Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday 9: Minute by Minute

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) It's easier to keep track of the minutes if your timepiece has a second hand. As you answer these questions, are you wearing a watch, or can you see a clock that has a second hand?

A. I am wearing a watch with a second hand. I also have a clock above my desktop, but it does not have a second hand.

2) In this song, Michael McDonald admits he knows his girl has lied to him. Do you suspect any one of your friends/family has fibbed to you recently?

A. I imagine so. My husband is not good about telling me how he received those cuts and bruises, for example. "I just hit it on something," he says, without telling me he was probably doing something semi-dangerous that maybe he shouldn't have been attempting.

3) McDonald's big break came in 1973 when he joined Steely Dan's touring band. What do you consider your first professional success?

A. My first professional success occurred when I had my first article with a byline printed in The Fincastle Herald in 1984. You can see it here, if you want. I recently ran across it.

4) In 1975 he joined The Doobie Brothers. He was originally supposed to be a temporary replacement for Tom Johnston, but he ended up working with the band uninterrupted for seven years. Tell us about something that's happened to you that turned out better than you anticipated.

A. I will have to think about this one. I stay home so much anymore that it's hard to come up with something.

5) In 1986, he guest starred on an episode of The Young and The Restless. Have you ever been hooked on a daytime drama?

A. I watched Dark Shadows when I wasn't supposed to. Later I started watching the Guiding Light during a job layoff, but that ended when I went back to work.

6) Michael and wife Amy raised their family near Nashville, where they had their own pond and a garden they lovingly tended. Do you enjoy yard work?

A. I don't enjoy it now as much as I used to. My allergies are worse and my body is worse, too.

7) In 1979, when "Minute by Minute" was popular, movie star John Wayne died. In 2004, the US Postal Service honored him with a stamp. What was in the last envelope you stamped and dropped in a mailbox?

A. Cards for some relatives who are having birthdays.

8) In 1979, the most popular new car was the Oldsmobile Cutlass. Ads promised drivers the Cutlass could make it easy to get in and out of tight parking spots. Are you good at parallel parking?

A. I am not especially good at parallel parking, no, and will go out of my way to not do it.

9) Random question: Did you know your great-grandparents?

A. Apparently, I knew my great-grandfather, who died in 1969 when I was six years old. I remember absolutely nothing about him, though. His first name was Elkanah, which I find a gob smacking sort of name. I may have met my great grandfather on my father's side when I was about the same age. We went to Florida to see somebody like that. I don't remember much about that, either.


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 


  1. I once wanted to be a writer. I wrote a lot of poems. That is neat that you got paid for your writing. Elkanah is mentioned in the Old Testament book of first Samuel and was the husband of Hannah and father of the prophet Samuel. Samuel anointed King David who is in the line of Jesus. Do you have a creek on your property like the one shown in your header?

    1. We have a creek on our property, but it is not that creek.

  2. #3 I had an article printed with my byline. It was in an article in the CT NASW newsletter.
    #6 I don’t have allergies but a heavy of lawn clipping can send me off on a sneezing spree. I was stopped at an intersection with a traffic cop. As I was sitting there they were mowing the lawn, the lawn mower made a nearby pass and my nose opened up. One sneeze after another, my nose started to run, and my eyes were all watery. When the cop looked at me I must have looked horrible because he stopped traffic and motioned to proceed. I don’t know but to me it seemed like he felt sorry for me.

  3. I forgot about Dark Shadows! I guess maybe because it was so different from all other soaps. Joan Bennett, who played matriarch Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, had a big movie career in the 1940s and she turns up in our classic movie group films all the time. Her voice had a unique cadence and whenever I hear it, it takes me back to Collinwood.


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