Wednesday, March 17, 2010


According to the testing, I'm an INTJ in Myers Briggs. By one little point.

I wrote yesterday about my anticipation of the test results, suspecting that mine might have changed a letter. I was right. I tested as an INTP 20 years ago. I'm thinking that since I am INTJ by one point, I probably have a lot of the characteristics of an INTP, too.

The facilitator said personalities don't change, but that the test results might change based on what you are doing at the time you take the test. If you're sick or under stress or not thinking clearly for some reason, the test results may not be completely accurate.

Reading through the handout material that came along with my test, I think I may be beginning to realize where some of my questions about my life fall, and why they are there in the first place.

I may be living a little in opposition to my personality type (even if it is an INTP). I think with a few adjustments I can get things back on track.

This information says that an INTJ "must be ever improving. When thwarted in the quest, they can become critical and often depressed over the seeming stagnation."

And "ambitious plans may go unfulfilled if the INTJ falls into the trap of being seduced by the intellectual excitement of the plan without ever getting to the actual hands-on accomplishment. Such a dilemma sets them up for self-criticism, which leads, in turn to frustration and depression."

"The workplace is one more "system" that can be organized and improved. As such, assignments are undertaken with that underlying expectation. When improvements are not forthcoming, the INTJ may be subject to self-criticism."

This page offers up other traits of INTJs and suggests possible career paths (writing is not among them though it is in the materials I received in class). This page , which I am printing out, is probably a better one and it does list "writer" among the career paths.

Famous INTJs include Dwight Eisenhower, Alan Greenspan, Ulysses S. Grant, Stephen Hawking, John Maynard Keynes, Ayn Rand, Isaac Asimov, Lewis Carroll, Cormac McCarthy, Thomas Jefferson, and Sir Isaac Newton.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't taking tests like the Myers Briggs fun? I took one back in college as an undergrad Psych student and though I forget my results, I was facinated by it. I felt the results were pretty accurate. I really need to take it again now, just out of curiousity to see if I've changed.

    I think people do grow and their personalities, to a certain degree, can alter. Maybe not change but become different because of experience and time.

    There is a book called The Mind Test that is full of psych tests you can take and score yourself. I don't know if they still publish it but it's worth looking for. I also includes the Myers Briggs.


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