Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Dear Lady M.

My Dear Lady M.,

I do hope that your little cats, Precious and Frodo, are doing well and of course I greatly desire to hear that you too are in good spirits and fine health.

My delight in finishing my tax documents was enormous, and I am pleased to report that I have recovered my health.

Today I am concerned about something my state government is doing - changing the Freedom of Information Act laws. As you know, Lady M., there is no need for secrecy in government, particularly in local government. (I'm not talking about national security; if we've plans to blow the world up with some new bomb, I'm not sure I want to know about it.) These people are paid with public funds and their actions therefore should be visible to the public at large. No local government has to have a closed meeting to discuss anything if they don't want to. The fact that they do is a pall upon their nature and in my opinion closed meetings cast disgusting shadows upon the entire legislative process. Today I counted 28 different changes to the state's Freedom of Information Act. All but one purposes to cut off public access to various and sundry documents, including some in the court system that are currently available if one only goes to the courthouse to look.

Shame, shame, I say. Let the people know their own business, or it is no longer the people's business, but despots' desires. Are we or are we not a democracy? Never mind, Lady M., as I know the answer to that one. We are not a democracy. We're not even a republic. We're an oligarchy pretending to be a democratic republic. Ha.

I heard through the grapevine that you had tea with the illustrious artist, Lady D., and that she asked if she could paint you in the form of the Queen from Alice in Wonderland. What on earth possessed you to say yes? I know you love her artwork but what a fanciful idea. I have a hard time envisioning you as one who would say, "Off with her head." I suppose Precious could be the vanishing cat of the story, though.

As for me, I have little news to report of my own industry. I have been thinking of taking up painting but I am not sure I could stand the scent of the oils. Perhaps watercolor?

That is all for now, Lady M. Please do write whenever you have the time. I so enjoy hearing from you.

With best wishes and kindest regards,

Lady J.


My Dear Lady J.,

I am happy to report to you that not only am I well, but Frodo and Precious are simply divine. They must be the happiest little kitties in the world, they purr so much. Frodo is starting to look a bit overweight, though, so I think I must cut back at feeding time. Otherwise I shall have to rename him Samwise!

Lady D. and I did have a most pleasant visit. She is such a delight, always laughing and carrying on about the ways of the universe. She told me a tale of a local ghost that was most delightful; remind me to share it with you next time we are out. She is not pleased, however, with the current affairs of government and agrees with the two of us that something must be done. Time's up, as they are saying, but I'm not sure exactly what we will have in its place. I hope for better but sometimes I find change to be dire.

Your concerns about the Freedom of Information Act are appropriate and I agree, the work of the people should be available for the people to see. Unfortunately our governmental protectors (is it fine to call them that? I do not feel protected.) see themselves as little kings and thus the people - that is, you and I - are not to be trusted with vital information. I say cast the lot of them out in the November election and let's start anew. Resist, revolution, remake. Perhaps we need lessons on the three "Rs" again?

My concerns now are at the federal level, as another government shutdown looms again. What is wrong with these people? Dear me, it does seem like we have fallen into the rabbit hole - which is why I agreed to dear Lady D.'s request. If I'm going to live on a crazy chessboard I may as well be painted the part, don't you think?

I also laughed heartily at the "memo" which proved nothing and said very little. I read the thing in its entirety and thought, what a bunch of wasted paper. I do fear all of that ado about nothing was really a cover-up for something else. Something that the wealthy know about, apparently, since they are pulling their money from the stock market and it is falling faster and harder than a baseball during a foul ball play. Who knows how this will play out. I knew it was coming and I daresay it will not stop until it has dropped back to 13,000. That will put a crick in the neck of everyone who has their retirement socked away in a mutual fund, I'm afraid.

Ah well. These are topics about which we can do little, for we have no control. What I can control is when I have tea, and as it is that time again, Lady J., I bid you a fond farewell.

Until next time, I am your faithful servant,

Lady M.

Note: This is a work of fiction (sort of). There is no Lady M. or Lady J. I have been watching Victoria on PBS and the queen writes frequently to "Lord M." in the show, and I thought it would be fun to create two characters and have them write back and forth occasionally, using a more gentile language and style than our present day verbiage.


  1. Definitely down a rabbit hole.
    Ha! I'm linking this. Not that it will do you much good.


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