Saturday, July 11, 2020

Saturday 9: Sunset Strip

Saturday 9: 77 Sunset Strip (1958)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) 77 Sunset Strip was one of TV's early hits, running for six seasons. Before this morning, were you familiar with this show?

A. I had never heard of it before. It's a little before my time, and I'm not a big TV watcher anyway.

2) The show's jazzy theme is punctuated by finger snaps. When you snap your fingers, is the left-handed snap as loud as your right-handed snap?

A. Actually, the left-snap is louder than my right, which is odd because I am right handed. Maybe it is from playing the guitar, which requires left-hand strength to note the frets.

3) The show revolved around Bailey and Spencer Investigations. Stu Bailey and Jeff Spencer were among TV first "private eyes." Who is your all-time favorite TV PI?

A. Sabrina Duncan, played by Kate Jackson, on Charlie's Angels.

4) Their office had "a fancy label," meaning an attractive address, on Los Angeles' Sunset Blvd. Tell us about the prestige area of your neighborhood.

A. That would be the area known as Ashley Plantation. This was once a big farm. In the late 1990s, the land was sold and developers built 40-50 McMansions (like 10-15 rooms) around an 18-hole golf course. The houses cost $500,000 and up. During the Great Recession, I went through and counted over 20 for sale signs. We could see that was going to be an issue - there were rumors of people living in these huge houses with no furniture - long before the recession came. Folks came down from the northern states and found they could buy these big poorly built houses for what it cost to live in a small house up there. But we don't really have the job infrastructure to support that lifestyle. The people who do live there - I have no idea what they do for a living or how they earn enough money to make a house payment. Most people who have been here before Ashley believe that they're using inheritance money to make the purchases, but obviously that's conjecture. It is the premiere subdivision in the county, though.

5) Next door was Dino's Lodge, the real-life restaurant and bar owned by entertainer Dean Martin. Are you a Dean Martin fan?

A. I barely know who he is.

6) The valet at Dino's was Kookie. He was known for his perfect hair, his slang ("ginchy" meant cool, "germsville" was the hospital, "a dark seven" was a bad week) and his desire to someday be a private investigator, like Stu and Jeff. Do you think you'd be a good detective?

A. Probably. I was a good news reporter, and I don't think that investigative journalism is that far away from detective work.

7) Stu and Jeff had a loyal secretary named Suzanne, played by French actress Jacqueline Beer. In real life, she was married to adventurer Thor Heyerdahl, who famously traveled from Peru to French Polynesia by raft. Does 100 days on a raft, sailing the south seas, sound fascinating to you?

A. Not in the least.

8) Clint Eastwood was fan of the show and, in the 1990s, tried unsuccessfully to bring 77 Sunset Strip back. Is there a show from the past you'd like to see "rebooted?"

A. I thought they were going to reboot Cagney & Lacey, and I was interested in seeing that, but apparently it didn't happen. And wouldn't it be fun to see an updated version of The Brady Bunch? Just think of the topics - meth, COVID, drug addiction, video games - endless fun. (That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it.)

9) Random question: Thinking about the last week, did you nag anyone? Or were you the one who was nagged?

A. Oh, I'm always the nagger. My poor husband had a bad case of gout last weekend and he caught hell over his diet and not taking his medication. Nag, nag, nag.

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  1. I got a kick out of your Brady Bunch list. I doubt a show like that would go over well today, sadly. I think you're right about investigative journalism!

  2. Wow...the Brady's in today's world. It sure wouldn't be anything like the original. I kind of forgot about health issues. I guess maybe I did do some nagging at my hubby about that.

  3. #4 -- I get what you mean about, how do they afford it? I think that whenever I go visit my niece in Muskegon, MI. There's a quick puddle jumper that goes from O'Hare to that airport, and it's usually filled with dads or moms, traveling alone for a weekend trip to visit their families who are staying up there for the summer. That's at least $150 roundtrip. Then there's transportation to O'Hare, or maybe they drive and park, which is even more expensive. I think to myself, "They do this ALL SUMMER?" From eavesdropping on their conversations, many of them do.

  4. I totally forgot about Charlie's Angels! Ya, Kate Jackson was my favorite as well. My son and DIL live not far from Montgomery's own version of Ashley Plantation's McMansions; I remember feeling appalled when they told of folks living there with no furniture, etc. Don't you know, screen writers are already furiously at work incorporating COVID story lines into their Fall shows.

  5. I shudder to think how the Brady's would fare today.

  6. Josh and I were watching the new Match Game the other night. He loves the original...well, he wasn't impressed...hahahahaha. I was saying that in response to the reboot question, but it sounds totally off topic. Anyway...funny about the Brady Bunch.
    I agree with the reporter aspect! Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend.

  7. That would be true and sad about the Brady Bunch. I watched the end of a show called All Rise, and it had the cast all at home because of Covid shut down. I guess we will see more like that and mask.

  8. Charlie’s angels and Cagney &lacey...good memories

  9. The homes being built all around this area of North Texas are humongous and I also wonder what these people do for a living. And they just keep building more all the time.


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