Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Books: The Touch

The Touch
By Colleen McCullough
Copyright 2003
Read by Jenny Sterlin

Alexander Kinross, a nobody from Scotland, hits it big in Australia in the mining industry. He sends home for a wife and receives Elizabeth, a 16-year old distant cousin.

She hates him on site and love never blossom. Kinross is old fashioned and wants an heir. His wife has two difficult pregnancies and is advised to never have a third.

Both children are girls; the first, Nell, is learned and headstrong and exactly like her father, and the second, Anna, is brain damaged from a traumatic birth.

Elizabeth is not a very depth-filled character. She chooses to live out her unhappy lot as best she can. Life is difficult for her in spite of Alexander's unlimited wealth.

Alexander has a mistress, Ruby, whom Elizabeth grows fond of. This unnatural friendship keeps the book interesting.

Ruby has a son, Lee, whom Alexander hopes will take over his enterprise. Lee only has eyes for Elizabeth, however.

I'll leave you to guess what direction that takes.

The book is well-read, although it took a while to get used to the accent.

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