't think "believe" is the appropriate word. I can neither confirm nor deny, just I can neither confirm or deny the existence of a god.

11. The last movie you saw in a theater.

A. I think it was the first Wonder Woman. No, wait, I saw Barbie in the theater. So Barbie.

12. The silliest thing you have done this week.

A. I have not felt well so I don't know that I have done anything silly this week.

13. Have you ever done anything illegal?

A. I have driven over the speed limit. I smoked marijuana a couple of times when I was a teenager.

14. What would you wish for right now?

A. Good health.

15. What shoes do you wear the most of?

A. Tennis shoes. That is pretty much all I wear. Even my dress shoes are a pair of black sneakers.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I participated in a mass reading of To Kill A Mockingbird; it was more moving hearing it. I LOVE Honey Nut Cheerios!

  2. I have seen Barbie, too, though not in a theater. I did see it on a big blow up screen at camp last fall. That should count . . .sort of!! Did they think the mole was cancerous? Since it left such a huge scar, it sounds like they also got some of the surrounding tissue.

  3. Love the idea of an mp3 player with good music on it (although you may well disagree with my definition of "good").

    I've given up overthinking - it's easy to do but I try to walk away from things that might make me spiral out of control. Sometimes simplest is best.





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