Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birds. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Bird on a Roof

I came home from physical therapy Monday to find this bird on the roof of my house. I had no idea what it was. The consensus on Facebook is that it is a pigeon. We don't have pigeons like this around here normally; we have small brown birds that we call pigeons, but this was rather big and had lots of interesting markings.

It also seemed rather tame. After a while it flew away, but then I later found it (or another like it) in my driveway down near my mailbox. It would not move so I attempted to shoe it off, and it went under the car. Finally it went to the side and watched me drive by.

City bird lost in the country? Carrier pigeon with a private message for me? I have no idea.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Geese on the Pond

Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Pileated Woodpecker

Friday, March 14, 2014

A Hawk

I took these photos on March 5. I spied the hawk out my window, as in the first shot. We still had snow on the ground. I slipped outside, managed a shot or two, and the bird flew a little further away.
When I downloaded them I was disappointed that the close-up was blurred.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Recent Bird Photos

I spied the bird above out the back window, snapped this shot, then hurried outside to attempt a better one. But the bird - a huge creature - flew off before I could grab another shot. I think it is an owl of some kind, though it was daytime. 

This is a hawk.

These are vultures. They love the tree in front of the house.

The day I shot these, they filled two trees.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Little black specs in the air.

Flying, circling.

Do I need to check the cows? No, they are on the other side of the farm.

But this is the dance of the dead things.

The waltz of the meat eaters as they smell out the carrion.

A dead deer along the road, not hit by a car but shot, we find.

Left for the vultures to take what they may.

Leaving us to watch the specs in the sky.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Red-Bellied Woodpecker