Tuesday, September 16, 2014

The After Life

I have always had a weird fascination/obsession with death. It's so mysterious, the hereafter. Everyone has their own ideas about what it is - harps playing, a burning hole, a green garden, turning into a ghost, reincarnation, "beam me up, Scottie," a meeting with the worms and inevitable decay, or whatever.

The thing is, you can't really know. People of certain faiths believe and "know" they are right, but that is different from logically, physically actually knowing. I know that behind me is another room in my house, because I built the house and I've been in the room. But in someone else's house, I might believe there is a room behind me - and be completely wrong.

Having not yet died, I can't say what is in the next room.

But I am not here to argue the merits of after lives and whose ideas may be right or wrong. As I am writing this, I am facing another outpatient surgical procedure and I am terrified, so I am simply ruminating on what could be an outcome of the procedure.

And now it's the day after that outpatient surgery, and I survived. Modern medicine is amazing but it still doesn't always make you calm! Sometimes it scares you into, well, I don't know. A different frame of mind, for sure.

The good news is my multiple ulcers have healed and I am not longer bleeding from the inside out. The bad news is there is still some redness and inflammation in my tummy and so I have been told to stay on my medication.

Steps in the right direction, though.

Still don't know about the after life. Maybe it's like being put to sleep with medication, only you never wake up again. I have trouble with the images of harps and things in the Christian heaven; seems kind of boring. I also have issues with Hell, because I don't believe a loving god would create an eternal hell. What kind of forgiveness is that, to just send folks off to burn until the sun poofs out? That's pretty mean-spirited, if you ask me.

And ghosts? Well, I've actually seen a few things that make think that, at the least, there are energies that manifest themselves that we don't yet understand. I don't know if they are ghosts from the past or simply planes of being that we cannot experience. My ghost tales date back to my childhood and into my adulthood. We stayed at a house in West Virginia that belonged to a relatives that apparently was haunted - pipes clanking, spigots turning off and on, banjos playing at random in the night. I experienced that.

About 15 years ago now I was in a very late Board of Supervisors meeting in Craig County at the courthouse. This was before they were to begin renovating the building. As I sat there taking notes, a man dressed in a blue gray uniform, looking tattered and worn, simply walked up the aisle and passed in front of the supervisors, and then went into the next room. I looked around to see if anyone else saw anything, but no one appeared to see anything out of the ordinary. I knew it was a ghost. I thought it was a Civil War soldier.

Ten years ago I was driving to Fincastle in the middle of the day, and I looked over at a subdivision just outside of town. There sat a band of Native Americans on horses, surrounding a white guy. At the time I had a little part-time job in town and I was so shook up I could hardly work that afternoon.

I don't know about reincarnation, but when I was very small, I started telling my mother about the beheading of Mary Queen of Scotts, and talking about Scottish castles and tombstones. It scared my mother so much that she forbade me to talk of it anymore. I have a bit of Scottish ancestry in my blood; who knows what comes down through our genes. Or maybe I was a scullery maid in the 1500s.

My own personal thoughts on dying are this: your body turns into worm food, but your spirit moves into a different place, another plane of being. Maybe you soar among the stars. Maybe you do go to heaven and play harps. Maybe you float around until you come back as something else, a rabbit or another person or what-have-you. I don't know. I am - sometimes - envious of those folks with that "knowing" that's really faith, their belief in something that logic dictates they can't really know. They don't question and I suppose that brings them comfort. I question everything and always have, for as long as I can remember.

Why, when I was 10 my goal was to grow up and fly in airplanes until one of them disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle so I could find out what happened to them! One night when I was 12, I participated in a world-wide UFO watch, spending the night out in the field gazing at the skies until I fell asleep (this was organized back then, in the 1970s, through, I think, The National Enquirer, which my mother read and then passed on to me since I read everything put in front of me.)

There is so much we don't know about the world. I believe we only function in a certain sphere and the rest we only infrequently tap into. That other place can be reached by prayer, by certain alternative medicines (acupuncture and Reiki, for example), meditation, and things we've not even thought of.

I've felt it occasionally, that different place, but not long enough to understand it or even begin to do anything more than acknowledge it. I think humanity could, if it wanted, reach an entirely different state of being, one that dealt not only with the physical but also the abstract and the metaphysical, in a loving and beautiful way. Some religions attempt this, I think, but most fail because they are human constructs and as such give in to the greater pressures of society, mainly money and politics.

Anyway, enough of my confession of weirdness for the day. Moving along, nothing more to see here . . .

Monday, September 15, 2014

Author's Talk: Beth Macy on Factory Man

Saturday my husband and I went to Barnes and Noble, Tanglewood, in Roanoke, to hear Beth Macy talk about her book, Factory Man.

Beth and I attended Hollins College at the same time, though she was in the master's program while I was an undergraduate. We had several courses together, though.
Beth went on to become the star reporter for The Roanoke Times. She's had an inspirational career and her writing has won her awards, acclaim, and fame.

Author Beth Macy
My husband is the man in black. He hung out at the rear of the crowd.
Beth reading from her work.
Gesturing during discussion.
At some point I became entranced by the number of post-its Beth had placed in her book.
For some reason, I think this picture, cropped though it is, is splendid. It is the perfect example of reading and writing.
Beth's autograph and note to me. The Write!!! came from my husband, who suggested she should add it to the page.

This is the book. It's nonfiction ostensibly about a man who built furniture in a little town called Bassett, which is just down the road a piece. It is, I think, much more than that. It is, instead, a commentary on the way the powers that be pay no attention to how their actions impact those upon whose backs they stand.
I'll let you know more about that when I've actually read it.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sunday Stealing: Celebrity Obsession

From Sunday Stealing

Celebrity Obsession

01. First Celebrity Obsession or Crush

A. Davy Cassidy on the Partridge Family.
02. Favorite Celebrity Encounter

A. Can't say that I've had one, except for politicians.
03. Most Cherished Celebrity Obsession

A. I'm not sure what that means, but I cherished the online relationships I made when I was involved with the Xena Fandom. That was early in the life of the Internet.

04. A celebrity you’d love to hang out with

A. Tom Hanks. He seems so down to earth and intelligent, and his production company does some really great work.

05. A celebrity you’d love to sit down and have a conversation with

A. Well, for me, hanging out means the same as sitting down and having a conversation, so I suppose Tom Hanks again.

06. An artist you’d like to see live

A. Bill Maher.
07. A celebrity you respect purely for talent

A. Jim Parsons.
08. A celebrity you feel you’d be good friends with

A. Meryl Streep
09. A celebrity you dislike that others seem to love

A. Adam Sandler
10. A celebrity you respect for what they’ve been through in life

A. Sandra Bullock
11. A celebrity you share a birthday with

A. Barbara Bush. (I had to look that up.)
12. A celebrity you find annoying

A. Adam Sandler
13. Favorite under-20 celebrity

A. I don't know of any.
14. Favorite over-60 celebrity

A. Betty White.
15. The celebrity “fandom” that means most to you

A. The Xena fandom, which I suppose doesn't really exist anymore. I've never been as involved with a show as I was with that one.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday 9: Hey, Soul Sister

Saturday 9: Hey, Soul Sister(because John suggested Train)

If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.

1) The video was shot on a street corner in Echo Park in central Los Angeles. If you saw a film crew making a video in your neighborhood, would you stop to watch? Or would you just keep walking?

A. Oh, I'd have to stop and watch. My goodness. That happens so infrequently here in the sticks it would make the newspaper.

2) The singer says he remembers his girl in every dream he dreams. Do you remember if you dreamed last night?

A. I don't recall the dream but I know I dreamed.

3) The band Train is from San Francisco. Have you ever visited The City by the Bay?

A. I visited it when I was 12 years old. Old enough to vaguely remember that I was there but not old enough to be good with details.

4) Lead singer Pat Monahan got his start in a Led Zeppelin cover band. Can you name a Led Zeppelin song?

A. Stairway to Heaven. It's really the only one I know.

5) In doing research for this week's Saturday 9, Crazy Sam discovered a publication called Trains, The Magazine of Railroading. What's the last magazine you flipped through?

A. The AARP magazine. Yes, I am old. 

6) Do you consider yourself a leader or a follower?

A. I prefer following but frequently end up leading.

7) Scholars tell us that "To be or not to be" is Shakespeare's most quoted line. Give us another one.

A. Out, damned spot! Out, I say!

8) How do you listen to music on the go? Car radio? CD changer? iPod/mp3 player? Your phone?

A. I listen to the car radio, but I have some songs on my Kindle and listen to those occasionally.

9) Are you a convincing liar?

A. I don't think so.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Ephemeral Quality

One of the things that bothers me the most about the Internet is how easily things disappear.

Websites vanish. Blogs vanish. People vanish. Often there is no warning when a blog is no longer updated or it is removed. One day it's there, the next day it isn't.

You never know why. Maybe the website was business related, and they went bankrupt. Maybe the person running the blog became ill. Maybe someone simply forgot to pay the renewal bill - that happens frequently, I think. People "unfriend" one another on Facebook or decide certain social media isn't for them, and then they aren't there.

Sometimes you notice. Sometimes you don't. On Facebook I think it could be a while before I notice someone has "unfriended" me, depending on who it is. Family members I notice right away, of course.

Recently a friend of mine removed her blog. It had been up about as long as mine but she posted more frequently and had more entries. I actually met her through blogging and consider her a personal "real life" friend now. I was surprised when she suddenly took down her blog. I haven't asked her about it, but I have wondered what caused her to hit that "delete" button. Maybe she hit her limit on photos and didn't want to pay the storage fee that Google demands after a certain point. Maybe she simply tired of it. It is her business and if she wanted me to know I suppose she would have told me. But I missed her blog immediately, along with the wealth of information she had on it - lots of interesting links to how to make your blog better, things like that. Being somewhat lazy, I used her list of blogs on occasion, too. I've lost those folks, as well, because in most instances I hadn't followed them or otherwise hooked up with them.

Once I was on a group list and felt like I knew all of the members intimately. One of them committed suicide not long after we'd actually spoken on the phone. I was as devastated as if she lived right next door.

And now something I've feared for a while has happened. I've lost contact with someone I consider a close friend - though we've never met in person or even spoken a single word to one another. What we have done is exchanged more than 10,000 emails over the last 13 years. Usually we write each other twice a day, morning and night. We also exchange Christmas presents and birthday gifts, usually courtesy of Amazon.

My friend, who lives in England, had been complaining in her emails of not feeling well and on Monday had gone for an EKG and blood work. But they sent her home, and I thought that a good sign that they thought there was nothing seriously wrong.

She hasn't written since Thursday morning. Twenty-four hours is not a long time, really, but given the circumstances I am concerned. If I haven't heard anything out of her tomorrow, I will try to call her, though I suspect that won't do much good if she is ill and in the hospital. I do have a phone number for her, but she lives alone. She has a sister but I don't have contact information for her. *Update* I heard from her sister; my friend has had a heart attack and is in the hospital.

Isn't odd how we form these friendships, so nebulous and ephemeral, yet so solid and real? I do that with blogs I read, too. Does it mean we love too much? Can you love too much? Care too much?

I don't know. I tend to give my all when I care about someone. It means, I think, that I have a chronically broken heart, but I am not sure that is a bad thing.

The internet - so personal, yet so detached. What an oddity it is.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thursday Thirteen #360

I am the wife of a firefighter. These people go out every day and risk their lives to save people. When you are running away in fear of your life, these people are running in to help you. Whether it's flood, tornado, fire, hurricane, downed powerlines, or a sore toe, when you call 911, these people come.

Today's Thursday Thirteen offers up some numbers. I think you'll see why I have given you these today.  The numbers pertain to the United States and the first sets of numbers were tabulated in 2009.

1. 3,010 - the number of deaths by fire

2. 1,348,500 - the number of fires

3. 17,050 - the number of civilian injuries caused by fire

4. $12,531,000,000 ($12.5 billion) - property loss by fire

5. 26,534,000 - the total number of calls to 911 for assistance

6. 50 - the average weight of a firefighter's gear (helmet, coat, boots, gloves)

7. 25 - the average weight of a firefighters SCBA gear (oxygen, breathing mask)

8. 75 - the average weight in pounds that a firefighter carries when rushing into a burning building

9. 24 - 30 - the average length in feet of a fire truck

10.  107 - the number of floors in New York City's World Trade Center's largest building

11. 8:50 a.m. on 09/11/2001 - the time an incident command was established by firefighters after a plane flew into the World Trade Center building. The first plane hit at 8:45 a.m.; firefighters were on the scene and entering the building within five minutes of the attack.

12. 9:59 a.m. on 09/11/2001 - the time the first building collapsed at the World Trade Center

13. 343 - the number of firefighters who lost their lives when both towers collapsed on 09/11/2001.

On the anniversary of the 09/11/2001 attack on New York City, please remember the sacrifices of these brave men and women.

Thank you.

Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 360th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


This squirrel decided it could hide from me if it flattened itself out against the branch and blend in, chameleon-like, with the tree.

Tuesday, September 09, 2014

Toady Went A-Courtin'

On that late August morning when we saw the bear in the backyard, I went outside when the furry critter crossed over into the meadow to see if I could get a better photo.

I nearly stepped on Mr. Toad as he was making his way back to Toad Hall. Apparently he'd had a rough night out and had lost his fine clothes. There was no sign of Mole or Rat, or the fine motorcar that Toad was known for (Wind in the Willows reference for the non-readers out there).

Monday, September 08, 2014

Like A Statue

The buck, standing about 50 yards away, spotted me when I slipped around the corner of the house to get these shots. We stood there eyeing one another for several minutes.

I stood still as a statue, except for my finger clicking the camera and occasional adjustment of the tripod. Slow movements from me.

Eventually, he stamped a hoof at me, to try to get me to move. I stayed steady. Unnerved, he turned and moved back into the trees, though he did not lift his tail in that flag of warning. Instead he simply crossed over the hill, out of sight.

The doe behind him never saw me.

Sunday, September 07, 2014

I Lose That Discussion Every Time

From Sunday Stealing


A. What are your favorite smells?

Ah, the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven, the smell in the air as the rain starts over the mountain and down the valley, and the scent of my fellow immediately after a shower.
B. Can you go a whole day without caffeine?

I go every day without caffeine, except for whatever might be in chocolate.
C. Who knows more about you than anyone else?

My significant other, I suppose.
D. What song did you last listen to?

Here's to you, Mrs. Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you could know, whoa whoa whoa!
E. Do you have a crush on anybody?

I've been married for almost 31 years. What do you think? My husband would say I have a crush on Legolas as played by Orlando Bloom in Lord of the Ring and Hobbit movies. I don't much care for Bloom in other movies, though.
F. Do you like The Beatles?

She loves you, yeah yeah yeah!
G. If you could choose one color to wear for a whole year, what color would you choose?

H. Do you cook often?

Every darned day, well, almost.
I. What was the last film you watched? Did you like it?

The Replacements, with Keanu Reeves. It is one of my husband's favorites. I like parts of it okay.
J. Can you sew?

I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan! And I can put a button on your G-D pants!
K. What is your favorite fruit?

I like fruit cocktail with cherries in it. I know that is not a specific fruit but that is my favorite.
L. Are you health conscious?

I'm overweight and on a bazillion drugs. I try very hard to be health conscious but I was raised on bologna and mayo sandwiches and exercise consisted of feeding the chickens, not jogging down the lane. I'm over 50 and I still can't get the hang of taking care of myself.
M. What is your middle initial?

One of these letters of the alphabet.
N. Do you curse a lot?

You're G-D right I do, you @$@#$%#@@@#$%%$.
O. When was the last time you had a beer?

About 30 years ago. I might swear like a sailor, but I don't drink alcohol.

P. Are you pro sports fan?

No. I like the Olympics. Does that count?
Q. Is there a certain food you often crave for no reason?

Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate.
R. What was the last book you purchased?

Walden, by Henry David Thoreau. I found it for free and downloaded it on the Kindle.
S. Where was your last vacation?

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina (2 years ago now)
T. Do you share your fries?

I don't eat fries very often, but I would share if I were asked politely.
U. Did you ever play seven minutes in heaven?

I don't even know what that is.
V. Girls, when was the last time you went out without a bra? Guys, when was the last time you went shirtless in public?

Recently, and that's as specific as I shall get.

W.  What's the longest you've gone "unplugged"?

The first 35 years of my life.

X. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, how did it happen?

I fell in the basement at my grandmother's house and broke my wrist when I was 11. I cracked a rib when I fell off a pony at the age of 9. In my 30s, I broke a bone in my ankle when I stepped in a hole in the field.
Y. How do you like your eggs?

Z. What was your last argument about and with whom?

With my husband over something that I've been asking him to fix for the last 25 years. It's still broken so obviously I lose that discussion every time. It's what old married people do.

Saturday, September 06, 2014

Saturday 9: Roar

Saturday 9: Roar(recommended by Cat)

If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.

1) The lyrics begin with Katy singing about when she used to "hold her tongue." Tell us about a time when you didn't speak up, but wish you had.

A. The world is so full of injustice that I'm afraid thousands of us could scream from the rooftops and no one would hear. I've been out of circulation for a while so I can't really recall any specific incidents when I should have spoken out, but didn't. In the past there were many times when I personally wanted to say something but did not because I felt like my role as a journalist required me to remain in a neutral and unbiased position. I don't do that so much anymore. I'm older and I think I have a right to my opinion just like every one else, regardless of what I do for a living.

Oh wait, I am having yet another run-in with my local humongous health care provider (not my family doctor). I should have told off the little minion on the phone Friday morning who couldn't be bothered to answer my question or even take a message, but I refrained.

2) The lyrics mention both lions and tigers. In addition to the big cats, the video shows a monkey and an elephant. If we were going to the zoo today, which animal would you want to see first?

A. The panda bears, if they have them.

3) Lions and tigers are carnivores. If we were having steak for dinner, would you order it rare, medium or well done?

A. Medium-rare.

4) Lots of photos are snapped at the zoo. Did you take your last picture with a camera or with your phone?

A. A camera. I seldom use the camera on my phone. I have a camera on my Kindle Fire and I have yet to figure out how to use it. 

5) The "Roar" video takes place in the jungle. The average temperature all year around in the rainforest is a humid 80º. The typical September day in Juneau is 49º, dry and sunny. Which sounds more comfortable?

A. I live in the south; I am used to humid. But I'd like dry and about 75 degrees with a slight breeze.

6) In her youth, Katy took dance lessons at the local recreation hall in Santa Barbara. Crazy Sam took tap dance lessons as a girl, too. What about you? Were you sent off to dance class? Music lessons? Art class?

A. I took piano lessons  privately and flute lessons in band class. I also took guitar lessons privately after I was old enough to drive.

7) Katy recently passed Justin Bieber as the most followed person on Twitter. What's the last message you re-tweeted?

A. I don't tweet. However, on Facebook I passed along some advertising for the local farmer's market.

8) Congratulations! You just won the lottery! Do you want it in a lump sum, or would you prefer payments over the next 25 years?

A. Depends on the amount. If it's $1 million, all of it now. It's $25 million, then I'd take the payments. I think I could get by on $1 million a year, even after taxes.

9) Did you get 8 hours sleep last night?

A. Apparently not, as I woke up feeling like I'd been eaten by a dragon and then spit out as being inadequate for his breakfast.


Friday, September 05, 2014

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Thursday Thirteen

1. The principle that they would instill into government if they succeed in seizing power is well shown by the principles which many of them have instilled into their own affairs: autocracy toward labor, toward stockholders, toward consumers, toward public sentiment. Autocrats in smaller things, they seek autocracy in bigger things. "By their fruits ye shall know them."

2. If these gentlemen believe, as they say they believe, that the measures adopted by this Congress and its predecessor, and carried out by this Administration, have hindered rather than promoted recovery, let them be consistent. Let them propose to this Congress the complete repeal of these measures. The way is open to such a proposal.

3. Let action be positive and not negative. The way is open in the Congress of the United States for an expression of opinion by yeas and nays. Shall we say that values are restored and that the Congress will, therefore, repeal the laws under which we have been bringing them back? Shall we say that because national income has grown with rising prosperity, we shall repeal existing taxes and thereby put off the day of approaching a balanced budget and of starting to reduce the national debt? Shall we abandon the reasonable support and regulation of banking? Shall we restore the dollar to its former gold content?

4. Shall we say to the farmer, "The prices for your products are in part restored. Now go and hoe your own row?"

5. Shall we say to the home owners, "We have reduced your rates of interest. We have no further concern with how you keep your home or what you pay for your money. That is your affair?"

6. Shall we say to the several millions of unemployed citizens who face the very problem of existence, of getting enough to eat, "We will withdraw from giving you work. We will turn you back to the charity of your communities and those men of selfish power who tell you that perhaps they will employ you if the Government leaves them strictly alone?"

7. Shall we say to the needy unemployed, "Your problem is a local one except that perhaps the Federal Government, as an act of mere generosity, will be willing to pay to your city or to your county a few grudging dollars to help maintain your soup kitchens?"

8. Shall we say to the children who have worked all day in the factories, "Child labor is a local issue and so are your starvation wages; something to be solved or left unsolved by the jurisdiction of forty-eight States?" (Ed. note: There are 50 states now.)

9. Shall we say to the laborer, "Your right to organize, your relations with your employer have nothing to do with the public interest; if your employer will not even meet with you to discuss your problems and his, that is none of our affair?"

10. Shall we say to the unemployed and the aged, "Social security lies not within the province of the Federal Government; you must seek relief elsewhere?"

11. Shall we say to the men and women who live in conditions of squalor in country and in city, "The health and the happiness of you and your children are no concern of ours?"

12. Shall we expose our population once more by the repeal of laws which protect them against the loss of their honest investments and against the manipulations of dishonest speculators? Shall we abandon the splendid efforts of the Federal Government to raise the health standards of the Nation and to give youth a decent opportunity through such means as the Civilian Conservation Corps?

13. Members of the Congress, let these challenges be met. If this is what these gentlemen want, let them say so to the Congress of the United States. Let them no longer hide their dissent in a cowardly cloak of generality. Let them define the issue. We have been specific in our affirmative action. Let them be specific in their negative attack.

From Franklin D. Roosevelt: "Annual Message to Congress," January 3, 1936. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/?pid=15095.

   Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here. I've been playing for a while and this is my 359th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday.

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

The Mushroom Has Landed

Monday, September 01, 2014

Shedding Velvet

The stags are beginning to shed the velvet covering on their antlers, exposing the hard bone. I was lucky enough to see one with the strips hanging from his antlers in the back yard Saturday. It's not something I have seen often. It is a little messy but hopefully not too gross.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

It's a "Lifestyles" Blog

From Sunday Stealing

Blogging Meme 

Q. What kind of blog do you have?

A. I call it a "lifestyles" blog. I started it back in 2006 to have a creative outlet that differed from newspaper writing, and also to serve as a drafting board for the lifestyle columns I was writing for the local paper at the time.

Q. How many posts do you have?

A. I have 2,518 published posts, and 53 unpublished ones.

Q. How many blogs do you follow?

A. It varies depending on time and interests. I try to visit the blogs of those who comment.

Q. How many followers do you have?

A. I have 85 followers on the Google followers link, but I average about 450-500 visits weekly. 

Q. How often do you change your theme?

A. If you mean the header, I change it about 6 times a year. Usually when the seasons change. It's about time for a change to Autumn. 

Q. How often do you change your icon?

A. That picture of me is about two years old now. If somebody ever takes a decent photo of me, I will use a more current one.

Q. Do you have any favorite blogs?

A. Yes. 

Q. Do you ever send anonymous messages to other people?

A. No. I post under CountryDew, but anyone can look over my blog and figure out who I am.

Q. Do you ever get anon hate? 

A. Occasionally.

Q. Have you made any friends through your blog?

A. I have! Several local bloggers are now my friends. And there are some bloggers I am friends with on Facebook and they feel more like friends than, well, my friends. 

Q. What’s your favorite thing about blogging?

A. It makes me think and it has given me the opportunity meet people I otherwise might not have. Blogging has allowed me an outlet that I greatly enjoy.

Q. What’s your least favorite thing about blogging?

A. Those anonymous trolling comments are frustrating sometimes.


Saturday, August 30, 2014

The Story Was Incomplete

Saturday 9: All Night Long (All Night)

(because Lia asked for an 80s song)

If you're not familiar with today's song, you can hear it here.

1) This music video was produced by Mike Nesmith of The Monkees. Can you name a Monkees song?

A. Hey Hey we're the Monkees . . . although I think they also did The Last Train to Clarksville.

2) The song includes the foreign sounding phrases, "Oh jambali Tom bo li d, say de moi ya," and "Oh, Jambo Jumbo!" Mr. Richie meant to include language indigenous to the Caribbean, but was writing the song under deadline and simply made those phrases up instead. Tell about the most recent time you cheated or "cut corners."

A. While writing an article recently, I was unable to get a source to talk, and I finally gave up and went with what I had. I knew it would mean the story was incomplete but it was the best I could do.

3) Richie was a frat boy at college. Kappa Kappa Psi, to be exact. Were you a member of a fraternity or sorority? 

A. I was not, exactly. I went through my college's "adult" program, though it was the same degree as traditional-aged undergrads. My senior year they instituted an honor group for older students, and I was elected to that. Unfortunately, the name of it escapes me at the moment.

4) When this song topped the charts (September 1983), Vanessa Williams became the first African American to be crowned as Miss America. Do you watch beauty pageants?

A. No. I do, however, have a young niece who has been crowned Little Miss multiple times, and I have gone to some of her events to watch and support her.

5) Since it's Labor Day weekend, that holiday established to
celebrate the American worker, let's talk about the workplace. Tellers work in a bank, actors work on a stage or a set, auto workers work on an assembly line. How would you describe your workplace?

A. A desk and a computer.

6) An estimated 40% of us have dated a coworker. Have you ever had an office romance?

A. No.

7) Labor Day is a big weekend for travel. How did you book your last vacation? (Online, through a travel agent, over the phone . . .)

A. My last vacation was in 2012. I think I did it online but am not sure. When I booked a hotel for my recent visit to a hospital in North Carolina, I did it online.

8) Mother Winters won't wear white again now until next Memorial Day. Sam thinks that's just crazy. Where do you fall in this heated mother/daughter debate?

A. I wear white sneakers year round. I really don't pay attention to fashion and never have. I wear blue jeans, a T-shirt, and sneakers most of the time, and put on a sweater when it gets cold. 

9) When you look at back on Summer 2014, what will you remember?

A. How my husband caught his arm and hand in the hay baler, and how I had to race him to the hospital, and how lucky he was that yesterday he was able to return to his job as a battalion chief at the city fire department (light duty for a while) because of the excellent care he received. He was very fortunate to have a good surgeon on call the day he was injured. Also, we spent nearly two months together because of his accident.  Even though we've been married nearly 31 years, this was the longest stretch of time we've ever had with one another without a break. It was an interesting look at how retirement might go, and I think we need to build another room onto the house so he can have some place to watch TV where I won't have to hear it. We have a very small home and at the least he is going to need a workshop or some place else to go sometimes.