Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Welcome 2013

Being old fuddy duddies, hubby and I slept in the new year. We went to bed at 10:15 and woke up about 6:30 this morning. We both slept in a little (he is usually up at 5 a.m.; I get up at 6 a.m.).

I had not planned to spend my day taking day Christmas decorations, but hubby was home and not doing much, so I put him to work. We rearranged the space in the spare room where I store things (which is also his office now), and we began the tedious process of putting glass in boxes and making sure precious cargoes are well-packed before placing things into storage for another 11 months.

Ah, it is so nice to have the space back. The tree is lovely but it takes up half of the living room.

At lunch, we had black-eyed peas. A friend insisted I eat these sometime today, so I bought a can of Luck's and heated them on the stove. I doused mine with ketchup and hubby doused his with pickle relish. He had two bowls so they must taste better with pickles than ketchup. I think black-eyed peas taste like dirt.

After that I have been piddling at the computer. What a time-waster this little box is. Between Facebook, reading blogs, reading email, playing solitaire, reading news articles, watching youtube videos, and listening to music, one need never leave a chair. If the thing would pop candy bars out for sustenance I suppose that would be all anybody would need. We could sit here and chat on Facebook for eternity, chowing down on Milky Ways.

I hope that you have a bountiful and beautiful 2013, dear reader. Thanks for sticking with me for the new year and what comes after. Hopefully I will post interesting things in the days to come.

Many blessings to you all.


  1. Not sure I have ever had black eyed peas. Guess I should put that on my bucket list of things to try before I kick the bucket!

    Our New Years was early to bed as well, only to be awakened by the noisy neighbors at midnight. Ugh.

  2. I love black-eyed peas, but not the canned ones. Try the frozen ones and eat them with vinegar. Delicious!

    I can relate to wasting time on the computer. That's why I don't get anything useful done.

    Happy New Year to you and your family!

  3. W also had a low-key start to 2013, Anita. The afternoon was spent visiting our daughter and son-in-law here in Lancaster, PA, which is the first stop on our post Christmas road trip. They had The Big Bang Theory on DVDs, a holiday gift, and an overcast day was spent watching there. We never watch TV so Grenville was quite entertained. And then we enjoyed a delicious crock pot pulled pork dinner with no black eyed pies...tried them one year but didn't enjoy them. We still have to take down our small tree and out things away when we return home next week. I have sad NO to Facebook, tweeting . . .

  4. No black-eyes peas here, and probably won't get my Christmas decorations down before the weekend. I spent NYE with friends--we always have a big get-together that lasts through NYD. Didn't get to bed until 4am and was up to watch the Rose Parade at 10am. Should have taken a nap between that and the game, but I stuck it out, LOL. I crawled into bed around 9pm last night, extremely disappointed in the game's outcome (for a third consecutive year), only to have the phone ring a half hour later. Sigh...at least I tried to make an early night of it.


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