Thursday, September 12, 2024

Thursday Thirteen

It's another free-for-all Thursday 13! I have nothing in my brain to write out, so here we go with a little freewheeling thinking.

1. The "Top Ten" music show on AXIOS had a "200 top songs" from the 1970s countdown. I disagreed with a lot of the top 20. They had Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen as the number 1. I don't know what they used for their criteria for top songs.

2. I listen to a lot of 1970s music because that's the era I was a teen in. Once I figured out I could turn the dial on the radio in my bedroom, I got off of that country stuff my parents listened to and was Top 40 with Casey Kasem all the way.

3. My husband, on the other hand, listens to hard rock. His bands are AC/DC, ZZ Top, and the Rolling Stones. Our record collection looks freaky, because we kept our old albums. So, he has all of these hard rock albums and I have The Captain and Tenille.

4. The other day I was sitting at the computer working and I started humming Christmas carols. When I realized what I was doing, I stopped. It's far too early for that!

5. There aren't many Halloween songs. Monster Mash is one. Flying Purple People Eater is a possibility. Perhaps the best one is Michael Jackson's Thriller. It helps to have the video with that one.

6. I have read thousands of books, magazine, and newspaper articles over my lifetime. Most stories are forgettable. I read one book when I was about 20 that involved a heroine who was in a car crash. She was a concert pianist and when she realized the car was going to wreck, she put her hands into her lap to protect them so she could continue to play. But she ended up hitting her head and so she couldn't play anyway. I don't know why that has stuck with me. Maybe because I thought it was not a smart thing to do but I understood why she did it.

7. Changing gears now. What do people do with the little bits of leftover bar soap? I keep them but I don't know what to do with them. It seems a waste to throw them out. Sometimes I smush them together and when it's a big enough blob I use it at the sink to wash my hands, but that can get messy. There must be a real solution to this. No, I haven't searched for an answer, it just popped into my head.

8. Monday, we received our 9th notification of a data breach. That's one a month for this year. Some of these have been healthcare billing companies that we knew nothing about. How do you keep your data safe when you don't even know your dentist or doctor uses a different billing company?

9. We also received a notice from the Pennsylvania Turnpike people that we owed them money for being on the turnpike. Except we have never been on a Pennsylvania Turnpike. And we haven't been out of Virginia since 2019. It's a real notice, I checked, but the license plate is actually an Arizona license plate, not a Virginia one.

10. Everything has gotten hard. I don't know if that is age, society, or just life in general, but it seems like everything is much harder than it needs to be. Even going to the grocery store creates anxiety anymore.

11. Speaking of groceries, I cannot find good grapes. I bought some about a month ago - they were Welch's - and they were really good. I bought some more of the same brand on Tuesday, and they are awful. I know some people taste test grapes before they buy them, but I never do that. They haven't been washed and who knows what is on them.

12. Thursday really snuck up on me this week. I thought it was Wednesday which is why I'm trying to get out something that is completely disconnected in thought. Sometimes the days just go really fast. Time really does go by quickly as you age.

13. I never thought I would live this long. When I was younger, I thought if I made it to 30 it would be a miracle. And then I made 30. At some point, I stopped worrying about it. I think that happened after my mother died.


Thursday Thirteen is played by lots of people; there is a list here if you want to read other Thursday Thirteens and/or play along. I've been playing for a while, and this is my 874th time to do a list of 13 on a Thursday. Or so sayth the Blogger counter, anyway.


  1. I started humming a Christmas song too and it surprised me! I miss my old record album collection that I lost in a divorce. Everything IS hard. I'm an on and off switch kind of person.

  2. #13--I am the very same, also because my mum passed away when I was young. It's why I make such a big deal of my birthday.

  3. I can never keep track of what day of the week it is. That's why I write all my posts on Sunday and schedule them. I always have some song stuck in my head, but I have a real aversion to Christmas carols. This is a trauma response to my days working for the evil toy store, now defunct.


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