Friday, January 13, 2012

Cedar Waxwings

Cedar waxwings are small birds that live along woodland edges and near gardens. They have a high, thin call that sounds like zeee.

They are the bird with the yellow on them in these photos. The birds with orange tummies are robins; the black bird in the third photo is a starling.


  1. I have never seen that bird before. Looks like he's wearing a cute. Great shots too!

  2. Don't think I have ever seen one in our yard. Lots of chickadees, cardinals and bluebirds around our feeder this winter.

  3. You are doing a terrific job with your camera!! Very nice bird photos.

  4. Those Cedar Waxwings are unusual looking and quite beautiful! I've never seen one before. I have seen the Robins lately. In NY, we would never see a Robin before March. They are the bird that would herald in spring. So I think it's really cool to see them in the winter here.

  5. I love the red on the end of their wings. I've never seen one of these before.


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