Thursday, March 20, 2025

Thursday Thirteen

This week is Sunshine Week, a time when news organizations and others who are interested in freedom of information about the government at all levels, try to shine a light on the issue. Below are resources anyone can use to find out what's going on. From: Freedom of Information – Sunshine Week.

A non-profit collaborative news site that provides tools to keep our government transparent and accountable, Muckrock offers dozens of freedom of information guides, tips and flowcharts that range from beginner to intermediate to expert.

The Society for Professional Journalists FOI Resources
Includes links to stories, websites and document-driven ideas you can use in your own community. 

SPJ’s step-by-step guide on FOI
If you’re unfamiliar with FOI laws, need help submitting a records request or simply don’t know where to start, this guide can help.

SPJ How to Conduct an Audit ToolKit
Details on how to perform an audit to monitor government compliance with freedom of information laws.

Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Of particular note are the:
First Amendment Handbook
Open Government Guide (by state)
Open Courts Compendium

National Freedom of Information Coalition
This nonpartisan alliance of state open government groups publishes state FOI news and other resources. It also maintains a listserv, used by open government experts, as well as novices seeking help in accessing public records

Federal Freedom of Information Act resources. Maintained by the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, with contributions from The FOIA Project at TRACMuckRockThe National Security ArchiveFOIA MapperProject on Open Government and users like you.

First Amendment Coalition
Their Asked & Answered database is helpful. 

New England First Amendment Coalition
They offer a FOI Guide to states in New England and public records law video tutorials.

Ashley’s Totally Basic FOIA Tutorial (Full Frontal with Samantha Bee.)

I used to use FOIA resources all the time when I was a news reporter.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 899th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. This is very interesting! I had no idea some of these existed. I refer to the New England site on occasion.

  2. I've not heard of any of these. I use google for second and third sources a lot.


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