Monday, November 07, 2016

The Eight-Point Buck

This lovely and magnificent-looking creature had the misfortune of passing in sight of my husband's muzzleloader on Saturday. He is now hanging in the butcher's freezer.

Fortunately I was able to grab a few shots of him through the window before my husband saw him.

I would much rather shoot deer with a camera than with a gun, though I know hunting is necessary to keep the population down. We are overrun with deer here on the farm and they do a number on the crop fields every year.

But still, the vision of him bounding along the woodland path is more dear to me than his antlers on the garage wall.


  1. What a magnificent animal! Congratulations to your husband. All of my brothers-in-law (and their kids) are AVID hunters so I appreciate the sport. My Pennsylvania nephew got a 6 point buck while bow hunting.

  2. Two avid hunters in my household. We are also overrun with deer. Always a bit sad, but as you said, necessary.


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