Thursday, February 06, 2025

Thursday Thirteen

1. We woke this morning to the sound of thunder. How far off, I lay and wondered. I counted to 8 from a lightning flash and then rolled back over and went back to sleep.

2. We also have ice on the trees, and it rained. I don't know how much because we have the rain gauge inside the house to keep it from freezing and breaking.

3. I cannot stop reading the news, and my husband is upset with me because the news does nothing but upset me. I don't know how anyone could not be upset with the current situation in the federal government. Do people want to lose their benefits? How are they going to keep mom in the nursing home? Do they want disabled people out begging in the streets? How are the schools, police, firefighters - you name it - going to function? Do they want a South African certified fruitcake to have access to all of their financial information, including where they live, their date of birth, Social Security number? WTH? This is so sad. And scary. But some people are cheering them on. The racist and misogynistic bastards. Look what they've done! USA Today says it's time to panic.

4. I am trying to work on my taxes, but I keep thinking, "Why am I doing this? This is not my government anymore." What is the point?

5. My ears are ringing terribly today. It sounds like crickets chirping, a million of them, all singing in my ears. I think it is the weather. Some days it is not this bad. Today it is bad.

6. The cold that I took on in early January is still with me, only now it seems to have settled into an upper respiratory version of bronchitis. I see my doctor again next week for a regular checkup. If I am still sick, hopefully she will have some suggestion or something else to try. Two antibiotics and a steroid pack didn't fix it.

7. A friend told me some weeks ago that I should go to bed for three days and then I would be better, but I did not do that. I'm not very good at resting.

8. I am unplugging my Alexas. I enjoy them but I don't trust them now. I am not sure what to do about my smart phone or the iPad. Keep them turned off, I guess. That defeats the purpose of having them, though.

9. Now I need to buy an alarm clock, because I was using Alexa for my morning alarm.

10. I also used her to play music before bedtime. When I was teenager, I used to fall asleep to the sounds of Bread on my record player. After I got Alexa, I started doing that again when my husband was a work. Now I listen to Bread just before he comes to bed to try to relax.

11. My brain never stops, or so it seems. I used to think everyone thought all the time, but apparently not. From articles I have read, I overthink and have a restless mind, and when my husband says, "I'm not thinking of anything" when I ask him, he really isn't thinking of anything. I am always thinking of something. It's very noisy in my head. And it's not just the sound of crickets in my ears, either.

12. This is one of those Thursday Thirteens that to me make no sense, but I think there's a common thread in there somewhere. Or multiple threads.

13. I wish everyone was happy. It would help the world, I think. We have too many mean people wandering around.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 893rd time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.

1 comment:

  1. For a time I would check the Weather Bug app. It would always have where the nearest lightining strike was. Even with no clouds in the sky I'd be surprised by lightining closer than I expected.

    I can't believe what they're doing in DC. I mean, how are we not all up in arms? It's insane. And some people are actually happy about this? They really don't understand. That's the only thing I can think.


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