1. Are you single?
A. I am happily married. I have been married for 41 years and counting.
2. Are your parents still married?
A. My mother died in 2000. My father remarried in 2007, and he and my stepmother are still married.
3. Are you in love?
A. I am in love with my husband, yes. I wouldn't have been here for 41 years if I wasn't.
4. Do you believe in love at first sight?
A. I think you know when you meet people whether or not you will be friends (or lovers). Some people you meet simply click with you. My husband and I clicked when we first met. I knew within a few weeks that we would marry.
5. Who ended your last relationship?
A. I don't have a last relationship that ended, outside of friends dying. I married when I was 20 and I wasn't serious about anyone before I met my husband.
6. Have you ever been hurt by a break up?
A. Oh, I'm sure my little heart was broken in elementary school by some boy or another, but that's part of growing up.
7. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
A. Probably.
8. Have you ever had a secret admirer?
A. I have never had a secret admirer that I know of. Wouldn't the person not be secret if I knew about it?
9. Do you prefer love or lust?
A. I prefer love.
10. Do you prefer a few best friends or many regular friends?
A. I tend to only have a few friends. I'm fairly introverted and shy, although some people think my shyness is "being stuck up."
11. Would you prefer a wild night out or romantic night in?
A. I would prefer a romantic night in.
12. Back in the day: were you ever caught sneaking out?
A. No, I was never caught sneaking out. I ran away from home once and was picked up by the police, but that wasn't sneaking out.
13. Have you ever wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
A. I have only ever wanted to be loved so badly it hurt.
14. Who are/is your best friend(s)?
A. I have several close female friends, but my husband is my best friend.
15. Have you ever wanted to disappear?
A. I have wanted to disappear very badly.
16. What are you first attracted to, someone's smile or their eyes?
A. I think I am first attracted to a smile and then eyes. If someone is frowning, I move on.
17. Do you prefer intelligence or attraction?
A. I take this question to mean do I prefer looks over intelligence. I prefer intelligence.
18. What was the last phone call you received?
A. The last phone call I received was from my father.
19. What was the last thing you drank?
A. The last thing I drank was water.
20. Before your current one, when was your last relationship?
A. My last relationship was so long ago that it does not matter.
21. Do you and your family get along?
A. My family and I have a truce of sorts. It is up to them as to whether it holds.
22. Would you say you have a "screwed up life"?
A. I would say I have lived a different sort of life than many people, since I have lived in a rural area all of my life, and I did not go into the corporate world.
23. Have you ever gotten kicked out somewhere? If yes, do tell.
A. I was kicked out of an optometrist's office once. I had taken him a pair of glasses to have new lenses installed, and I don't know what he did, but the frames were a different color when I picked them up. I argued with him that they weren't my frames (the frames I took in were brown, the ones I picked up were pinkish brown) and he dismissed me. When I continued to argue, he threw me out. I was so mad that I turned him into the state Department of Regulations, which licenses business professionals in my state. They even held a hearing about it in Richmond. I did not go, but they sent me a copy of the letter they sent to him, which admonished him to be more mindful of his customers concerns. I never went back there.
24. Do you trust all your friends?
A. I trust most of them. I have a few I am careful with.
25. Who knows the most about you?
A. My husband.
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