Saturday, September 28, 2024

Saturday 9: Cool Night

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, Paul Davis invites his old girlfriend to "come on over tonight." Have you more recently extended or received an invitation?

A. Does asking my husband to go to the grocery store with me count? Otherwise, I guess I last received an invitation to my parents' house when my cousins were in from out of state.

2) He tells her she doesn't have to commit to any plans. Do you like having a schedule ahead of you with things to do delineated? Or do you prefer to see how your days naturally unfold?

A. My days are just days anymore, and I think I would prefer a productive sort of schedule.

3) He wants them to cuddle by the fire. Will tonight be a cool night where you are?

A. I'm writing this on Thursday, and we are expecting the remnants of Hurricane Helene to come through sometime late this night or early morning.

4) A quiet night in front of the fireplace is likely how Paul Davis spent many evenings. When he died in 2008, his best friend remembered him as a quiet man, "a homebody" who liked staying up late into the night enjoying conversation and music with friends. Describe your perfect evening.

A. A good book, a little TV or music in the background, a blanket around me, and a hot chocolate. A little bit of hot lovin' with my man later in the night.

5) Mr. Davis also enjoyed playing pool and golf. Do you have a liking for either of those games?

A. I play pool fairly decently, though it has been a long time since I played. I do not play golf.

6) When he retired from music, Paul Davis returned to Meridian, MS, the town where he was born and grew up. Since we Americans can be a nomadic lot, let's find out: Is the town where you were born the same place where you spent most of your growing up years?

A. I live close to where I spent my growing up years. I'm about six miles away.

7) In 1981, when Paul Davis was a hit, so were The Rolling Stones with "Start Me Up." What's your favorite Rolling Stones' song?

A. Miss You.

8) Also in 1981, Snoopy was all the rage, with kids and adults alike. You could buy Snoopy magnets, pencils, pencil sharpeners, note pads ... even a Snoopy bulletin board. If today we went shopping for office supplies, what would you pick up?

A. Post-It notes, scrap paper, notebooks, Pilot G-2 05 ink pens, paper clips.

9) Random question: In a biopic of your life, who would play your mom and dad?

A. Oh, what a great question. Elizabeth Taylor would play my mother and Elvis Presley would play my father.

My mother & father. Don't they look
like Liz & Elvis?


I encourage you to visit the posts of other participants in Saturday 9 and leave a comment. Because there are no rules, it is your choice. Saturday 9 players hate rules. We love memes, however. 

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