Sunday, May 05, 2024

Sunday Stealing

1. Who is your best friend and why? What do you like to do together?

A. My husband is my best friend, but I also have some female friends of whom I am especially fond. We have similar interests and enjoy each other's company.

2. What is your town like? What are your favorite places to go?

A. I don't live in a town. I live in a rural area. We have farmland around us, although there are five houses visible to me. I see cows, deer, turkey, bear, raccoons, squirrels, hawks, various birds, and other critters from time to time. I don't see many people. The seasons change right outside the window; I can watch the trees go from dead to bud to full leaf, see the sky turn from light blue to sunny summer darker blue, see the haze of a hot August, watch the snow fall. 

3. What is your favorite meal? Where and when do you eat it?

A. I don't know that I have a favorite meal. I like to eat baked spaghetti at the cafeteria sometimes.

4. What is your job like? What do you like about it?

A. I don't really have a job. I used to freelance, and I still do a little, but not enough. I liked the writing and editing that I did in the past and I'm pretty good at it. I like learning new things and writing offers that - an opportunity to always learn something new.

5. What is your favorite place to go on vacation?

A. I don't have a favorite place, really. Most of our vacations have been at Myrtle Beach, SC, but I would not be unhappy if we never went back there. I enjoyed Williamsburg when we went there, as well as touring Charleston, SC. I like places where I can learn history, eat a few good meals, and sleep in a good hotel room.

6. What country would you like to visit one day?

A. A long time ago, I wanted to go to Egypt to see the pyramids. But now I think I'd rather go to Scotland or Ireland.

7. What bores you the most?

A. I don't know that I find anything boring. I might find it trying, but there is usually something to learn in whatever I'm doing. Even the laundry.

8. What are you looking forward to this summer?

A. I am glad winter is over. I don't like the cold. I am looking forward to warmer days and seeing the trees all nice and full. I am looking forward to seeing the new fawns in June.

9. What is your favorite film?

A. The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King. It is the best of the three movies, although I like them all.

10. Do you sing in the shower?

A. Yes. This morning when I showered, I was singing Chevy Van. I have no idea why. But it seemed like a good shower song.

11. What is the best gift you’ve ever received?

A. Just having people love me is a wonderful gift. That's the best gift, having people care enough to want to spend time with me because they love me.

12. Do you prefer being indoors or outdoors? 

A. Indoors. I'm allergic to everything outside.

13. When was the last time you cried, and why?

A. Oh gosh, I don't know. It's been a while. 

14. What do you keep in your bag or handbag?

A. Stuff. A little hairbrush, an asthma inhaler, Dramamine and Benadryl (I get car sick), tissues, lip balm. Nothing out of the ordinary. 

15. Can you play a musical instrument?

A. Yes. I play guitar now. Long ago, I could play the flute, the saxophone, the guitar, the piano, the banjo, the accordion, the mandolin, and probably others I've forgotten. Oh, the ukelele. But mostly I stick with the guitar now.


I encourage you to visit other participants in Sunday Stealing posts and leave a comment. Cheers to all us thieves who love memes, however we come by them.


  1. I envy your musical prowess!

  2. I like being a librarian because I learn a lot. I liked Williamsburg. Chevy Van - I haven't thought of that song in decades!

  3. I wish I could learn to see the boring things in life as learning experiences.

  4. We've been to ireland and it is so beautiful!! Unless something happens to cancel, we will see the pyramids in October and I am so excited!!


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