Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I Still Mask

Monday, I went out to the grocery store and the drug store.

I was the only person I saw wearing a mask.

Right now respiratory diseases are high. Here is the Virginia data:

As you can see, it's high all over the state.

And here is the CDC data, which I assume is suspect given the current administration, but regardless, it doesn't paint a rosy picture either:

See that bottom line there from my screen shot? "Seasonal influenza activity remains elevated and is higher than it has been all season."

Many people did not get the flu shot this year. According to this article in Time magazine, only 44% of adults and children received the flu shot. The goal is for 70% to receive the shot in order to ensure "herd immunity" from the virus.

I received my flu shot. I am smart enough to know that doesn't mean I won't get the flu. Viruses mutate.

I don't care what people think of me if they see me in a mask. To hell with them. In fact, when people get near me, I start coughing to make sure they move on. I was sick for nearly six weeks. I don't need anything else, although I woke this morning feeling like the illness I had is back for a second run at me. I am hoping it's just the weather.

Most people have never seen me have an asthma attack. My husband has. They are scary. If I had one in the middle of the grocery store, someone would end up calling for an ambulance. I don't need that, and I don't need more asthma attacks simply because somebody doesn't want to see me masking up. It's my face and I took the extra step of having my doctor write me a note saying I should wear a mask when I am public because of my asthma. I carry it with me everywhere I go.

A mask may not keep me completely well, but it hurts nothing to wear it and if that little extra bit of precaution makes me feel proactive, then so what.

I'm taking care of myself as best I can. And that is my business, nobody else's.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday Stealing Archive Edition

1. Where is your significant other?

A. As I write this, my significant other is down at the shed working on a tractor.

2. What is your favorite thing?

A. My favorite thing is my computer.

3. Did you dream last night?

A. If I did, I do not remember it.

4. Do you have goals?

A. I do not have goals much anymore. They're more like ephemeral hopes.

5. Do you have any hobbies?

A. I read, write, play music, and play video games.

6. Where do you want to be in 6 years?

A. I expect I will be right where I am.

7. Where were you last night?

A. Last night, I was in bed asleep.

8. What are you not?

A. I am not intentionally mean or cruel. I'm sure I have been at various times, but I have never intended to be.

9. Name one of your wish list items.

A. I would like to redo my office. It needs new flooring, and I would like a different desk.

10. Do you have a pet?

A. I do not have a pet, unless one counts the cattle.

11. Are you missing someone?

A. I am missing several someones at the moment.

12. What kind of car do you drive?

A. I drive a Toyota Camry.

13. What is something you're not wearing?

A. I am not wearing a dress.

14. Do you love someone?

A. I love lots of people.

15. When was the last time you laughed?

A. I laughed earlier today.

16. When was the last time you cried?

A. A few weeks ago I cried because I was so very tired of feeling ill.

17. What is your favorite past time?

A. Reading.

18. Are you a hater or a lover?

A. I am a lover, I hope.

19. Do you have any vices?

A. I swear a lot.

20. What is your favorite meme other than Sunday Stealing?

A. Saturday 9, of course.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday 9: Cupid

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Sam Cooke enlists the help of Cupid, the Roman god of love, to help him get a girl. In Greek mythology, the god of love and lust has a different name. Do you know what it is?

A. Eros, I think. I am disturbed that I am not sure because I once was a whiz at Greek mythology, about 50 years ago.
2) Sam Cooke was inducted as a charter member into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. The museum and hall are located in Cleveland, OH. Cleveland is proud of the six major museums featured on its website. When did you most recently visit a museum?

A. I visited the local history museum last. It was months ago.

3) Sam went to Wendall Phillips Academy, the same Chicago high school Nat King Cole attended. Can your high school claim any noteworthy alums?

A. Nobody comes to mind.

4) "Cupid" was released in 1961. One of the major news stories of that year was the death of Ernest Hemingway. Have you read any of his works?

A. I have, but it has been a long time (like college). 
Since February 14 was Valentine's Day...
5) Sweethearts, those small heart-shaped candies printed with messages like "Be Mine" and "Kiss Me," are top sellers this time of year. Did you enjoy them as a child? Do you enjoy them now?

A. I always liked them and would eat a box of them, but I haven't been in the store to buy any.
6) While Valentine's Day is popular in Mexico, it's celebrated a bit differently than it is here. For our neighbors to the south, it's a day for love and friendship, with no distinction between romantic, familial or platonic love. Do you tell your friends you love them? Or do you reserve "I love you" for your partner and family?

A. I tell my friends I love them. I don't think it's something you shouldn't say if you feel it.

7) In Poland, Valentine's Day, or Walentynki, is often celebrated with a gift of "tea and sweets" -- a tin of black tea paired with candy. Do you more often drink tea or coffee?

A. I never drank coffee. I used to drink tea.
8) One of London's top accounting firms did a study and reports that in England, Valentine's Day is a 52%/48% affair. 52% of the participants planned on buying at least one card or gift, while 48% did not expect to spend anything on Valentine's Day. This year, were you one of the 52% or the 48%?

A. I was one of the 48%, but my husband was one of the 52%. Since I'd been sick and then we had ice and snow, I was not able to get out to purchase him anything.

9) A similar study in Rome showed that today's young lovers would prefer to share a romantic experience on Valentine's Day – a stroll through the gardens of Villa Borghese was a popular choice – than exchange gifts. Would you rather do something memorable for Valentine's Day or receive something you can retain as a keepsake?

A. I would just as soon not do anything at all, to be honest. It's a made-up holiday.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Thursday Thirteen

1. Yesterday, I had a great hair day. I also didn't have anywhere to go and barely saw my husband. What a waste of a good hair day.

2. We had ice overnight on top of the snow and ice that was already here. The sun is out now. I am glad to see the sunshine.

3. I had two asthma attacks yesterday. One was fairly severe and scared both me and my husband. I didn't grab my inhaler fast enough and it went on too long. The second one, I stopped quickly by grabbing the inhaler as soon as I felt that clutch in my throat and a cough that indicates a problem. I think they came from the air; it was heavy with the cold and the water coming with the current weather system.

4. Lesson learned, though. Next time, use the inhaler sooner. I dislike using them; even today I am tasting albuterol as I breathe in out - but better than not being able to breathe at all.

5. I am almost finished with the 2024 taxes, which will then go to an accountant. It is a relief to no longer have it uppermost in my mind.

6. Maybe it's time to have a little fun with something. Real fun. Like roller coaster ride fun. Only I don't ride roller coasters anymore. The last time we went on some of those rides, they beat us both to death and nearly dislocated my husband's arm. We don't do amusement parks anymore.

7. We do like historical parks and museums, though. That's more educational than fun, although seeing how people lived 200 years ago is interesting to us. My husband enjoys the farm machinery displays and most old things have to do with agriculture, because we used to be an agrarian society.

8. Now we are a technological society, but we still have to eat. It is unfortunate that many people seem to think food is grown in the warehouse of the grocery store and have no clue where their food actually comes from. 

9. I ran across an episode of MASH on TV, or rather, my husband did. I told him to add it to the DVR because I can't find it otherwise. Sometimes you just want to watch something that you know is good and pure. MASH fits that description.

10. One time I tried to tape every episode of The Partridge Family when it was running on AXIOS, I think it was, but after I watched a couple of episodes, I stopped the recordings and deleted the rest. The show doesn't hold up well. Or maybe I just outgrew David Cassidy. He's still a cutie on the show, but I don't need a cutie. I have my own fellow now.

11. My voice has mostly returned, finally, and I think I'm about over whatever I had for most of January and up until this week. I am feeling better except kind of sad about the crazy things happening in the world.

12. It is hard to complain if you aren't willing to do anything about it, and I don't know what I can do about pretty much anything sometimes. Even figuring dinner can be a pain.

13. So that's a list of 13 things. Not great, but something. Thanks everybody for reading.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 894th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Song of Ice and Snow


The stuff from the sky has ceased falling. It left about 6 inches on the ground, and a mix of sleet and rain overnight has turned it into a crusty mess.

Unfortunately, the tractor that has the snow blade on it crapped out yesterday while my husband was trying to clear driveways, so my driveway is not passable without 4-wheel drive. My car is all-wheel drive, but that won't get me home if I go out.

The weather folks also say we will get more precipitation later in the day. It is foggy and still outside. If there were wind, I would think the storm were over, but there's scarcely a breeze so I suspect more of something - sleet, rain snow, who knows - is on the way.