Saturday, April 20, 2024

Saturday 9: Only Love

Saturday 9: Only Love Can Hurt Like This (2014)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this week's song, Paloma Faith sings that she thought she wouldn't care if her lover left but now she's begging him to stay. Can you think of something you were surprised you missed when it was gone or over?

A. I have been surprised at how much I miss newspaper work. It's been 10 years and I still miss it. I rather thought I would be over it by now.

2) Paloma obviously has a powerful, versatile voice. She's also a trained dancer. Tell us about two things you do well.

A. I can write well, and I play the guitar decently. I would never claim proficiency on the guitar, but I do it well enough.

3) She was a judge on two British TV shows: The Voice and The Voice Kids. Do you watch competition shows (The Voice, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, etc.)? If so, are you any good at picking the winners?

A. I watch The Voice and I don't think I've ever picked the person to win. 

4) This week's song was written by Diane Warren. She's one of America's most successful song writers, having written more than thirty Top 10 hits. Think of your favorite song. Do you know who wrote it?

A. Yes, Landslide, written and performed by Stevie Nicks.

5) She's made a fortune writing love songs, mostly from her Hollywood Hills office. Diane spends up to 10 hours a day in a room she describes as "cluttered," and admits it's an unlikely setting to write about romance, yet it works for her. Describe a setting you consider romantic.

A. Beaches at sunset are romantic. A cabin by a lake in the mountains is romantic. Bedrooms can be romantic, as can candle-lit dinners.

6) In 2014, when "Only Love Can Hurt Like This" was popular, Joan Rivers died. Best known as a comedienne, she was also a successful businesswoman, promoting her jewelry line on QVC. Do you ever watch shopping networks?

A. No, I do not watch those.

7) The Apple Watch was introduced in 2014. Are you wearing a watch as you answer these 9 questions?

A. Yes, but it is a Timex. I always wear a watch and have for as long as I've been able to tell time.

8) One of the best-selling books of 2014 was The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. It won awards for best YA (young adult) fiction. Is YA a genre you often read?

A. I read several YA books a year. I read a lot of different genres and have an eclectic reading list most years.

9) Random question: What's something on your to-do list that you just can't get around to doing?

A. Decluttering. Mostly I don't know what to do with the stuff I'd like to remove. We're too rural for a yard sale.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. Ugh--decluttering! That and organizing from my move are taking me forever to do.

  2. Kristin Hannah has a new book out. I have it on hold, so when school gets out hopefully I can read it.
    My son works at a theme park and they have a newsletter. He has expressed interest in writing small employee spotlight articles for the newsletter. It would probably be free lance, but I think he could learn a lot from it. I don't know that they will let him, but who knows. Loved your answers! Have a great weekend. ♥

  3. I have several Timex watches that need new batteries. Decluttering is a struggle!


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